Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

didnt you leave out this ------

11 republican investigations

0 inditments

0 convictions

...only because YOU left out that Barry owned the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc...

1 Obama US AG became the 1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet Member to be Censured by (a Bi-Partisan) Congress for his multiple counts of Perjury in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast and Furious...

Obama Agency / Cabinet Members proven to have committed Perjury / Obstruction / etc... but protected from Indictment:
- US AG Holder, Sect of State Clinton, DIA Chief Clapper, CIA chief Brenan, IRS Chief Koskinen, FBI Director Comey, Deputy FBI Director McCabe, FBI Agent Strzok, FBI Director Mueller, former President Obama...

It's not hard to protect criminal fellow party members when you own the WH, Congress, the DOJ, FBI, SIA, DIA, etc.... The Inspector General's report outlines the crimes perpetrated by Obama's agencies, especially the FBI and even recommended McCabe for indictment....

Trump should have thought of that.


It is so sad you have to lie and resort to snowflake cartoons....Trump's approval ratings are close to something like 50%....

Poor snowflake....

Yes. His ratings among the Alt Right and fox viewers are pretty high. Too bad for him that is only about a third of the country.
You don't think Russia intefering in our elections is worth investigation? What drugs are you taking?
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians ran a PsyOp program using Social media that resulted in Snowflakes organizing and marching for them....and did nothing.

Evidence shows Barry knew the Russians had paid BLM, Antifa, and The Black Fist to spread ratial division and violence...and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians were trying to hack senior leaders in our govt yet did not tell them and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew they tried to hack the power grid...but, again, he did nothing.

He was too busy kissing Putin's ass so he could get permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into war in Syria by invading Syria.

Let's try to be honest for a second:
- Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, committed election law violations, broke campaign finance law, & the DOJ / FBI committed Obstruction to prevent the DNC candidate - who could not win her party's nomination - from being indicted fro crimes she was proven to have committed, keeping her in a race she should either have been drummed out of or perp-walked out of.

Hillary and the Democrats...and liberal media...did more to illegally effect the outcome of the election than the Russians ever did.
Deny every unethical, immoral and shady event in your life - Filthy Don

And then panic:

"Do Something!"


Which one of these took $145 million from Putin's KGB Bank?

View attachment 193622 View attachment 193623

...'Nuff Said. :p
Which one of these wants to go to bed with his daughter?
So you counter FACT with your own sick, twisted, perverted fantasy...... Dude, get help....right after you finally accept the outcome of the election.
You don't think Russia intefering in our elections is worth investigation? What drugs are you taking?
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians ran a PsyOp program using Social media that resulted in Snowflakes organizing and marching for them....and did nothing.

Evidence shows Barry knew the Russians had paid BLM, Antifa, and The Black Fist to spread ratial division and violence...and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians were trying to hack senior leaders in our govt yet did not tell them and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew they tried to hack the power grid...but, again, he did nothing.

He was too busy kissing Putin's ass so he could get permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into war in Syria by invading Syria.

Let's try to be honest for a second:
- Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, committed election law violations, broke campaign finance law, & the DOJ / FBI committed Obstruction to prevent the DNC candidate - who could not win her party's nomination - from being indicted fro crimes she was proven to have committed, keeping her in a race she should either have been drummed out of or perp-walked out of.

Hillary and the Democrats...and liberal media...did more to illegally effect the outcome of the election than the Russians ever did.

I would love to see that evidence if it is credible.
Yes. His ratings among the Alt Right and fox viewers are pretty high. Too bad for him that is only about a third of the country.
Bwuhahahaha....dude, he beat Hillary and won the Presidency. Accept the outcome of the election already. You are both sadly pathetic and hilariously amusing at the same time..... :p
You don't think Russia intefering in our elections is worth investigation? What drugs are you taking?
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians ran a PsyOp program using Social media that resulted in Snowflakes organizing and marching for them....and did nothing.

Evidence shows Barry knew the Russians had paid BLM, Antifa, and The Black Fist to spread ratial division and violence...and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians were trying to hack senior leaders in our govt yet did not tell them and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew they tried to hack the power grid...but, again, he did nothing.

