Trump's performance embarrasses America: China's industrial output surges in April

Anyone who still supports Trump through all his incompetence, his lies, and the deaths of over 90,000 Americans by his disastrous handling of the Coronavirus is a Traitor to America. I don't know what else to call these despicable and ugly creatures.

You are either one of the boards biggest fucking idiots, or you approve of how the Chinese slowed their Covid outbreak.
Did you even check out any of the videos I posted ?

The Videos I saw was where the Chinese Military completely isolated entire towns and cities. Screw testing, let 'em die. Is that what you mean?

The OP bragging about how well China has rebounded, started this thread out by saying "This is what happens when you have proper management of a pandemic"

I find it unfuckingbelievable that anyone would approve of the methods used by the Chinese to slow down their pandemic. The mf'ers in some cases literally welded doors shut at apartment complexes to seal the residents in.

Oh, I agree that that's way over board. But the Governors have the right to protect the Citizen's Well Being and Health. You don't have a right to jeopardize it.

So force everyone to stay jailed in their homes for weeks ? As bad as things have gotten here in America, thank god we still have some civil rights left.
Can democrats make their adoration of the Chinese any more plain? Is there another virus you want to buy?
China's industrial output surges in April

This is what happens when you have proper management of a pandemic and proper management of the economy. Instead, America is stuck with the INCOMPETENCE of Trump. Rushing to open the economy will only risk greater deaths and no one will be confident enough to recharge the economy. AMERICA NEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP - A COMPETENT ONE.

This has to be one of the dumbest thread topics I have seen here. Of course China is passing us. Democrat governors and mayors across America are arresting capitalists!
You are either one of the boards biggest fucking idiots, or you approve of how the Chinese slowed their Covid outbreak.
Did you even check out any of the videos I posted ?
I know I'd get along more and get more likes if I was polite but I find myself telling the fucking idiots that they're fucking idiots, too. I don't mind intelligent disagreement with a different opinion on the facts but when the left is hit by the facts they either totally ignore them, don't respond to them, call them lies, or change the subject.

The left might disagree with us about how Trump is doing with the Wuhan virus. They might disagree whether lockdown helps or not, but when they hold China up as the example of how it should be done there's only two options: their TDS is so bad that they just can't hear or comprehend anything other than Trump Bad. Reminds me of how the Wuhan virus affects a person's taste and smell, TDS affects their hearing and reading. The other option is that they really believe that government should be welding doors shut... I hope it's the former.
Oh, I agree that that's way over board. But the Governors have the right to protect the Citizen's Well Being and Health. You don't have a right to jeopardize it.

Where does it say they have that right?

But, in any case, the lock down has nothing to do with protecting the citizens well being and health (which is a phrase, not a title). There's zero science to support that the lock down helps and plenty of science to show that it kills. It kills from Corona Virus, from poverty, depression, suicide, unemployment. It kills from cancer patients not being able to get treatment and a lot of other medical conditions not being treated.

The lockdown recommended by the actual experts was to flatten the curve - slow down the speed at which people got infected so the medical people could keep up. It was never supposed to, or able to, reduce the number of infections. In the end, everyone is going to get exposed. You're either going to live through it or you're going to die. We know, of course, that the chances of death are very low.

We know for certain that the medical system did not collapse under the weight of the virus. Is that from the lockdown and flattening the curve? Or is it because, in panic, politicians thought the virus would be much worse than it was? There's room for difference of opinion on that. But that the lockdown cannot reduce the number of infections or that the system did not collapse, those are facts. You can't have your own set of facts.
Oh, I agree that that's way over board. But the Governors have the right to protect the Citizen's Well Being and Health. You don't have a right to jeopardize it.

Where does it say they have that right?

But, in any case, the lock down has nothing to do with protecting the citizens well being and health (which is a phrase, not a title). There's zero science to support that the lock down helps and plenty of science to show that it kills. It kills from Corona Virus, from poverty, depression, suicide, unemployment. It kills from cancer patients not being able to get treatment and a lot of other medical conditions not being treated.

