Trump's tweet about Mika

Once again the Clintons set the bar too high. You could refer to President Trump's tweet as rather tasteless but Bill Clinton was the best example of cowardice in modern times when he let (forced?) his wife to lie and defend him in a press conference when she surely must have known it was Bill's DNA on Monica's dress.
How many times are you going to prove your cowardice? Whenever your slimeball president does something despicable you run to the Clinton's.

Can't imagine why someone goes to Clinton, who you defend and did far worse than trump has every time you pretend to be outraged at trump for something.

No I was being sarcastic. Obviously.
I'm not a huge fan of Matthews because he constantly interrupts his guests but yeah, he really nailed this one.

And no, he did not "suggest trump murder Kushner" and its trump who is destroying his own "presidency".
That's another topic.

I'm talking specifically about Trump and his consistent and disturbing behaviors, from which his followers want to deflect.
So you prefer lazy establishment phonies who lie to us for a living over a blunt businessman who works extremely hard every hour of the day?

yeah, right...
he watches TV, HOURS on end... worrying about what talk show hosts say...and his own ratings....
I'm sure you know exactly what he does all day.....

Bet you couldn't last one day doing what he does every day of his life. His staff has to be turned over constantly because nobody can keep up with him. Constant meetings and phone calls, trips to this place and that place....I guess Tweeting a few times a day is all he has time for. It's a wonder he takes the time to sleep.
Trump can't handle a day in this job....sadly, he has no idea what being President of the USA means.... and even worse, you can't teach the old dog, new tricks....

the people working with him in the whitehouse say he spends hours on end, watching all the news programs on TEVO, screaming at the TV.... :rolleyes:
Taking into consideration the last few presidents we've have the nerve to say that?

Is that really what you think....or is it just you repeating bogus media talking-points?
yes, it is what I've heard and I do believe it and with his behavior, have no reason to believe otherwise....

he's disengaged with his job and only concerned about himself.....his ratings, his feelings, his reality tv show that he thinks is actually his job....

he's just plain crazy, yes, mentally ill, with no interest in being president of the USA is how I view him, and he's dangerous to our nation in that capacity....

he knows nothing about being president and he doesn't want to engage himself in the he knows nothing about what's in the health care bill and talks to us about it like we are 3 years old....''it's a good bill, you are going to like it'' bullcrap without ever talking's just bizarre!!!
The media and Trump both need to grow up but neither will and of course those who dislike Trump will cheer the attacks on him from the media and his supporters will cheer his attacks on the media. The endless cycle of idiocy will continue as the partisans from both sides celebrate it.

oh please. his tweets are official & public record. the media will keep asking & reporting as long as he keeps losing control & going off the rails.
Spare me the media attacks on him have been non stop pretty much since election night some justified a lot of them not. Trump doesn't help himself in how he responds but anyone who thinks the media has treated Trump in a fair and even handed way is naive partisan or both. Right now the media is not acting like responsible journalists and Trump is not acting like a leader they are both acting like third graders yelling at each other on the playground and it will continue until both sides are held accountable for their behavior.

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... your overlord is a buttercup.
The media and Trump both need to grow up but neither will and of course those who dislike Trump will cheer the attacks on him from the media and his supporters will cheer his attacks on the media. The endless cycle of idiocy will continue as the partisans from both sides celebrate it.

i have no sympathy for a cretin who has totally brought this on himself.
Once again the Clintons set the bar too high. You could refer to President Trump's tweet as rather tasteless but Bill Clinton was the best example of cowardice in modern times when he let (forced?) his wife to lie and defend him in a press conference when she surely must have known it was Bill's DNA on Monica's dress.

Bill Clinton was widely condemned and even impeached

Should we hold Trump to the same standard?

Condemned? When? The left defends him to this day.

When trump commits the criminal conduct Clinton did, then yes absolutely hold him accountable for it.

Till then don't pretend to be outraged when you are still defending Clinton's nonsense.