He was too busy kissing Putin's ass so he could get permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into war in Syria by invading Syria.

Let's try to be honest for a second:
- Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, committed election law violations, broke campaign finance law, & the DOJ / FBI committed Obstruction to prevent the DNC candidate - who could not win her party's nomination - from being indicted fro crimes she was proven to have committed, keeping her in a race she should either have been drummed out of or perp-walked out of.

Hillary and the Democrats...and liberal media...did more to illegally effect the outcome of the election than the Russians ever did.

I would love to see that evidence if it is credible.
7 quick posts in a row...someone is suddenly TRIGGERED. :p

You need sleep, brau.... lol
Deny every unethical, immoral and shady event in your life - Filthy Don

And then panic:

"Do Something!"


Which one of these took $145 million from Putin's KGB Bank?

View attachment 193622 View attachment 193623

...'Nuff Said. :p
Which one of these wants to go to bed with his daughter?
So you counter FACT with your own sick, twisted, perverted fantasy...... Dude, get help....right after you finally accept the outcome of the election.

I'm well aware of the election outcome. You don't seem to be aware that we elected an idiot.
didnt you leave out this ------

11 republican investigations

0 inditments

0 convictions

...only because YOU left out that Barry owned the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc...

1 Obama US AG became the 1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet Member to be Censured by (a Bi-Partisan) Congress for his multiple counts of Perjury in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast and Furious...

Obama Agency / Cabinet Members proven to have committed Perjury / Obstruction / etc... but protected from Indictment:
- US AG Holder, Sect of State Clinton, DIA Chief Clapper, CIA chief Brenan, IRS Chief Koskinen, FBI Director Comey, Deputy FBI Director McCabe, FBI Agent Strzok, FBI Director Mueller, former President Obama...

It's not hard to protect criminal fellow party members when you own the WH, Congress, the DOJ, FBI, SIA, DIA, etc.... The Inspector General's report outlines the crimes perpetrated by Obama's agencies, especially the FBI and even recommended McCabe for indictment....

Trump should have thought of that.


It is so sad you have to lie and resort to snowflake cartoons....Trump's approval ratings are close to something like 50%....

Poor snowflake....

Yes. His ratings among the Alt Right and fox viewers are pretty high. Too bad for him that is only about a third of the country.

Rasmussen cant even lie Trump into the 50% bracket.
You don't think Russia intefering in our elections is worth investigation? What drugs are you taking?
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians ran a PsyOp program using Social media that resulted in Snowflakes organizing and marching for them....and did nothing.

Evidence shows Barry knew the Russians had paid BLM, Antifa, and The Black Fist to spread ratial division and violence...and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians were trying to hack senior leaders in our govt yet did not tell them and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew they tried to hack the power grid...but, again, he did nothing.

He was too busy kissing Putin's ass so he could get permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into war in Syria by invading Syria.

Let's try to be honest for a second:
- Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, committed election law violations, broke campaign finance law, & the DOJ / FBI committed Obstruction to prevent the DNC candidate - who could not win her party's nomination - from being indicted fro crimes she was proven to have committed, keeping her in a race she should either have been drummed out of or perp-walked out of.

Hillary and the Democrats...and liberal media...did more to illegally effect the outcome of the election than the Russians ever did.

I would love to see that evidence if it is credible.
7 quick posts in a row...someone is suddenly TRIGGERED. :p

You need sleep, brau.... lol

So what about that credible evidence?
You don't seem to be aware that we elected an idiot.
You were NOT elected, brau!
You're going 'rabid extreme hate' because a FELON who jeopardized national security and who ran the worst campaign in US history in an election she should never have been allowed to stay in lost....again! :p
You don't seem to be aware that we elected an idiot.
You were NOT elected, brau!
You're going 'rabid extreme hate' because a FELON who jeopardized national security and who ran the worst campaign in US history in an election she should never have been allowed to stay in lost....again! :p

