Trump's tweet about Mika

it's plain cuckoo for Trump trying to hurt Mika and Joe by tweeting that Mika had a facelift ...when trump is like on his third plastic surgery job ... his eyes are 'turning Japanese'' from all of them... and while his trophy wife has had every plastic surgery that ever existed from boob job, to face lifts and eye lifts and Botox etc etc

He's an infantile idiot, and an embarrassment to the Presidency...
Mika and Joe are a couple of assholes.

I have no sympathy for them

Maybe they should focus on the news and stop trying to be a thorn in the presidents side. But they have no incentive to be honorable journalists because trashing Trump is too lucrative.
she was talking trash on trump

who the fuck cares if she got a volley shot across her bow

she has it coming

No she doesn't, in this country you are allowed to disparage the President or anyone else under the 1st Amendment. Obviously there are some limits to that, libel laws and so forth, but she's allowed to have her opinion and to voice it. And the rest of us have the option to tune in and listen or change the channel, or not watch their program in the 1st place.
That said, Trump is also allowed to rhetorically return fire so to speak. The problem is that as our President he holds an office that ought to be less crude and more discrete. There are others in his administration or in the media who can respond to whatever disparaging remark is made about the President, he needs to be above that sort of crap. As a conservative person, I approve of many of his policies, but IMHO he's doing a lot of damage to the dignity of the office he holds. And he's definitely not helping defuse the inflammatory rhetoric in this country that stokes the flames of violence in the minds of many. I wish he would shut the fuck up and concentrate on doing what he was voted in to do.
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone in the WH that is able to rise above all this childish mudslinging, and name-calling so they can actually be "the adult in the room" and LEAD. Trump included.

I do not care much about his tweets simply because they are, in many cases, childish distractions that are meaningless by themselves. However, taken as a whole, they are really quite disturbing.

Furthermore, The "Media" do not deserve what he has dished out, despite what they may have said or done. No one does.

If you disagree, explain to me, in an adult way, why revenge is a quality you like in a President. That is what this is, and nothing more, if, indeed, you are correct and it is in reaction to the media.

The President has an audience for his tweets that frankly are sick of the left leaning opinion pushers that pass as journalists. They WANT to hear the President push back at these self serving ratings grabbers. I don't mind that he does it; in fact he often mirrors my own thoughts on the shills.

and THAT'S WHY you are NOT a President and just one of the many reasons why, Trump shouldn't be either! :eek:
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Well yeah, he could even shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose your vote. So why would you care about a tweet?
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone in the WH that is able to rise above all this childish mudslinging, and name-calling so they can actually be "the adult in the room" and LEAD. Trump included.

I do not care much about his tweets simply because they are, in many cases, childish distractions that are meaningless by themselves. However, taken as a whole, they are really quite disturbing.

Furthermore, The "Media" do not deserve what he has dished out, despite what they may have said or done. No one does.

If you disagree, explain to me, in an adult way, why revenge is a quality you like in a President. That is what this is, and nothing more, if, indeed, you are correct and it is in reaction to the media.

The President has an audience for his tweets that frankly are sick of the left leaning opinion pushers that pass as journalists. They WANT to hear the President push back at these self serving ratings grabbers. I don't mind that he does it; in fact he often mirrors my own thoughts on the shills.

That does not change the fact that the tactic, and the verbiage used is juvenile. Want to see how a real leader takes on bias? Look at Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford and others who have let their ACTIONS, and RESULTS speak for them.
:banghead: :eusa_clap: :lalala: Now we have all of these loony leftists having a cow over what Trump had to say about Mika and Boring Joe, but look back on the outrageous/racy remarks were heard not only from Biden, what about Bill Maher? Hillary? Bill? {and the rest}.
The left is still having a cow over this, peeing their panties, one of them wants Trump to resign already.
Now can you imagine if Trump said to a crowd of black people,,,,,if you elect Hillary, she will put all of you back in chains !!!! :oops-28:
No moron. What's worse is what Trump said about President Obama.
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.

Only the 2-3 butthurt RINOs that need to go anyway.

Ryan, Graham, McCain?

Shiet, Obama was better than McCain would have been. I hold fast to that belief.
This is humiliating the nation? But the wacko behavior that's been going on by the left since the election isn't? The media partisan bs isn't?