I never defended Clinton for getting a blow job in the workplace........unprofessional
Just didn't think it was impeachment worthy

Trump is responsible for his own behavior
He did nothing illegal yesterday....just makes you question his judgment and whether he is cracking under the pressure
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
You have NO IDEA when the 'photo' was taken.
The bitch hasn't denied she had just had plastic surgery.
THINK for Christ's sake before making 'assumptions!
You're far to prone to do that. Just like the 'assumptions' you made about when Hammond crashed a two million dollar car. He had NEVER driven that car on that course EVER!!!!!
THINK before you run your mouth!
it's plain cuckoo for Trump trying to hurt Mika and Joe by tweeting that Mika had a facelift ...when trump is like on his third plastic surgery job ... his eyes are 'turning Japanese'' from all of them... and while his trophy wife has had every plastic surgery that ever existed from boob job, to face lifts and eye lifts and Botox etc etc

He's an infantile idiot, and an embarrassment to the Presidency...
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
You have NO IDEA when the 'photo' was taken.
The bitch hasn't denied she had just had plastic surgery.
THINK for Christ's sake before making 'assumptions!
You're far to prone to do that. Just like the 'assumptions' you made about when Hammond crashed a two million dollar car. He had NEVER driven that car on that course EVER!!!!!
THINK before you run your mouth!

And you are defending the claims of a man that has been outed multiple times for lying.

Honestly...isn't there some point where you say enough is enough when it comes to defending the indefensible?

And just plain common sense goes out of the window - why would someone vain enough to get plastic surgery go out looking bloody awful :cuckoo:
How plastic surgery works:

The co-hosts denied that Brzezinski had undergone the procedure — but even if she had, and then flown down to Mar-A-Lago against doctor’s orders, it’s incredibly unlikely that she’d have shed any blood, according to cosmetic surgeon Darren Smith.

“There should not, in normal circumstances, be bleeding,” the New York City-based doctor tells Allure. While bruising is likely, he says, “it would be very unusual to see actual external bleeding after a facelift. Aside from maybe 24 to 48 hours after surgery; there could be a few drops of blood that leak when the drains are removed or peek through at the incision line.”

Not exactly a bloodbath.
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone in the WH that is able to rise above all this childish mudslinging, and name-calling so they can actually be "the adult in the room" and LEAD. Trump included.

I do not care much about his tweets simply because they are, in many cases, childish distractions that are meaningless by themselves. However, taken as a whole, they are really quite disturbing.

Furthermore, The "Media" do not deserve what he has dished out, despite what they may have said or done. No one does.

If you disagree, explain to me, in an adult way, why revenge is a quality you like in a President. That is what this is, and nothing more, if, indeed, you are correct and it is in reaction to the media.
I just don't get why the guy gets involved in this juvenille crap.

i don't get why he starts the crap. he self sabotages himself





Agreed. It's odd. Is he doing it on purpose like a little boy throwing a tantrum because they have to do the chores or is it because he really doesn't care what his staffers and supporters think?

If she and her ilk didn't publicly disparage Trump first he probably wouldn't have reacted so crassly. Journalists who insult others need to grow a thicker skin.
I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Hmmm, let's do the rankings for what we should rank Trump on for office fitness....

1. Healthcare
2. Jobs
3. Terror
4. The Wall
1,098,999 A tweet about a corporate lobbyist.

You're right; clearly Trump should be impeached.
I would put intellectual capacity and mature temperament at #1, because they affect everything that follows. Literally.

Before Trump, I wouldn't have even thought of those two qualities, I just pretty much assumed them.

Ya, me too....I've disliked the politics and policies of other presidents...but never questioned intellectual capacity or maturity before.

or the lucidity.
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
You have NO IDEA when the 'photo' was taken.
The bitch hasn't denied she had just had plastic surgery.
THINK for Christ's sake before making 'assumptions!
You're far to prone to do that. Just like the 'assumptions' you made about when Hammond crashed a two million dollar car. He had NEVER driven that car on that course EVER!!!!!
THINK before you run your mouth!
Somebody either had too many energy drinks or didn't get their nap.


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