If you say so. Now, about that evidence?
So what about that credible evidence?
Dude, don't act like you haven't been spoon-fed that evidence a dozen times and still have nothing else but to play these kids' games. Go back to the children's table and let the grown ups talk. :p
If you say so. Now, about that evidence?
Yes, about that evidence, the evidence of crimes or criminal activity involving Trump regarding illegal collusion that warranted an investigation. If you have any, I know Mueller is desperate for some. :p
So what about that credible evidence?
Dude, don't act like you haven't been spoon-fed that evidence a dozen times and still have nothing else but to play these kids' games. Go back to the children's table and let the grown ups talk. :p

I've seen a lot of crazy rants, but no credible evidence of any of your claims yet. They usually do just like you. Spout crap but don't even try to back it up.
If you say so. Now, about that evidence?
Yes, about that evidence, the evidence of crimes or criminal activity involving Trump regarding illegal collusion that warranted an investigation. If you have any, I know Mueller is desperate for some. :p

I never claimed there was any evidence of that. Only that Mueller is investigating. Now back to your silly claims.
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him
Suffer the poor snowflake who wants to believe in witches.
Only that Mueller is investigating.
Investigating WHAT, brau?

Provide the evidence that there was ever a crime involving Trump regarding illegal Russian collusion that needed investigating....

The only 'evidence' of any such crime came from the FELON DNC nominee and her campaign - 1 dossier she bought from a foreign spy working with Russians and a 2nd created by her donors and fed to the foreign spy who fed it to the FBI who rejected it because it was so un-believable.

What REAL evidence do you have of a REAL crime Mueller is investigating involving Russian collusion?
Only that Mueller is investigating.
Investigating WHAT, brau?

Provide the evidence that there was ever a crime involving Trump regarding illegal Russian collusion that needed investigating....

The only 'evidence' of any such crime came from the FELON DNC nominee and her campaign - 1 dossier she bought from a foreign spy working with Russians and a 2nd created by her donors and fed to the foreign spy who fed it to the FBI who rejected it because it was so un-believable.

What REAL evidence do you have of a REAL crime Mueller is investigating involving Russian collusion?

So how do you know what Mueller has? You part of his investigative team?
So how do you know what Mueller has? You part of his investigative team?
Mueller has a couple of pathetic 'Scooter Libby' indictments that probably won't even stick.

Comey said his FBI agents said Flynn didn't lie. The only one who says he did is a disgraced Trump-hating FBI agent who Obstructed Justice by protecting Hillary and her 2 aides from being indicted.

Papa was set up by a Hillary donor who provided the fbi with the 'tip' that led to him being interrogated

A Judge already hammered Mueller for the ridiculous indictment of Manafort for a potential crime dating back before Obama was elected

Mueller himself said not long ago Trump was not a suspect and that he was ready to start writing up his REPORT, as in wrapping things up.

Mueller's got nothing. If he did he would have already leaked it / reported it and indicted Trump.

no, Mueller's only hope it to bully Trump in front of him and take him down with 'Gottcha' questions and indicting him for Lying to the FBI, even if he doesn't do that.

Mueller, like you, has nothing.
So how do you know what Mueller has? You part of his investigative team?
Mueller has a couple of pathetic 'Scooter Libby' indictments that probably won't even stick.

Comey said his FBI agents said Flynn didn't lie. The only one who says he did is a disgraced Trump-hating FBI agent who Obstructed Justice by protecting Hillary and her 2 aides from being indicted.

Papa was set up by a Hillary donor who provided the fbi with the 'tip' that led to him being interrogated

A Judge already hammered Mueller for the ridiculous indictment of Manafort for a potential crime dating back before Obama was elected

Mueller himself said not long ago Trump was not a suspect and that he was ready to start writing up his REPORT, as in wrapping things up.

Mueller's got nothing. If he did he would have already leaked it / reported it and indicted Trump.

no, Mueller's only hope it to bully Trump in front of him and take him down with 'Gottcha' questions and indicting him for Lying to the FBI, even if he doesn't do that.

Mueller, like you, has nothing.
Seems you went to a lot of trouble to not prove any of your previous claims.

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