Trump's New York golf course is having business problems because people hate Donald Trump

New Yorkers generally do not like him. The majority of the country and the world does not, either.
because people hate Donald Trump

Wouldn't want to be the owner of Hillary's golf club ... she lost to him.

Trump should try building a golf course in Bumfuck, Nowhere where people still support him.
It is an unfortunate aspect of human nature to hate the successful. Remember "You didn't build that?"
It is an unfortunate aspect of human nature to hate the successful. Remember "You didn't build that?"

Those of us who have been watching Trump since the 1980's figured out he was a lying con man years ago.

Trump is on track to get his revenge on the wealthy New Yorkers who have shunned his family for years - going back to the 1920's. New York society shunned the Trump's as new money boors, and Donald Trump as an asshole dilettante.

Destroying America, who's banks won't lend to him, and who's elite laugh at him, is his goal.

Just like the subcontractors he hires and then screws over, and pushes into bankruptcy, you're his next victims.
2016 had a 12% compared to 2015

Decline in banquets and inclement weather last year

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