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Trump's lies only work on his Cult....Here's an example

Never forget CASTLE GRANDE....

Feds discover CASTLE GRANDE is a fraud, a "straw purchase"

Feds demand to know WHO IS THE ATTORNEY

Rose Law says "WE DON'T KNOW"

Hillary's billing records SUBPOENAED

Hillary claims SHE LOST her billing records

Hillary's billing records found in residence part of WH

Hillary's billing records show HILLARY BILLED for Castle Grande

Facing two years in prison, Hillary is saved when Chelsea's bio-daddy Webb Hubbell shows up and tells the court he did the work that Hillary billed for (a confession of BILLING FRAUD).

Hubbell gets two years in prison

Hillary walks out of courtroom, declares she is totally innocent, and Israeli owned "US" media agrees
RW pussies dished it out every day for 8 years on Obama AND STILL GOING .. not even two years in and theyre whining about bashing Trump.

hey idiots- you aint seen nothing yet :finger3:

Except for the nutjob birthers, objections were over policy and character issues.

Objections to trump are based mostly on conspiracy theories
Speaking for myself..My objections to Trump are on character issues and policy differences. I don't think he colluded with the Russians. I do believe that he is out of his depth in his current job...and I think he is making it up as he goes along--without giving a thought as to long-term consequences of his actions. As a fiscal conservative, I'm appalled by his apparent lack of economic knowledge. On the plus side...he may very well have Kim and NK sussed out..remains to be seen.

Then there is his character..or lack of it. No number of 'but Hillary' or 'but Obama' posts can erase the fact that Trump is ethically rotten on the inside--his sexual peccadilloes...his lying, often over little things...his habit of petty, vicious attacks--all speak to a person I'd not have in my house..or around my grand-kids.
That being said...a lot of my more 'over the top' posts have more to do with how much fun it is to mess with some of the more ardent believers here....it is amazing to watch some of the twisting and turning. How does one justify the unjustifiable? I live in Red State central..almost all of my friends and family are Trump voters. What is cool is that they don't try to justify Trump--as my Son-in-law--State Trooper LT.--said, "We had the choice between two deeply flawed candidates. We picked the least flawed, in our opinion. But no-one should be surprised that a flawed candidate brings flawed results. At the end of the day, our agenda is being better served by Trump than it would have been by Hillary...it's the best we could do."

Now THAT I can respect...might not agree...I still think Trump is a fraud and bad for America---but I have to respect honesty and the open acknowledgment of Trump's many flaws.
Yet they had no problem voting for a candidate with even worse comportment and temperament[/QUOTE]

Did it EVER dawn on your half brain that the above is strictly YOUR fucked up opinion???? Yes or No?
Yes you’re so content you have to start multiple threads on a practically daily basis whining about Trump. That just screams happy life

Well, we could write a whole bunch of threads about Trump's fat ass.........so, you're "right".....

You know, moron, that you DO have a choice of NOT spewing your inanities on these threads........Go on, ask your mommy if you have a choice.
I'm not convinced of that. Sec. Clinton never claimed to grab men by the penis. Sec. Clinton never paid off a porn star after an adulterous affair. Sec. Clinton did not say the White Natuonalists at Charlottesville "decent people". Sec. Clinton has never said the DBI and the DOJ were corrupt. Sec. Clinton never mocked the physical disabilities of a reporter. She never demeaned America's free press.

What about her temperament and comportment is worse than the huckster buffoon?


Oh, and by the way....ow many of these "businesses" (scams) was Hillary involved in.......(now watch these R-W morons bring up Uranium One as instructed by Hannity)....LOL

Trump Steaks
Go-Trump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Board Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)

There is little dispute that the term "spy-gate" was strictly a Trump idea, although he walks around stating that others are spewing it.......and beside his loyal cadre of ass kissers, no one else is repeating the term because it is downright moronic.....and here's why:

Dozens of reports exist that the FBI....based on the corrupt dealings of Trump acolytes like Manafort, Flynn, Papadapolous, Page, Gates, et al.........approached BOTH campaigns warning them that Russian thugs and money were trying to infiltrate and possibly recruit campaign staff members........Such reports go on to state that the FBI URGED the campaigns to quickly report any attempts, if indeed Russian approaches were made.

With the above in mind, what does the Trump entourage do???

Well, Manafort, Kushner and Donny-baby get a few emails (see below) and RATHER than following the crucial urging by the FBI to contact them about such approaches..........INSTEAD........host Russians right in those damn Trump Tower offices.

Any objective review of these incidences would clearly point out that the temptation to get dirt on Hillary from the Russians, "trumped" (pardon the expression) the ethical decency to follow the FBI's directives.......AND, foreseeing how truly corrupt their actions were, the trump team decides to attack (as their best defense) that the FBI had the gall to "SPY" on their corrupt practices.

