Trump's tweet about Mika

Don Cheeto doesnt have the ability to rise to the level of integrity it takes to hold the most important job on the planet.

Once a carnival barker, always a carnival barker.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a fucking bitch
oh please stop using that lame excuse Trump is an embarrassment a disaster Obama a gentleman Made errors? Sure all presidents do but his bottom line was far better than gwb's or this nitwit you repubs gave us
Obama is a shit stain, this is what happens when you elect a shit stain Like Obama.
The shitstain took a crumbling country and economy left to him by asswipe republicans and brought it out of your cesspool And the real pos is what you AH's gave America He's in the WH now,,,hopefully for not too much longer
Don Cheeto doesnt have the ability to rise to the level of integrity it takes to hold the most important job on the planet.

Once a carnival barker, always a carnival barker.
And Obama proved you can take the boy out of the hood, but you can't take the good out of the boy.
Don Cheeto doesnt have the ability to rise to the level of integrity it takes to hold the most important job on the planet.

Once a carnival barker, always a carnival barker.
And Obama proved you can take the boy out of the hood, but you can't take the good out of the boy.

there ya go .. Obama

yeah, hes the current President.

ya dumfuk
Don Cheeto just can't STFU and grow up ..

President Donald Trump continued his feud with two MSNBC hosts on Friday, alleging one of them asked him to intervene to stop a story in the National Enquirer tabloid.

The latest skirmish began Thursday when Trump said the hosts, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, tried to join him at Mar-a-Lago last winter while Brzezinski “was bleeding badly from a face-lift.”

His attack sparked outrage among Republican lawmakers who said he was behaving beneath the dignity of his office and distracting from their legislative agenda, including repealing Obamacare and cutting taxes. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to negotiate a compromise on his health bill by the end of the week as Republicans seek to fulfill a major campaign promise.

Trump Takes MSNBC Feud Into Second Day With Tabloid Charge


Physcology 101: I am certain that everyone has noticed that Trump has acted like a little boy on many occasions, and this is a prime example of it. . We develope our core personalities at a young age--whether we're going to be considerate of others, when we begin to choose our words carefully as to what we say. Usually between the ages of 9 or 10 we have developed those core personality skills & traits--that we will carry throughout our lives.

Trump could have addressed this criticism in an intelligent Adult manner, or simply ignored it as all other Presidents have done--but often goes back to the elementary school playground to launch personal insults at people. You're fat, you're ugly, you're so stupid. His mentioning that these reporters showed up at Mar A Lago over New Years Eve break--was the equivalent of a little boy screaming and you came to my birthday party--I won't be inviting you to my birthday party ever again--LOL

So he is getting blasted by women, he is getting blasted by Democrats, and now he's getting blasted by Republicans who are sick and tired of it.

The PROBLEM: Trump can't stop it. You can bet that White House advisers and his Lawyers have begged him to get off the Twitter account. He can't because he is a Narcissist whose entire world is based around him defending HIMSELF. A Narcissist requires constant attention, but that attention has to come in the form of praise and adoration. A Narcissist cannot tolerate any form of criticism. And since any President, no matter how good they are, is going to be criticized from every direction coming in 24 hours a day 7 days a week--it exemplies just how unfit Trump was to become POTUS. Here is a great article on this personality disorder.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Every single week since he has been sworn in, Republicans have had to circle the wagons around Trump over something he has said or tweeted out, and it does interfere with them getting any thing done. I am certain they are sick and tired of it.
Don Cheeto doesnt have the ability to rise to the level of integrity it takes to hold the most important job on the planet.

Once a carnival barker, always a carnival barker.
And Obama proved you can take the boy out of the hood, but you can't take the good out of the boy.

there ya go .. Obama

yeah, hes the current President.

ya dumfuk
Obama will be putting his ignorant thoughts on I'm sure. He is an asshole like that.
Healthcare or Morning Joe
Healthcare or Morning Joe
Healthcare or Morning Joe
Healthcare or Morning Joe
Healthcare or Morning Joe
Healthcare or Morning Joe

and TweetiePie says ..