The lockdown recommended by the actual experts was to flatten the curve - slow down the speed at which people got infected so the medical people could keep up. It was never supposed to, or able to, reduce the number of infections. In the end, everyone is going to get exposed. You're either going to live through it or you're going to die. We know, of course, that the chances of death are very low.

We know for certain that the medical system did not collapse under the weight of the virus. Is that from the lockdown and flattening the curve? Or is it because, in panic, politicians thought the virus would be much worse than it was? There's room for difference of opinion on that. But that the lockdown cannot reduce the number of infections or that the system did not collapse, those are facts. You can't have your own set of facts.

As the youngsters would say......Whatever.

Wow, it took you Rumpers almost the entire day to earn that prestigious award. You people are slipping. But you get the award. Of course, a Razzy is a more prestigious award but, what the hay, what does a Rumper expect.
View attachment 337118

So you agree with the OP? A Communist regime is what the US should be following as an example?

You’re all a bunch of Xi ass-kissers.

What are you, Ten? Rather than Debate anything, you Rumpers hide behind short phrases and initials. And when someone calls you on it you pull this 10 year old debating technique that would earn any 10 year old a Fail on the Debating team.

The only thing I agree, in your case is, you are equiv to a poorly educated 10 year old.

A ten-year old? You meant to say your girlfriend on the debating team, didn't you?

Wow, it took you Rumpers almost the entire day to earn that prestigious award. You people are slipping. But you get the award. Of course, a Razzy is a more prestigious award but, what the hay, what does a Rumper expect.
View attachment 337118

So you agree with the OP? A Communist regime is what the US should be following as an example?

You’re all a bunch of Xi ass-kissers.

What are you, Ten? Rather than Debate anything, you Rumpers hide behind short phrases and initials. And when someone calls you on it you pull this 10 year old debating technique that would earn any 10 year old a Fail on the Debating team.

The only thing I agree, in your case is, you are equiv to a poorly educated 10 year old.

^^ This coming from a moron who just posted a meme of a devil getting its horns as a response.

Why thank you. I would return in kind by calling you a Moron but I would get a rash of nasty emails from real morons demanding that I send each and every one of them an apology and I just don't that kind of time.

Then I'll do it for you.

The person you replied to is a moron.

I haven't encountered a trump supporter who wasn't a moron. At least not on line. I know a few who voted for trump in 2016 and were proud of it.

None of them will vote for him in 2020. One of them is so disgusted with trump he has sworn off all politics.

So you too approve of how the Chinese slowed their outbreak ?

Wow, another 10 year old Debating skill that gets you a failing grade in Debate Class. "Why, aren't you special, little Darlin'" as said in the way that only an old black southern grandmother can say it.

Two posts combined to answer a third post is pathetic.

Wow, it took you Rumpers almost the entire day to earn that prestigious award. You people are slipping. But you get the award. Of course, a Razzy is a more prestigious award but, what the hay, what does a Rumper expect.
View attachment 337118

So you agree with the OP? A Communist regime is what the US should be following as an example?

You’re all a bunch of Xi ass-kissers.

What are you, Ten? Rather than Debate anything, you Rumpers hide behind short phrases and initials. And when someone calls you on it you pull this 10 year old debating technique that would earn any 10 year old a Fail on the Debating team.

The only thing I agree, in your case is, you are equiv to a poorly educated 10 year old.

A ten-year old? You meant to say your girlfriend on the debating team, didn't you?

At my age, having a girlfriend would be a welcome improvement. And she would be completely safe. Like I can do anything about it anyway. Got a story for you.

There was a 90 year old man on trial for Rape. The Girl was a young girl of 19. At first, the old guy pleaded Guilty but when they examined the evidence, the Judge asked him why he plead guilty when there was no way that he could have accomplished the deed. The Old guy stood up and said, "I know, but I was flattered as hell". Well, they didn't let him off. They finally convicted him for assault with a dead weapon.

