Trump's Muslim ban wouldn't apply to his rich friends

Republicans are the ones who cut food stamps for veterans.
Donald Trump Says Proposed Muslim Ban Would Not Apply to His Rich Friends

Lol he never ceases to amaze me. Cue the developmentally disabled Trump supporters coming to his defense.
Why wouldnt we want rich muslims to come to our country? There are fewer of them, therefore its easier and more cost effective to vet them. Its mostly the poor ones that you have to worry about. We dont need any more poor people in this country anyway, let alone potential terrorists.
Donald Trump Says Proposed Muslim Ban Would Not Apply to His Rich Friends

Lol he never ceases to amaze me. Cue the developmentally disabled Trump supporters coming to his defense.
Why wouldnt we want rich muslims to come to our country? There are fewer of them, therefore its easier and more cost effective to vet them. Its mostly the poor ones that you have to worry about. We dont need any more poor people in this country anyway, let alone potential terrorists.

Yep....try and immigrate to Australia with no means of support.
***Left wing propaganda alert***

(Class warfare)

Typical left wing propaganda folks. Hypocritical and ignorant.

Ask the OP how many poor people obama or clinton are "friends" with.

Let alone poor "mooooslims."

Go ahead ask them.

Remember yesterday when the doctor mod loser sent my accurate post to "the badlands?"

Lol at the left and their blatant double standards.

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