This is mild to what it could be.

While on the subject is humiliating the nation a bad thing? We are an extremely proud nation. If we are to be great again it wont be until we stop our pride and become humble ones again. Humiliation is the process of becoming humble.

You can choose to be humble or be humiliated. Choosing is always better. Either way the proud will be destroyed
Trump humble ?? And trump is so proud he can't apologize when wrong? Hopefully the destruction comes sooner rather than later before he hurts Americas image any more
Maybe they should focus on the news and stop trying to be a thorn in the presidents side. But they have no incentive to be honorable journalists because trashing Trump is too lucrative.

Trump should focus on getting something done, instead of watching tv half the day and night, and tweeting for hours on end. Maybe you weren't paying attention, but out of everything Trump promised to do in his first 100 days, he's barely made a dent in the list.
Wrong. Nothing scares us more than his current term. The president of the US has always been the most powerful man in the world. Not so any more. Now he is ridiculed by world leaders.
Cons can't defend Trump so they drag up a Red Herring from 20 years in the past to try to deflect from Trump's illness. Won't work derps, you own Trump and his clinical psychosis. He is you and you are him. He has the mentallity of an 8 year old and the intelligence of a log. He's the perfect conservative candidate. Arrogant abject stupidity and the behavior of the town drunk.
To BULLDOG & IsaacNewton: The video should brighten up your day.

As far as I know, The Great One is the only public voice who dared to bring up Bill Clinton in relation to The Donald’s tweet:


Mark Levin: Good to know where liberals finally draw a line

Levin also reminded us of JFK another Democrat president. JFK’s womanizing did not come out until years after he was assassinated.

And of let us not forget the late, unmourned, cowardly Lion of the Senate:

Ted Kennedy Car Accident in Chappaquiddick
By Newsweek Staff On 8/3/69 at 8:00 PM

Ted Kennedy Car Accident in Chappaquiddick

Levin is another loser like Alex Jones. You poor saps have nicknames for all these weirdos? Creepy as hell, you view them as your slave masters. No one cares what any of them thinks except the rubes that buy their crappy books that are one book just repeated over and over.
Maybe they should focus on the news and stop trying to be a thorn in the presidents side. But they have no incentive to be honorable journalists because trashing Trump is too lucrative.

Trump should focus on getting something done, instead of watching tv half the day and night, and tweeting for hours on end. Maybe you weren't paying attention, but out of everything Trump promised to do in his first 100 days, he's barely made a dent in the list.
I think you should STFU and find out what Trump did this week.....better yet what he accomplished this morning.....mkay?
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone in the WH that is able to rise above all this childish mudslinging, and name-calling so they can actually be "the adult in the room" and LEAD. Trump included.

I do not care much about his tweets simply because they are, in many cases, childish distractions that are meaningless by themselves. However, taken as a whole, they are really quite disturbing.

Furthermore, The "Media" do not deserve what he has dished out, despite what they may have said or done. No one does.

If you disagree, explain to me, in an adult way, why revenge is a quality you like in a President. That is what this is, and nothing more, if, indeed, you are correct and it is in reaction to the media.

The President has an audience for his tweets that frankly are sick of the left leaning opinion pushers that pass as journalists. They WANT to hear the President push back at these self serving ratings grabbers. I don't mind that he does it; in fact he often mirrors my own thoughts on the shills.

I rather enjoy it when he spanks their well used asses. Especially nailing Mika on her face lift. That was a gem.
I'm not a huge fan of Matthews because he constantly interrupts his guests but yeah, he really nailed this one.

And no, he did not "suggest trump murder Kushner" and its trump who is destroying his own "presidency".


MATTHEWS: And then you find out in all these investigations that Jared was opening up a tunnel to Moscow so he wouldn’t have to deal with the State Department. So the son-in-law — you know, one good thing Mussolini did was execute his son-in-law. I mean, I’m talking about Ciano

What a fucking hack you are.
Whats Worse,What Trump Said About Mika Zenzbrinski, Or The Outlandish Things Joe Biden Has Said?

Worrying about "what's worse" is among the central failings among the American people. When two actions are both reprehensible, it doesn't matter whether one's worse than the other. Two wrongs do not make "a right" and just because someone else "jumps off a cliff" doesn't mean one should too. (tu quoque) Far too much focus is placed on who's worse when the focus rightly belongs on "what I/we/they are doing to be better than s/he/they who acted odiously."
I agree to a point.