Wow, it took you Rumpers almost the entire day to earn that prestigious award. You people are slipping. But you get the award. Of course, a Razzy is a more prestigious award but, what the hay, what does a Rumper expect.
View attachment 337118

So you agree with the OP? A Communist regime is what the US should be following as an example?

You’re all a bunch of Xi ass-kissers.

What are you, Ten? Rather than Debate anything, you Rumpers hide behind short phrases and initials. And when someone calls you on it you pull this 10 year old debating technique that would earn any 10 year old a Fail on the Debating team.

The only thing I agree, in your case is, you are equiv to a poorly educated 10 year old.

^^ This coming from a moron who just posted a meme of a devil getting its horns as a response.

Why thank you. I would return in kind by calling you a Moron but I would get a rash of nasty emails from real morons demanding that I send each and every one of them an apology and I just don't that kind of time.

Then I'll do it for you.

The person you replied to is a moron.

I haven't encountered a trump supporter who wasn't a moron. At least not on line. I know a few who voted for trump in 2016 and were proud of it.

None of them will vote for him in 2020. One of them is so disgusted with trump he has sworn off all politics.

So you too approve of how the Chinese slowed their outbreak ?

Wow, another 10 year old Debating skill that gets you a failing grade in Debate Class. "Why, aren't you special, little Darlin'" as said in the way that only an old black southern grandmother can say it.

Two posts combined to answer a third post is pathetic.

Are you defending such poor debating skills that he is using? Or is this just another "Hey, Look Over There" routine on your part.
Anyone who still supports Trump through all his incompetence, his lies, and the deaths of over 90,000 Americans by his disastrous handling of the Coronavirus is a Traitor to America. I don't know what else to call these despicable and ugly creatures.

You are either one of the boards biggest fucking idiots, or you approve of how the Chinese slowed their Covid outbreak.
Did you even check out any of the videos I posted ?

The Videos I saw was where the Chinese Military completely isolated entire towns and cities. Screw testing, let 'em die. Is that what you mean?

The OP bragging about how well China has rebounded, started this thread out by saying "This is what happens when you have proper management of a pandemic"

I find it unfuckingbelievable that anyone would approve of the methods used by the Chinese to slow down their pandemic. The mf'ers in some cases literally welded doors shut at apartment complexes to seal the residents in.

Oh, I agree that that's way over board. But the Governors have the right to protect the Citizen's Well Being and Health. You don't have a right to jeopardize it.

So force everyone to stay jailed in their homes for weeks ? As bad as things have gotten here in America, thank god we still have some civil rights left.

A few years back, my son and his family visited China. As they walked down the street, some Chinese pickpocket attempted to lift his wallet. My son busted his face open in front of about a hundred witnesses. Of course their cops showed up while the pickpocket lay there bleeding on the sidewalk. His translator explained what happened and his wallet still laying on the ground. The cops returned his wallet, and proceeded to beat the pickpocket unconscious with batons and then hauled his ass off, apologizing to my son for the embarrassment.

Wow, it took you Rumpers almost the entire day to earn that prestigious award. You people are slipping. But you get the award. Of course, a Razzy is a more prestigious award but, what the hay, what does a Rumper expect.
View attachment 337118

So you agree with the OP? A Communist regime is what the US should be following as an example?

You’re all a bunch of Xi ass-kissers.

What are you, Ten? Rather than Debate anything, you Rumpers hide behind short phrases and initials. And when someone calls you on it you pull this 10 year old debating technique that would earn any 10 year old a Fail on the Debating team.

The only thing I agree, in your case is, you are equiv to a poorly educated 10 year old.

^^ This coming from a moron who just posted a meme of a devil getting its horns as a response.

