Trump's transition team appears to be straining under pressure

Stand up, sit down
Fight Fight Fight
Stand up, sit down
Da Bannonites are antisemites

(and Jared is comin' for you)
The lefties are very excited about this, the press was gleefully all over it yesterday.
The lefties are very excited about this, the press was gleefully all over it yesterday.
Yup.....the left loves conflict.

I expect it will get worse when Trump starts signing Executive Orders cancelling out Obama's BS.
I'll be loving every whining proclamation from the media.
Hey Jake, why aren't you upset about the radical left causing unrest throughout the country?
Hey Jake, why aren't you upset about the radical left causing unrest throughout the country?
Because he knows this is the byproduct of electing a professional troublemaker to the office of POTUS.
The good news is that taxpayers no longer will be forced to pay for the Democratic Party's riots.
The infighting between Jared Kushner, DJT's sil, and Bannon is becoming public.

Christie is the first major trophy scalp on Kushner's belt. The Bannonites are digging in.

Trump's transition team appears to be straining under pressure

Things are better than I believed could be possible this early, for America.

Jake, I realize you have the spittle on your lips from all the kissing up... but.

Are you arguing that someone should have influence becuase he's married to Trump's daughter, and he wants to get back at Chris Christie (one of the few experienced people on Trump's team) for a personal slight?

Let's review at what is at the heart of Kushner's dislike of Christie.

It's time to pay more attention to Jared Kushner

Sources close to Jared Kushner, who is Ivanka Trump’s husband, say that Kushner has been telling them that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be Vice-President over his dead body. Kushner, who is playing an increasingly active role in the campaign, has a bitter history with Christie. Christie, when he was the US attorney of New Jersey, prosecuted his father, Charles Kushner, in a case that grabbed national headlines. The elder Kushner, pled guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering in 2005. He received a 2 year prison sentence.

Wait. It gets better!

Wait. Kushner's father engaged in witness tampering? Oh yes:

The federal witnesses he had attempted to retaliate against were his sister and brother-in-law, who were cooperating with that same investigation. Kushner paid a prostitute $10,000 to lure his brother-in-law to a motel room at the Red Bull Inn in Bridgewater to have sex with him. A hidden camera recorded the activity, and Kushner sent the lurid tape to his sister, making sure the tape arrived on the day of a family party.

Seriously, Jake, these are the people you are cheering for?
Stand up, sit down
Fight Fight Fight
Stand up, sit down
Da Bannonites are antisemites

(and Jared is comin' for you)

so we are supposed to cheer for the son of a crook because he's the only one standing up to the Nazi that Trump has let in under the wire?
The infighting between Jared Kushner, DJT's sil, and Bannon is becoming public.

Christie is the first major trophy scalp on Kushner's belt. The Bannonites are digging in.

Trump's transition team appears to be straining under pressure

Things are better than I believed could be possible this early, for America.

The fact that Trump is weeding out the neocons is a good thing IMHO. The lamestream media (that has been totally exposed for the shills that they are) will look for anything and spin any thing to be negative about as it pertains to Trump. I don't listen to their TV news, I don't listen to neocon radio and I don't read any article written by the shills.
The lefties are very excited about this, the press was gleefully all over it yesterday.
Yup.....the left loves conflict.

I expect it will get worse when Trump starts signing Executive Orders cancelling out Obama's BS.
I'll be loving every whining proclamation from the media.
You luv conflict, mud, so climb off that high horse.
Actually Trump is weeding out all the lobbists
Last edited:
Stand up, sit down
Fight Fight Fight
Stand up, sit down
Da Bannonites are antisemites

(and Jared is comin' for you)

You have fallen for the "big lie" Farkey, and it is telling.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

I know Steve Bannon, and have had several long discussions with him about politics. Steve is fervently pro-Israel, and it is utterly ridiculous to suggest that he is anti-Semitic.

Other observant Jews who know Bannon -- for example, Joel Pollak -- attest to his support for Israel and his friendship for the Jewish people.

We have learned from the sewage-storm directed at Bannon that the Establishment plays dirty, and that the formerly Republican #NeverTrumpers aren't just misguided ideologues, but also yellow-bellied, gutter-crawling, backstabbing, bushwhacking liars. Hell hath no fury like a self-designated elite scorned.

