Trump's "Scandals"


Silver Member
Feb 4, 2017
The leftist zombie scum are acting like Trump is Satan. It is absolutely ridiculous. Moreover, their asinine behavior is hurting our image internationally. So, what exactly has Trump done since the election to evoke such an extreme reaction? Let's look!!

1. The presidential budget. It will cut funding for Meals on Wheels. Boo hoo! Everybody knows that these budgets do not get passed. Obama did not even propose budgets for most of his presidency. The one he did get a Congressional vote on failed. The presidential budget is a policy statement, not a statement of what will necessarily occur. Congress has to be involved.

2. The travel ban. Trump wants to keep out the Jihadists from countries known to be balls deep in terrorism. "Oh, but we may hurt the feelings of some Muslims", says the left. Boo fucking hoo! The president has a constitutional duty to ensure national security.

3. Accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. The fact is, Obama's people applied for a wire tap warrant from FISA for Trump Towers twice. The second time it was approved. This is pretty damning in itself. At the very least, it constitutes cause to make the make the inquiry, which is what Trump was prompting with his comments. Moreover, we ALL know that Obama is capable of such treachery. Obama is dirtier than a South Chicago street whore.

4. Trump's cabinet appointments. All are well qualified and are good people.

5. The Russian connection. This is the most serious of all of the accusations. Unfortunately for the left, none of it is true. Funny how the left demands strict proof of wiretapping but don't give two shits about evidence of a Russian conspiracy.

6. Repeal of ACA. Talk to your Congressman. Trump cannot do this without a bill to sign.

Did I miss anything? Well, anything important? No.
On a positive note, our economy is finally starting to recover thanks to the pro-business environment that Trump's presence has created. In addition, the military no longer has to look at the Commander in Chief as the enemy. Our president fully supports our soldiers.

All in all, things are going pretty well, in spite of the concerted and unprecedented effort by the left and the media to bring down our duly elected president.

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Did you "miss" anything? :lmao:

How 'bout Mike Flynn for a start?

Electoral college vote bullshit? Meteorological revisionism?

Disrupting airports nationwide and stranding travellers for no reason?

Making a libelous accusation on a former POTUS and then running away? And you wanna spin that with an "Everybody Knows" fallacy?


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