Why thank you. I would return in kind by calling you a Moron but I would get a rash of nasty emails from real morons demanding that I send each and every one of them an apology and I just don't that kind of time.

Then I'll do it for you.

The person you replied to is a moron.

I haven't encountered a trump supporter who wasn't a moron. At least not on line. I know a few who voted for trump in 2016 and were proud of it.

None of them will vote for him in 2020. One of them is so disgusted with trump he has sworn off all politics.

So you too approve of how the Chinese slowed their outbreak ?

Wow, another 10 year old Debating skill that gets you a failing grade in Debate Class. "Why, aren't you special, little Darlin'" as said in the way that only an old black southern grandmother can say it.

Two posts combined to answer a third post is pathetic.

Are you defending such poor debating skills that he is using? Or is this just another "Hey, Look Over There" routine on your part.

Your debating skills would make your 10-year old girlfriend ashamed. All you do is lie repeatedly.
Anyone who still supports Trump through all his incompetence, his lies, and the deaths of over 90,000 Americans by his disastrous handling of the Coronavirus is a Traitor to America. I don't know what else to call these despicable and ugly creatures.

You are either one of the boards biggest fucking idiots, or you approve of how the Chinese slowed their Covid outbreak.
Did you even check out any of the videos I posted ?

The Videos I saw was where the Chinese Military completely isolated entire towns and cities. Screw testing, let 'em die. Is that what you mean?

The OP bragging about how well China has rebounded, started this thread out by saying "This is what happens when you have proper management of a pandemic"

I find it unfuckingbelievable that anyone would approve of the methods used by the Chinese to slow down their pandemic. The mf'ers in some cases literally welded doors shut at apartment complexes to seal the residents in.

Oh, I agree that that's way over board. But the Governors have the right to protect the Citizen's Well Being and Health. You don't have a right to jeopardize it.

So force everyone to stay jailed in their homes for weeks ? As bad as things have gotten here in America, thank god we still have some civil rights left.

A few years back, my son and his family visited China. As they walked down the street, some Chinese pickpocket attempted to lift his wallet. My son busted his face open in front of about a hundred witnesses. Of course their cops showed up while the pickpocket lay there bleeding on the sidewalk. His translator explained what happened and his wallet still laying on the ground. The cops returned his wallet, and proceeded to beat the pickpocket unconscious with batons and then hauled his ass off, apologizing to my son for the embarrassment.

Sounds like many places. And not one of them I would care to live.
Covid19 could be the tipping point where China accelerates economically and technologically while America goes into reverse.

Dopey Donald Trump's leadership is a disgrace and he lost the trade war, lost the Covid19 war, and won the cadaver prize.

Nothing Donald Trump has done will make America great again.
Please move to Wuhan

Thanks for the invitation to your home, however, I respectfully decline.

I perceive you have a rat infestation.

No, really. You'd be so much happier as one of Xi's useful idiots, but living in China

I already declined your invitation to visit your home.
Covid19 could be the tipping point where China accelerates economically and technologically while America goes into reverse.

Dopey Donald Trump's leadership is a disgrace and he lost the trade war, lost the Covid19 war, and won the cadaver prize.

Nothing Donald Trump has done will make America great again.

Correction, Dopey Donald Trump could start a campaign to make America great again by resigning and confessing all his crimes.
China's industrial output surges in April

This is what happens when you have proper management of a pandemic and proper management of the economy. Instead, America is stuck with the INCOMPETENCE of Trump. Rushing to open the economy will only risk greater deaths and no one will be confident enough to recharge the economy. AMERICA NEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP - A COMPETENT ONE.

China's industrial output surges in April

This is what happens when you have proper management of a pandemic and proper management of the economy. Instead, America is stuck with the INCOMPETENCE of Trump. Rushing to open the economy will only risk greater deaths and no one will be confident enough to recharge the economy. AMERICA NEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP - A COMPETENT ONE.


Crusader Frank's physical constipation has progressed into it's tiny brain.

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