Trump's "Me, too! Me, too!" flip flops suggest he is creeping away from the lunatic fringe.


The truth is that the Loser and his lickspittles have yet to presented documented evidence of their vast conspiracy, or to name a single suspect among all those stealthy masterminds, coordinators, and operatives in positions of power, in both political parties, in any of the 50 states that certified their election results, after numerous recounts, audits, investigations, and court challenges.

They just persist in flinging their fairy poo in the air and cavorting as it descends upon them.
... and, that suggests he is attempting to lurch into the realm of electability by appealing to reasonable Americans instead of pleasuring himself with the worship of losers at personal vendetta-driven, grievance jamborees, as he scrambles onto Biden and Fauci bandwagons.

He may believe that, if he can simulate an illusion of sane and sound judgment, he can still furtively rut with ideological bimbos behind the backs of the ostensible respectable folks.

His ludicrous "Big Lie" has largely fizzled, only commanding listless, token, bobble-headed yesmanism with a big scoop of tedium increasingly evident.

With multiple legal Waterloos in the offing, and his goons' ongoing convictions and confessions keeping alive the mephitic spirit of January 6, it's a formidable challenge, to be sure.

Having lost by over seven million votes in Americans' first opportunity to dump him, fomenting a savage attack on Congress didn't burnish his already stenchy credentials.

Can he convince wary folks he has been rehabilitated?

Regardless, watching him slither will be entertaining.

10% for the Big Guy Biden extorted Ukraine! You Commies are hilarious!!
Those democRats are always given the questions ahead of time, when it's a waste of time cause they don't know the answers. Here's a couple questions for the debate.
Why did the democRat cross the road?
He had his dick in a chicken.
Why doesn't hillary ware any panties when she goes on a picnic?
It keeps the flies off the watermelon. One more.
What's the difference between a bowling ball and hillary's pussy?
You can eat a bowling ball.
Even Nazis are better than US Lefties. At least they loved their lousy country.
Sure, you retard.

RWNJ's voted for an idiot wo really loves his country, he wants to change it into China.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.
Whistle louder.
I merely note the irrefutable reality: The Loser and his lickspittles have yet to presented documented evidence of their vast conspiracy, or to name a single suspect among all those stealthy masterminds, coordinators, and operatives in positions of power, in both political parties, in any of the 50 states that certified their election results, after numerous recounts, audits, investigations, and court challenges.

That may upset you, but you have nothing to offer that contradicts it.

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