Trump's physco babble interpreters--having to circle the wagons on a daily basis


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
As a former Republican I am actually enjoying a few things.

The Reich wing's reaction to many things--that they would have NEVER tolerated & would have raised holy hell if it came from Obama or another Democrat. Of course they're in favor of now, because it's coming from Trump. We saw this through-out the campaign season also. Any other Republican would have been crucified over things that Trump did, said & Tweeted, but not Trump.

1. Imagine how Republicans and the Reich wing would have reacted, if Obama just threatened American corporations with a 35% penalty tax? Just sit back a breath and think about that one. Rush Limbaugh and others on FOX News would have rammed this one so hard, that there voice would have gone hoarse after 15 minutes. Imagine the screaming and carrying on, just on this board. But it was Trump that did it, so now it's O.K.

2. IMAGINE their reaction if Obama or any other Democrat mentioned tariffs?

3. IMAGINE their reaction if Obama tweeted to the world that he was cancelling a Boeing contract, because Boeing was charging too much?
Personally, I don't know how Trump was able to look at specifications on a 727, bid it himself, and then come up with an erroneous figure in the last 3 weeks to make a comment about that. Remember there was a big battle between the states to get Boeing, and South Carolina won it, Trump's most ardent supporters. So now he is publicly attacking their new industry. While some of you are cheering this on--think about Boeing who has to compete with other airplane manufacturers--and the President Elect just told the world that they are ripping them off on the cost their airplanes.

4. IMAGINE their reaction if Al Gore had shown up in the Oval office to meet with Obama. Trump does it, so now it's O.K.

These are just a few of the things that the Reich wing has clearly adopted and accepted out of Trump, that they would have had a conniption fit over had Obama or any Democrat, or even any Republican had suggested. Trump does it, it's O.K.

So sit back and enjoy this for the next four years, it;s going to be very entertaining. All of Trump's physco babble interpreters will be circling the wagons from here on out. Just watch your 401-K's, you never know what other American corporation he is going to put on his hit list.


Imo, the gop establishment is better at just rolling with his tweets and getting on with biz than either the dems or the trumpbots.

He'll sign the legislation given to him by the gop congress, and it they have to give him a few billion for deportation or a wall .... that's the deal they made to get a nominee without a floor fight.

Let's just hope the gop doesn't start spending While the econ is expanding. Again. Obama wasn't great. Let's not elect another first term senator who makes great speeches and give him both houses.
Imo, the gop establishment is better at just rolling with his tweets and getting on with biz than either the dems or the trumpbots.

He'll sign the legislation given to him by the gop congress, and it they have to give him a few billion for deportation or a wall .... that's the deal they made to get a nominee without a floor fight.

Let's just hope the gop doesn't start spending While the econ is expanding. Again. Obama wasn't great. Let's not elect another first term senator who makes great speeches and give him both houses.

Yeah Trump is definitely a lame Duck President. Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan have had a solid agenda from the last 6 years, and they're going to be doing everything they can to get the budget in order, work on Obamacare to FIX IT- (they won't be able to repeal it, as they don't have the votes in congress to do that.) Anyway lots of things they've wanted to do over the last 6 years and couldn't get done, they're going to push hard to do now.

They know they've only got 2 years before Democrats take over the Senate and house. Trump and company will be put on ignore.
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Imo, the gop establishment is better at just rolling with his tweets and getting on with biz than either the dems or the trumpbots.

He'll sign the legislation given to him by the gop congress, and it they have to give him a few billion for deportation or a wall .... that's the deal they made to get a nominee without a floor fight.

Let's just hope the gop doesn't start spending While the econ is expanding. Again. Obama wasn't great. Let's not elect another first term senator who makes great speeches and give him both houses.

Yeah Trump is definitely a lame Duck President. Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan have had a solid agenda from the last 6 years, and they're going to be doing everything they can to get the budget in order, work on Obamacare to FIX IT- (they won't be able to repeal it, as they don't have the votes in congress to do that.) Anyway lots of things they've wanted to do over the last 6 years and couldn't get done, they're going to push hard to do now.

They know they've only got 2 years before Democrats take over the Senate and house. Trump and company will be put on ignore.
Oh, I dunno that he's a lame duck. I think we could see good econ growth. And you should google to see how many dem senate seats are up for grabs in 18.
As a former Republican I am actually enjoying a few things.

The Reich wing's reaction to many things--that they would have NEVER tolerated & would have raised holy hell if it came from Obama or another Democrat. Of course they're in favor of now, because it's coming from Trump. We saw this through-out the campaign season also. Any other Republican would have been crucified over things that Trump did, said & Tweeted, but not Trump.

1. Imagine how Republicans and the Reich wing would have reacted, if Obama just threatened American corporations with a 35% penalty tax? Just sit back a breath and think about that one. Rush Limbaugh and others on FOX News would have rammed this one so hard, that there voice would have gone hoarse after 15 minutes. Imagine the screaming and carrying on, just on this board. But it was Trump that did it, so now it's O.K.

2. IMAGINE their reaction if Obama or any other Democrat mentioned tariffs?

3. IMAGINE their reaction if Obama tweeted to the world that he was cancelling a Boeing contract, because Boeing was charging too much?
Personally, I don't know how Trump was able to look at specifications on a 727, bid it himself, and then come up with an erroneous figure in the last 3 weeks to make a comment about that. Remember there was a big battle between the states to get Boeing, and South Carolina won it, Trump's most ardent supporters. So now he is publicly attacking their new industry. While some of you are cheering this on--think about Boeing who has to compete with other airplane manufacturers--and the President Elect just told the world that they are ripping them off on the cost their airplanes.

4. IMAGINE their reaction if Al Gore had shown up in the Oval office to meet with Obama. Trump does it, so now it's O.K.

These are just a few of the things that the Reich wing has clearly adopted and accepted out of Trump, that they would have had a conniption fit over had Obama or any Democrat, or even any Republican had suggested. Trump does it, it's O.K.

So sit back and enjoy this for the next four years, it;s going to be very entertaining. All of Trump's physco babble interpreters will be circling the wagons from here on out. Just watch your 401-K's, you never know what other American corporation he is going to put on his hit list.


Bucs90, get help
They'll cut taxes and spend like fools, the way they always do, and then blame "entitlements" when the economy goes into the crapper again.

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They'll cut taxes and spend like fools, the way they always do, and then blame "entitlements" when the economy goes into the crapper again.

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Republicans lost 2 senate seats and 6 house seats, and I don't think they can get much done along these lines without having to work across the isle with Democrats. It's really the loopholes that need to be eliminated--and not the tax rate.

Trump hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax over the last 18 years because of a loophole.

Paul Ryan wants to get the budget in order, that's his major concern, there's too much going out and not enough coming in, so he may surprise you on the tax cuts and say NOPE--and go after the loopholes.

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