This was based on the Trump acolytes' ARROGANCE and a screwed up sense that if you can cheat in business, why not also in politics?

For those who have forgotten......here's a copy of the email exchanges between Donny-baby and Goldstone.

The emails, below, were released by D. Trump Jr. from June, 2016 correspondence…..

Good Morning.

Emin just asked me to contact you with something very interesting. The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning, and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and could be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and it’s government’s support for Mr. Trump — helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this information to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so I wanted to send to you first.

Best, Rob Goldstone.

Donald Trump Jr. replies 15 minutes later …

Thanks Rob, I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Can we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

The crown prosecutor of Russia (General, Yuri Y. Chaika) is a position directly appointed by Vladimir Putin.

We may have noticed that NOT ONE........not ONE of these Right Wing dimwits with orange lips, have addressed the Trump LIE that he was a poor "victim" of a spying circle.........

Never mind that FIVE of his cute circle have pled guilty........The orange angel is being picked on and his flock of cult sheep MUST rise to his defense........IDIOTS.....
...the BBC's Paul Wood delivered another hard blow. In an impeccably sourced piece, Wood revealed this week that Cohen (along with the aforementioned Sater) worked illegally on behalf of Ukraine, adding "lobbyist" to his usual roles as the fixer for and conduit to Trump. The BBC reports that Cohen took a $400,000 to $600,000 payoff from Ukrainian interests without bothering the register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Oh, that Foreign Agents Registration Act. You know, the law that requires anyone doing paid work on behalf of a foreign government to register with the United States Department of Justice.

On Friday, one more piece of bad news ratcheted Cohen's stress level even higher when it was revealed that he met with Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch deeply tied to Putin, in January of 2017, just before Trump's inauguration.

The denials from Team Trump that they have anything to do with Russia, their assertions that they have no business in Russia, didn't collude with Russia, didn't coordinate with Russia, never borrowed money from Russians, didn't accept dirt on Hillary Clinton from Russia, don't know any Russians, have never met any Russians and have never heard of the country of Russia ring more hollow with every revelation.

The BBC reports that Cohen took a $400,000 to $600,000 payoff from Ukrainian interests without bothering the register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Oh, that Foreign Agents Registration Act. You know, the law that requires anyone doing paid work on behalf of a foreign government to register with the United States Department of Justice.

Did Bill or Hillary register as foreign agents when their "foundation" took millions in bribes from foreign governments?

Ethics 101...one person's bad acts do not in any way excuse another person's bad acts.

I agree, Bill and Hillary's illegal acts do not excuse any other illegal acts.
***chuckles*** So, why do you keep bringing them up? Thread is not about the Clinton's alleged wrongdoings...is it just deflection?

It appears that Cohen broke the law....do you agree/and do you believe that he should be prosecuted?

Or is it your belief that since the Right believes that the Clinton's got a pass..that he should get a pass?
Why does Hillary constantly bring up 'Russia'? The drunken bitch even used a Russian hat in one of ther last Trump-hate speech.
Nope. It’s actually quite sane to question what the media reports, and that includes Fox News and any other right-wing site as well as the obvious left-wing outlets like CNN and MSNBC. No one is safe from misinformation.

But go ahead and call me names. It’s what the ignorant (and immature) do best.

Trump called all Mexicans racists.

Obama had a scandal-free presidency.

Trump and Putin are BFFs.

Trump mocked a reporter’s disability

Trump admitted to being a rapist.

Trump hates women.

Trump hates minorities.

Trump is a white supremacist.

None of these things are true but people still believe them. There are lies floating around everywhere and sadly way too many people willing to believe them. Most of the hate out there for Trump is based on lies, ie false assumptions made by the anti-Trump media. He’s not perfect, but he’s also not the monster so many believe him to be.

A quick and incomplete review. Which of the following are true?

President Obama was not born in the United States.

Thousands of Muslims partied on rooftops as the World Trade Center fell.

Ted Cruz' father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

Millions of undocumented immigrants cast votes in the 2016 election costing Trump the popular vote.

The real scandal was the unmasking of witnesses.

The only collusion in the last election was between the Clinton campaign and Russia.

There is a 'Deep State' conspiracy to bring down Trump.

Lie after lie, yet there are still some who willingly believe them. Why?

What a nutjob.
Nope. It’s actually quite sane to question what the media reports, and that includes Fox News and any other right-wing site as well as the obvious left-wing outlets like CNN and MSNBC. No one is safe from misinformation

100% true....

The American people have never gotten the truth from the Israeli owned "US" media on at least the following

the USS Liberty
the 67 war
the Vietnam war
the Marines in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

Can anyone answer why "Osama" is wearing a US military uniform talking to Ziggy here???