Morning Joe it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't get the kerfuffle over this. If she can call him names and talk about his tiny hands I have no problems with him mentioning her facelift!

me personally, I would turn and walk off and totally ignore it. When you have a secure sense of yourself you have a thick skin especially about little shit.

the POTUS arguing with reporters is so far beneath the measure of respect associated with the job its scary

Why? They have hounded him without mercy since the election, he is a human is he not?
whatever it takes to get your through you day .. if licking Trumps ass helps you sleep at night then lick away.
some people tweet and others start a dozen Trump whine threads a day. Whatever helps you cope.
I guess the right wing is going to have to stop blaming the poor for their, "poor lifestyle choices while being poor", now that the, One Percenter of the right has demonstrated that it is public policy that helps the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
I don't get the kerfuffle over this. If she can call him names and talk about his tiny hands I have no problems with him mentioning her facelift!

me personally, I would turn and walk off and totally ignore it. When you have a secure sense of yourself you have a thick skin especially about little shit.

the POTUS arguing with reporters is so far beneath the measure of respect associated with the job its scary

Why? They have hounded him without mercy since the election, he is a human is he not?
whatever it takes to get your through you day .. if licking Trumps ass helps you sleep at night then lick away.
some people tweet and others start a dozen Trump whine threads a day. Whatever helps you cope.
I guess the right wing is going to have to stop blaming the poor for their, "poor lifestyle choices while being poor", now that the, One Percenter of the right has demonstrated that it is public policy that helps the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Uhhhh, huh?
"Outrage" :lmao: Dem operatives always using their buzz words.


so youre calling Republicans Dem operatives?

youre an idget

No, I'm calling you one, or at least a shadow of one. I can't imagine the Dems taking too much stock in you, tbh.

me either, I didnt vote for Obama or Hillary

Oh, you're not a leftwing loon in real life; you just play one on a message board, huh.
I don't get the kerfuffle over this. If she can call him names and talk about his tiny hands I have no problems with him mentioning her facelift!

me personally, I would turn and walk off and totally ignore it. When you have a secure sense of yourself you have a thick skin especially about little shit.

the POTUS arguing with reporters is so far beneath the measure of respect associated with the job its scary

Why? They have hounded him without mercy since the election, he is a human is he not?
whatever it takes to get your through you day .. if licking Trumps ass helps you sleep at night then lick away.
some people tweet and others start a dozen Trump whine threads a day. Whatever helps you cope.

yet here you are ...
Yep, here I am. Your melt down posts make my day fun.
I don't get the kerfuffle over this. If she can call him names and talk about his tiny hands I have no problems with him mentioning her facelift!

me personally, I would turn and walk off and totally ignore it. When you have a secure sense of yourself you have a thick skin especially about little shit.

the POTUS arguing with reporters is so far beneath the measure of respect associated with the job its scary

Why? They have hounded him without mercy since the election, he is a human is he not?
whatever it takes to get your through you day .. if licking Trumps ass helps you sleep at night then lick away.
some people tweet and others start a dozen Trump whine threads a day. Whatever helps you cope.
I guess the right wing is going to have to stop blaming the poor for their, "poor lifestyle choices while being poor", now that the, One Percenter of the right has demonstrated that it is public policy that helps the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Uhhhh, huh?
It is Institutional, not Individual.
I think Trump over does it with the tweeting but the fact that he fights back and won't just roll over and take the attacks against him as many Republicans have over the years is not all bad. Plus if it happens to drive the far left nuts that's a bonus.
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.

Yep, Trump's so undignified he'll probably be getting blow jobs from interns pretty soon, and then will lie about it to the American people - "I did not have sex with that woman" or some such statement.
I don't get the kerfuffle over this. If she can call him names and talk about his tiny hands I have no problems with him mentioning her facelift!

me personally, I would turn and walk off and totally ignore it. When you have a secure sense of yourself you have a thick skin especially about little shit.

the POTUS arguing with reporters is so far beneath the measure of respect associated with the job its scary

Why? They have hounded him without mercy since the election, he is a human is he not?
And one perpetuates the other. Someone has to leave this cycle of sophomoric insults. It's not good for the country.
I think Trump over does it with the tweeting but the fact that he fights back and won't just roll over and take the attacks against him as many Republicans have over the years is not all bad. Plus if it happens to drive the far left nuts that's a bonus.
I would like to have a president that can rise above the insults.

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