The din of the media and its insults to Republicans, conservatives (There is a difference), and any President that is not progressive has reached cartoonish proportions. The American psyche has always been to fight back when pushed. The media is now trying to hide behind the "Well, he is the President and must act better than we do" meme. In essesnce, they are saying, "Yeah, we're bullying you and we're going to beat you up and take your lunch money, and because you're supposed to be better than I am, you cannot fight back!"

Trump should fight back. However, he does need to show a bit more class about it.

The sad part in all of this is that if it had been a Progressive President and he had made such remarks about a Republican woman, the media would have been so silent the sound of it would have reached the Himalaya's.

This is the problem when a double standard is exercised over long periods of time. Those who have been on the brunt of it, no longer care if the retaliation is crude and boorish.
The sad part in all of this is that if it had been a Progressive President and he had made such remarks about a Republican woman, the media would have been so silent the sound of it would have reached the Himalaya's.

I don't think so. Then again, we haven't had a POTUS in recent memory who's lowered themselves to the level Trump has. The fact of the matter is that as POTUS, one is "above it all;" thus one should comport oneself accordingly.

The reason for the outcry -- outcry that's coming from all respectable quarters -- is Trump's debasing himself and more importantly the office of the president. Effrontery is beneath the office. The man holding the office can think it if he wants to, but he has to have the restraint to refrain from plying his acrid brume of oppressively caustic oral effluvium.
As I said, had a Democrat President said it, there would be silence from the media, or excuses.

After all, look at how many of our Democrat elected office holders speak about Republican women now. It is every bit as crass and crude and outrageous. I won't defend Trump because his manner is crude and juvenile. I just don't turn a blind eye to what the other side is doing as well.
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone in the WH that is able to rise above all this childish mudslinging, and name-calling so they can actually be "the adult in the room" and LEAD. Trump included.

I do not care much about his tweets simply because they are, in many cases, childish distractions that are meaningless by themselves. However, taken as a whole, they are really quite disturbing.

Furthermore, The "Media" do not deserve what he has dished out, despite what they may have said or done. No one does.

If you disagree, explain to me, in an adult way, why revenge is a quality you like in a President. That is what this is, and nothing more, if, indeed, you are correct and it is in reaction to the media.

The President has an audience for his tweets that frankly are sick of the left leaning opinion pushers that pass as journalists. They WANT to hear the President push back at these self serving ratings grabbers. I don't mind that he does it; in fact he often mirrors my own thoughts on the shills.

I rather enjoy it when he spanks their well used asses. Especially nailing Mika on her face lift. That was a gem.

So you condone the leader of the free world to act like a little child. Even Charles Krauthammer has condemned Trump for this situation. What's wrong with you?

And you'd better enjoy it while you can. It looks like Mika may be able to file criminal charges against Trump and Kushner. Scarborough claims to have the text messages from Kushner about the Enquirer article, and phone records. All info was shared with NBC executives so they can act as witness.


White House Reeling As Jared Kushner And Trump Tried To Blackmail MSNBC Morning Joe Hosts
Morning Joe Hosts Have Witnesses To Support Their Story Of Trump/Kushner Blackmail Attempt

Joe Scarborough
Verified account @JoeNBC

Joe Scarborough Retweeted Donald J. Trump

""Yet another lie. I have texts from your top aides and phone records. Also, those records show I haven't spoken with you in many months.""

Joe Scarborough added,

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show
6:02 AM - 30 Jun 2017
Don Cheeto just can't STFU and grow up ..

President Donald Trump continued his feud with two MSNBC hosts on Friday, alleging one of them asked him to intervene to stop a story in the National Enquirer tabloid.

The latest skirmish began Thursday when Trump said the hosts, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, tried to join him at Mar-a-Lago last winter while Brzezinski “was bleeding badly from a face-lift.”

His attack sparked outrage among Republican lawmakers who said he was behaving beneath the dignity of his office and distracting from their legislative agenda, including repealing Obamacare and cutting taxes. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to negotiate a compromise on his health bill by the end of the week as Republicans seek to fulfill a major campaign promise.

Trump Takes MSNBC Feud Into Second Day With Tabloid Charge


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