They hate Steve Bannon because he beat them, fair and square, on the battlefield of social media. He is the president-elect's most effective general. Trump's enemies can't reverse the results of a national election, but they can try to cut the incoming president off from his popular base.
"Jake, I realize you have the spittle . . . " is a feeble attempt to something, I know not what. :lol:

Because I correctly observe what is going on in DC, I am getting feebly swatted at by tiny little hands of the far left and the far right.

Jared K took down Christie.

Bannon is in his cross hairs. Good.
Marty has fallen for the big lie.

Bannon may not be personally antisemitic, but he is the figure head of a social movement dedicated to cultural and social taboos.

Once he denounces them, I am good.
Hey Jake, why aren't you upset about the radical left causing unrest throughout the country?
Show me where I approve of it. You can't.
Don't twist my question into something it is not.

You bitch about the nonexistent mythical Alt-Right destroying the nation, but ignore the reality that is the radical left destroying the nation. Why?
The fact that Trump is weeding out the neocons is a good thing IMHO. The lamestream media (that has been totally exposed for the shills that they are) will look for anything and spin any thing to be negative about as it pertains to Trump. I don't listen to their TV news, I don't listen to neocon radio and I don't read any article written by the shills.

well, uh, no.

This is negative because it shows that Trump never really had a plan to win, and he's scrambling to even fill the cabinet level posts.

The fact that Kushner and Bannon have so much power is kind of scary.
Stand up, sit down
Fight Fight Fight
Stand up, sit down
Da Bannonites are antisemites

(and Jared is comin' for you)

so we are supposed to cheer for the son of a crook because he's the only one standing up to the Nazi that Trump has let in under the wire?
JoeB, the Trumpkins won, and that is all there is to it.

You can be as small person as gipper or mud if you want.
The infighting between Jared Kushner, DJT's sil, and Bannon is becoming public.

Christie is the first major trophy scalp on Kushner's belt. The Bannonites are digging in.

Trump's transition team appears to be straining under pressure

Things are better than I believed could be possible this early, for America.

Jake, I realize you have the spittle on your lips from all the kissing up... but.

Are you arguing that someone should have influence becuase he's married to Trump's daughter, and he wants to get back at Chris Christie (one of the few experienced people on Trump's team) for a personal slight?

Let's review at what is at the heart of Kushner's dislike of Christie.

It's time to pay more attention to Jared Kushner

Sources close to Jared Kushner, who is Ivanka Trump’s husband, say that Kushner has been telling them that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be Vice-President over his dead body. Kushner, who is playing an increasingly active role in the campaign, has a bitter history with Christie. Christie, when he was the US attorney of New Jersey, prosecuted his father, Charles Kushner, in a case that grabbed national headlines. The elder Kushner, pled guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering in 2005. He received a 2 year prison sentence.

Wait. It gets better!

Wait. Kushner's father engaged in witness tampering? Oh yes:

The federal witnesses he had attempted to retaliate against were his sister and brother-in-law, who were cooperating with that same investigation. Kushner paid a prostitute $10,000 to lure his brother-in-law to a motel room at the Red Bull Inn in Bridgewater to have sex with him. A hidden camera recorded the activity, and Kushner sent the lurid tape to his sister, making sure the tape arrived on the day of a family party.

Seriously, Jake, these are the people you are cheering for?

Kevin Drum? Isn't he that liberal that vigorously defended Hitlery all through the e-mail scandal and said that when it came policy that she was honest to a know, like how she has a public and private position on issues? Of course, which ever one is expedient for the occasion.

BTW, Jake hasn't done any "kissing up"....he is simply acting like a grown-up...something that is foreign to you because you thrive on division and anyone that isn't as "tribal" as you is deemed as some kind of traitor to the leftard way. You really exposed your true colors and it's not a pretty picture.
Hey Jake, why aren't you upset about the radical left causing unrest throughout the country?
Show me where I approve of it. You can't.
Don't twist my question into something it is not.

You bitch about the nonexistent mythical Alt-Right destroying the nation, but ignore the reality that is the radical left destroying the nation. Why?
Show me where I am not upset.

If you cannot honestly frame your comments, I will do it for you.

Every. Single. Time. :lol:

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