Trump's Ishtar!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a tale about teamwork intrigue (borrowed from comic books) I cooked up to meditate on the new age values relevant to the social temptations of our media-mired 'TrumpUSA.'

Does the capitalism-subjectivity and arguable consumerism-biases of President Trump start making you think about the leadership-glamour of our beautiful First Lady (Melania Trump)? This reminds me of the days of the cultural Jackie Kennedy spotlight.

There's no reason politics can't be...cinematic! After all, isn't the media 'pro-bohemian'? I'm not gonna let President Trump deflate my sense of...political punk rock.

This short-story was inspired by the politics-parody films Dave and Bulworth.

What do you think?


Snake-Eyes was thinking about how when he was training originally as a ninja in Nepal, his half-brother Storm-Shadow was his trusted ally and comrade even though they disagreed about the methods of governance and the profitability of linking capitalism to democracy. Now that Snake-Eyes was part of G.I. Joe (the paramilitary crusaders working for 'TrumpUSA') and Storm-Shadow was part of Cobra (the terrorism-method enemy of the G.I. Joes and students of Frantz Fanon), Snake-Eyes wondered how he would reconcile with this half-brother. Snake-Eyes read his Bible and meditated.

Meanwhile, a new team of idealistic American vigilantes known as the Terrific Trio (comprised of Spider-Man, Iceman, and Firestar) were making headlines as 'bohemian Bolsheviks' creating unusual forms of consumerism-optimism by responding to domestic terrorism threats against Starbucks branches across America. The Terrific Trio was presenting itself as a 'free love' based association (and Spider-Man and Iceman were both dating Firestar!). When Snake-Eyes read about the Terrific Trio in the newspapers, he started getting all kinds of creative ideas regarding reconciling with his half-brother Storm-Shadow.

SNAKE-EYES: We could learn from the Terrific Trio.
STORM-SHADOW: They're just 'temporary media celebrities' (like David Duke and Jeffrey Zaun)!
SNAKE-EYES: Not true. The Terrific Trio has something to teach America about teamwork...
STORM-SHADOW: Maybe. They do seem to exhibit a lot of enthusiasm about 'free love.'
SNAKE-EYES: I'd like to see Hollywood making a movie about them!
STORM-SHADOW: Charlize Theron (Firestar), Ben Affleck (Spider-Man), and Jame Franco (Iceman).
SNAKE-EYES: Those are perfect actors to portray the Terrific Trio. We could watch the movie together!
STORM-SHADOW: I don't know, Snake-Eyes. We've been enemies for so long now...
SNAKE-EYES: Isn't the *magic* of democracy the opportunity to think creatively about teamwork?
STORM-SHADOW: Well, that's what the Terrific Trio has everyone thinking at least...
SNAKE-EYES: Let's bet on the horse Arklow at this year's Kentucky Derby, and if he wins...
STORM-SHADOW: If he wins, you and I will help the Terrific Trio...together!
STORM-SHADOW: This will certainly go some ways in establishing some bridges with President Trump.
SNAKE-EYES: People think both G.I. Joe and Cobra are too 'independent' to be Trump's true 'brethren.'
STORM-SHADOW: Democracy can be linked to capitalism when teamwork becomes the main ideal!
SNAKE-EYES: We sound like we used to sound.
STORM-SHADOW: Let's just not get confused and start saying, "Firestar is very seductive!"




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