Trump's Net Worth Plunges $700M As Social Media Site Truth Social Flops.

I don't waste my time with you gaslighting morons.....
Really, gaslighting moron?

you know damn well he was claiming Obama wasn't born here...
He wasn't. Records show he was born in Kenya then brought to Hawaii.

-- the fact you pretend this didn't happen is indicative of your shame...
What is indicative of your shame? Picking a name like Biff?

Why weren't you onboard when he ran BEFORE 2015?
Why should I? Why weren't you onboard with Biden's crimes?

Why did it take him pandering to racists
What racists?

to make morons like you hop onboard?
Us morons don't hop--- we walk.
Damn these bastards are really spewing the bullshit today.
Really, gaslighting moron?

He wasn't. Records show he was born in Kenya then brought to Hawaii.

What is indicative of your shame? Picking a name like Biff?

Why should I? Why weren't you onboard with Biden's crimes?

What racists?

Us morons don't hop--- we walk.
Oh, so you believe he really isn't born here...

So you are dumber than I thought....

But racists are not really ones to admit they were no surprise..
Damn these bastards are really spewing the bullshit today.

They are just bubbling with glee because they think Trump is going to somehow get keel hauled tomorrow for an incorrect entry in a records column made by his attorney 7 years ago over an event that may not have even happened . . .
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Biden never insulted our Military or sided with a Russian Dictator.
He insults the Military every time he supports filling it with "trannies" and he ended up siding with a Ukrainian dictator. 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
Records and his own grandmother do not lie.

You had a thought?

When is the last time you were wrong? I thought so.
Not today.

So to recap...Obama wasn't born in the US -- and those private investigators Trump hired found the real birth certificate but kept it secret?

They are just bubbling with glee because they think Trump is going to somehow get keel hauled tomorrow for an incorrect entry in a records column made by his attorney 7 years ago over an even that may not have even happened . . .
Allan Weisselberg cooked the books,, Michael Cohen and David Pecker paid the bribes. It's not a clerical error when it's a conspiracy.
He insults the Military every time he supports filling it with "trannies" and he ended up siding with a Ukrainian dictator. 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
I'm sure you would have sided with Germany when they invaded Poland.
Whoop-De-Fucking-Do you. That don't mean shit without investor's the site is going to die the death it deserves. It ain't dead from the neck up members who are being soaked for having joined, it is investor's that TurdSuck, it is they that the site needs, try to remember that.
Typical deluded lefty. You think that because you say something and desperately want something, then it's true. That's why reality always bitch-slaps you stupid bastards.
Allan Weisselberg cooked the books,, Michael Cohen and David Pecker paid the bribes. It's not a clerical error when it's a conspiracy.

No bribes, no conspiracy, just a fully legal, common out of court settlement paid to an extortionist to resolve a matter because it saved time and money that someone didn't write down in the right column of a ledger. Pure clerical error made by one of Trump's employees, perhaps even Cohen, the prosecution's star "witness."
^^cool. that moron is a birfer as well.

No, I'm a BARFER when I read your claptrap.


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