Trump's tweet about Mika

First, let me say I'm a Trump supporter.

Let me ask though in regards to this latest controversy with the Mika tweet, as well as other tweets.

How does this help Trump ? How does it help the conservative cause?

There's no question, that it doesn't seem to hurt him with his core supporters, but how does this help him and his agenda overall? How does this help grow his support, and how does this help him move forward and accomplish the things we want him to?
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Tiger, is that you?
I think Trump over does it with the tweeting but the fact that he fights back and won't just roll over and take the attacks against him as many Republicans have over the years is not all bad. Plus if it happens to drive the far left nuts that's a bonus.
I would like to have a president that can rise above the insults.
So would I I would also like to have media that could cover the President any President honestly and accurately I suspect we will both be disappointed for some time.
It's a clever attempt to side track the Putin scandal, and the aliens that control him Damn, I gotta stop watching CNN
"Outrage" :lmao: Dem operatives always using their buzz words.


so youre calling Republicans Dem operatives?

youre an idget

No, I'm calling you one, or at least a shadow of one. I can't imagine the Dems taking too much stock in you, tbh.

me either, I didnt vote for Obama or Hillary

Oh, you're not a leftwing loon in real life; you just play one on a message board, huh.

I dont play anything you asshat. Im' an American who totally believes Trump is a piece of monkey shit.
I think Trump over does it with the tweeting but the fact that he fights back and won't just roll over and take the attacks against him as many Republicans have over the years is not all bad. Plus if it happens to drive the far left nuts that's a bonus.
It cannot be real times of capital warfare, with a fiscal and monetary policy of, "lowering taxes".

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the Judiciary has to take the other two branches seriously, not the People. The People know, it is just politicians in office.
First, let me say I'm a Trump supporter.

Let me ask though in regards to this latest controversy with the Mika tweet, as well as other tweets.

How does this help Trump ? How does it help the conservative cause?

There's no question, that it doesn't seem to hurt him with his core supporters, but how does this help him and his agenda overall? How does this help grow his support, and how does this help him move forward and accomplish the things we want him to?

You do realize that ridiculing the opposition is a tried and true method, I know you know this.
First, let me say I'm a Trump supporter.

Let me ask though in regards to this latest controversy with the Mika tweet, as well as other tweets.

How does this help Trump ? How does it help the conservative cause?

There's no question, that it doesn't seem to hurt him with his core supporters, but how does this help him and his agenda overall? How does this help grow his support, and how does this help him move forward and accomplish the things we want him to?
It shows he won't back down and he WILL hit you back 10 times as hard as you hit him. I love it.
I think Trump is a lowlife scumbag who is damaging the GOP brand and taking the attention away from the Repub agenda, and yes, I voted for him. Much as I disliked him then, I disliked Hillary even more both for politics and her character. Haven't changed my mind either, IMHO we'd be in the midst of another recession if Hillary was in the Oval Office.
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.

Yep, Trump's so undignified he'll probably be getting blow jobs from interns pretty soon, and then will lie about it to the American people - "I did not have sex with that woman" or some such statement.
Better he gets blowjobs than shatting on America It's bipartisanship now ,,,Folks on both sides dispise your vile pos Bill knew how to talk to people He was cool under fire Are repubs going to make blowjobs illegal??

"Bleeding badly from a facelift" is a "vicious attack"?

Funny how these liberal feminist c*nts claim they want equal rights, but one little insult against them and they quickly pull out the girl victim card and accuse the other party of being "misogynist".
. It's this victim card that they keep playing in which is getting over used badly now. They throw that card down to get their childish way anymore, and it is easy to see when it is being done far to often. Aside from your way of saying things, you did make a point by what you are saying.
I think trump is an authoritarianand not a libertrian or a true conservative, and I think he is like a real life biff tannen, but I LOVE how he sends the commies into a rage
How long will it take liberals to figure out that no one cares about Trump's mean tweets. Mike and Joe had it coming. For a long time, they had it coming. NOW they want to act like adults. Sorry, too late. Your got your plastic chin knocked out of joint. Tough shit. GOOD.
Tweeting is a sleight of hand trick Trump is using to misdirect the lefty liberals.

He has them losing focus and going into a rabid frenzy over some silly tweet.

While at the same time, he is slowly and methodically working on the Trump agenda he promised the voters. .... :thup:
Those two hack jobs had it coming. They have been insulting and denigraing Trump for WEEKS!. Now they got their knuckles rapped. They should take a laxative and shit their brains into the toilet so they can find them.
They had it coming.
agreed with number 5 , but feck the 'gop' and its 'bushes' and others and their flooding of the USA with third worlders Task .
The Liberals didn't care when when Slick Willy was lying his ass off and molesting women. The Liberals didn't care when Obama destroyed health care, lied about Benghazhi, ran up the debt $10 trillion and increased poverty.

As far as Trump and his daily tweets

As I understand it, we're not supposed to criticize this "tweet" about Mika, or the rest of his silly tweets, or is non-stop personal insults and name-calling since the day he entered the race, or his constant, cartoonish, absurd hyperbole or his long string of embarrassing quotes because the media.

And Hillary.

And Obama.

And the media.
. Why not criticize his policies ??? Wouldn't that make the libs the better for it ?? Ohh that's right, his policy making is in line with the majority of Americans, so it's just keep on throwing crap by the left, just hoping something will stick ?? Good luck with that... Ohhh, and uh it isn't working.

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