Trump's slowness in sending ventilators to New York state under fire


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.
President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.
He is always under intense criticism from the likes of you. If he, himself found a cure, you would blame him for being too slow in attaining one. Ever read “The Boy who Cried Wolf”?
Trump's slowness in sending ventilators to New York state under fire
Trump wasn't slow. He shipped them by USPS post haste and the post office lost them all accidentally shipping them to Lexington, KY instead. And naturally, those Kentuckians being the idiot Deplorables we know them to be, mistook them for a shipment of kazoos and were trying to play them. Oops. DAMN those Deplorables.
President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.
Is The mayor and governors flippant attitude before the outbreak under fire? They need respirators because they told their citizens to goto public gatherings. The mayor's own staff had to threaten to quit to get him to close schools and public facilities.

You dumbfucks keep blaming Trump for your own damn mistakes. Yet he is trying to help you CLEAN UP YOUR OWN FUCKING MESSES and you're still a bunch of petulant children.

Course you probably didn't know any of that because the FAKE ASS MEDIA lied to you.
President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.

Pyetro Peyote Pyetro Peyote Pyetro Peyote.... see how that works? Its almost F'n seamless....
It's understandable that when your ingesting Pyrtro.... i mean Peyote, that you enter into the alternate dream world and become one with the dust particles...... so how much have you taken dude? hurry up and make yourself vomit before you become critical...
You know, the Feds are building NY city 4 hospitals right? Trump was right, Cuomo had a chance in 2015 to buy thousands of ventilators and turned them down. People are doing what they can do.
This is really not time for political grandstanding by the DEmocrats, but they sure as hell are doing it. They are the ones who should be under intense criticism.
Right! We all know President Trump is sitting on top of a YUUUUUGE pile of ventilators and he is not sending them because he is mad at Cuomo. Tune in to CNN for the latest on this scandal!
If it was Obama you would be blaming him.
Why? I blame China. I would Blame China, regardless who sits in the WH
President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.

Actually Dr Birx of the CDC just chastised political leadership in NY state for DEMANDING 40,000 ICU class ventilators... Said the numbers just don't JUSTIFY that kind of panicking the public... Are YOU panicking the public? Or Trying to?? Because you're doing a lousy job...

In other news, some very smart and capable people today demonstrated how you can modify "an anesthesiologist's airway pump to SATISFY most folks that would need ventilators from COVID complications.. That would mean the equivalent of about 10 to 20 NEW potential ventilators taken from the surgery rooms at a med to large size hospital...
President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.
all that does is show how much of a useful idiot people really are if they depend on a guy thousands of miles away for their very survival,,,

According to the covid task force (the woman who's always in the meetings) NY has empty ICU beds and unused ventilators. This is why the media doesn't want to cover his pressers. They don't want the truth known.
The Democrats are "ventilating" about an imaginary shortage in an attempt to hurt Trump politically.

You simply can't trust ANY DEMOCRATS WORD.
According to the covid task force (the woman who's always in the meetings) NY has empty ICU beds and unused ventilators. This is why the media doesn't want to cover his pressers. They don't want the truth known.
The Democrats are "ventilating" about an imaginary shortage in an attempt to hurt Trump politically.

You simply can't trust ANY DEMOCRATS WORD.

Anyone who trusts a DemonRat nowadays ...Is a moron with a death wish.

I mean that.
President Trump sent 2,000 ventilators to NYC but the incompentent idiots running NYC and NY state left them in warehouses instead of delivering them to hospitals! Democrat controlled areas invariably turn to shit!
They have more than enough ventilators. Don’t you have poop to clean off the streets of Wuhan?

President Trump is under intense criticism for not moving fast to send relief to the state that needs it the most (New York), in the form of medical equipment such as ventilators.
Floridians are also worrying about how Trump will react once the imminent surge in dead people (which is occurring already) will be handled in the panhandle state.

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