LOL yeah why don’t you make this same little chart, only with Hillary Clinton and see what it looks like. Trump’s a businessman who has ties all over the world, so not really surprising he has Russian connections. It’s not surprising for Clinton to have Russian connections either btw, considering the power she and her husband have held.

If you think this chart means anything, I laugh!

i mean, how would he have known it was Russians..?? :laugh:


View attachment 195758
It’s called bias and people allowing theirs to dictate how they decide what’s true and what’s false. Hard core Trump supporters and Obama lovers are the same in that they will defend their guy no matter what and automatically deny any alleged wrongdoings. They will twist and twist and twist so in their minds their guy has done nothing wrong. I’ve seen it from both of these groups many times.

And Obamas lies only worked on his cult..
Maybe thats just called politics?
IDK maybe you could stop being a dumbfuck... maybe?
Trump never said white nationalists were decent people either. He said “both groups” were decent people and he was an idiot for doing so bc it gives his opposition more fodder for the anti-Trump fantasies.

Trump never mocked a reporter’s disability. He’s mocked more than just that reporter using the same movements, like Ted Cruz for instance. Ted Crus doesn’t have that particular disability, does he? That’s where this accusation and outright LIE by the media falls in the shitter, bc Trump has mocked others in the same exact way, including people who have no disabilities, let alone the same disabilities as that reporter—who, btw will forever be known as that “disabled reporter” bc of the media’s exploitation of him, and you just feed into it.

How many people do you suppose know the reporter by name? TRUMP DIDN’T MOCK HIS DISABILITY. He DID mock him, but mocking him isn’t the same as mocking his handicap, unless, that is, you’re unable to separate a person from their disability.

According to his bio, grandmother and half-brother, Obama was born in Kenya.

Give it a fucking rest, Frankie.......we know, we know you're an idiot; stop confirming it with every post.

I don't understand this DoubleThink on your part. You should proudly admit you got a Kenyan into the Oval Office! Why continue the Hawaiian birth farce? I give Soros and the Jihadists credit for getting a foreign born national into the White House. Same way I credit Stalin's spies with wrapping FDR around their little finger.

Stop living a lie Jake
You crack me up! You're ready willing and able to embrace debunked conspiracies while ignoring the obvious. Why? Because you cannot think beyond some reptilian brain inspired fear and resentment. That's why you peddle fear and resentment as defenses.

Clinton voters are 'butt hurt' over losing an election she was destined to win. Wrong. Clinton voters are upset about the comportment and temperament of the winner.

Obama was born in Kenya. Why? You cannot stomach the notion of a Black man sitting behind the Resolute Desk.

George Soros is actually the Wizard of Oz. Why? You cannot understand political dynamics and you want to excuse the political actions of your own billionaires, the Koch brothers.

Stalin owned FDR. Why? It is beyond your thinking that a president who accomplished as much and as spectacularly as Roosevelt would have a (D) behind his name.

Narrow and shallow. Not much to base thinking, on but there you are.

Yet they had no problem voting for a candidate with even worse comportment and temperament
I'm not convinced of that. Sec. Clinton never claimed to grab men by the penis. Sec. Clinton never paid off a porn star after an adulterous affair. Sec. Clinton did not say the White Natuonalists at Charlottesville "decent people". Sec. Clinton has never said the DBI and the DOJ were corrupt. Sec. Clinton never mocked the physical disabilities of a reporter. She never demeaned America's free press.

What about her temperament and comportment is worse than the huckster buffoon?
Also why would Hillary have issues with the press? Of course she’s never demeaned them! They protect her!

According to his bio, grandmother and half-brother, Obama was born in Kenya.

Give it a fucking rest, Frankie.......we know, we know you're an idiot; stop confirming it with every post.

I don't understand this DoubleThink on your part. You should proudly admit you got a Kenyan into the Oval Office! Why continue the Hawaiian birth farce? I give Soros and the Jihadists credit for getting a foreign born national into the White House. Same way I credit Stalin's spies with wrapping FDR around their little finger.

Stop living a lie Jake
You crack me up! You're ready willing and able to embrace debunked conspiracies while ignoring the obvious. Why? Because you cannot think beyond some reptilian brain inspired fear and resentment. That's why you peddle fear and resentment as defenses.

Clinton voters are 'butt hurt' over losing an election she was destined to win. Wrong. Clinton voters are upset about the comportment and temperament of the winner.

Obama was born in Kenya. Why? You cannot stomach the notion of a Black man sitting behind the Resolute Desk.

George Soros is actually the Wizard of Oz. Why? You cannot understand political dynamics and you want to excuse the political actions of your own billionaires, the Koch brothers.

Stalin owned FDR. Why? It is beyond your thinking that a president who accomplished as much and as spectacularly as Roosevelt would have a (D) behind his name.

Narrow and shallow. Not much to base thinking, on but there you are.

Yet they had no problem voting for a candidate with even worse comportment and temperament
I'm not convinced of that. Sec. Clinton never claimed to grab men by the penis. Sec. Clinton never paid off a porn star after an adulterous affair. Sec. Clinton did not say the White Natuonalists at Charlottesville "decent people". Sec. Clinton has never said the DBI and the DOJ were corrupt. Sec. Clinton never mocked the physical disabilities of a reporter. She never demeaned America's free press.

What about her temperament and comportment is worse than the huckster buffoon?
So you don’t care that you and your ilk are acting the exact same as the hysterical Obama haters acted?

RW pussies dished it out every day for 8 years on Obama AND STILL GOING .. not even two years in and theyre whining about bashing Trump.

hey idiots- you aint seen nothing yet :finger3:
Trump’s a businessman who has ties all over the world, so not really surprising he has Russian connections.

Moron......then WHY state this???......lol

Donald Trump: I have no business dealings in or with Russia | Watch ...
upload_2018-5-30_9-7-24.jpeg▶ 3:28
https://globalnews.ca/.../donald-trump-i-have-no-business-dealings...Jan 11, 2017
President-elect Donald Trump told reporters Wednesday that he unequivocally has no business dealings of ...
Missing: trumpi

Trump says 'I have nothing to do with Russia.' That's not exactly true
Trump says 'I have nothing to do with Russia.' That's not exactly true
Jan 11, 2017 - President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday at a news conference that he had no business relations with Russia, except that "I guess I sell ...
Missing: trumpi
Trump lies. I’ve no problem admitting that... or are you saying you believe him?

Trump’s a businessman who has ties all over the world, so not really surprising he has Russian connections.

Moron......then WHY state this???......lol

Donald Trump: I have no business dealings in or with Russia | Watch ...
View attachment 195882▶ 3:28
https://globalnews.ca/.../donald-trump-i-have-no-business-dealings...Jan 11, 2017
President-elect Donald Trump told reporters Wednesday that he unequivocally has no business dealings of ...
Missing: trumpi

Trump says 'I have nothing to do with Russia.' That's not exactly true
Trump says 'I have nothing to do with Russia.' That's not exactly true
Jan 11, 2017 - President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday at a news conference that he had no business relations with Russia, except that "I guess I sell ...
Missing: trumpi
Trump never said white nationalists were decent people either. He said “both groups” were decent people and he was an idiot for doing so bc it gives his opposition more fodder for the anti-Trump fantasies.

Trump never mocked a reporter’s disability. He’s mocked more than just that reporter using the same movements, like Ted Cruz for instance. Ted Crus doesn’t have that particular disability, does he? That’s where this accusation and outright LIE by the media falls in the shitter, bc Trump has mocked others in the same exact way, including people who have no disabilities, let alone the same disabilities as that reporter—who, btw will forever be known as that “disabled reporter” bc of the media’s exploitation of him, and you just feed into it.

How many people do you suppose know the reporter by name? TRUMP DIDN’T MOCK HIS DISABILITY. He DID mock him, but mocking him isn’t the same as mocking his handicap, unless, that is, you’re unable to separate a person from their disability.

Give it a fucking rest, Frankie.......we know, we know you're an idiot; stop confirming it with every post.

I don't understand this DoubleThink on your part. You should proudly admit you got a Kenyan into the Oval Office! Why continue the Hawaiian birth farce? I give Soros and the Jihadists credit for getting a foreign born national into the White House. Same way I credit Stalin's spies with wrapping FDR around their little finger.

Stop living a lie Jake
You crack me up! You're ready willing and able to embrace debunked conspiracies while ignoring the obvious. Why? Because you cannot think beyond some reptilian brain inspired fear and resentment. That's why you peddle fear and resentment as defenses.

Clinton voters are 'butt hurt' over losing an election she was destined to win. Wrong. Clinton voters are upset about the comportment and temperament of the winner.

Obama was born in Kenya. Why? You cannot stomach the notion of a Black man sitting behind the Resolute Desk.

George Soros is actually the Wizard of Oz. Why? You cannot understand political dynamics and you want to excuse the political actions of your own billionaires, the Koch brothers.

Stalin owned FDR. Why? It is beyond your thinking that a president who accomplished as much and as spectacularly as Roosevelt would have a (D) behind his name.

Narrow and shallow. Not much to base thinking, on but there you are.

Yet they had no problem voting for a candidate with even worse comportment and temperament
I'm not convinced of that. Sec. Clinton never claimed to grab men by the penis. Sec. Clinton never paid off a porn star after an adulterous affair. Sec. Clinton did not say the White Natuonalists at Charlottesville "decent people". Sec. Clinton has never said the DBI and the DOJ were corrupt. Sec. Clinton never mocked the physical disabilities of a reporter. She never demeaned America's free press.

What about her temperament and comportment is worse than the huckster buffoon?
That's some world class turd polishing!

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