Trump's tweet about Mika

Trump's visit to Great Britain has been cancelled in the wake of his Twitter attack on the Mayor of London and as a result of his public comments with regard to the recent terrorists attacks there.

GB may be desperate to cut a trade deal with the US in the run up to Brexit but as desperate as they are, they want nothing to do with your orange faced clown.
Is this fake news?

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda

Do voters consider the president’s online posts official statements? Close call: 51 percent say yes vs. 45 percent no.

Overall, only 13 percent approve of Trump’s tweeting. It was 16 percent in March. Forty-six percent disapprove, while 39 percent take the middle ground and “wish he’d be more cautious.”

Among Republicans, 21 percent approve, while 59 percent would like Trump to be more careful with his tweets and 18 percent disapprove.

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Majorities across the board say Trump’s tweets are hurting his agenda, although Democrats (87 percent) and independents (75 percent) are far more likely than Republicans (53 percent) to see it that way.

Over half of Democrats (59 percent) say the tweets are official presidential statements, while over half of Republicans say they aren’t (52 percent).

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The Fox News poll is based on landline and cellphone interviews with 1,017 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from June 25-27, 2017. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for all registered voters.
Offhand, I don't think it is. So what ?
A strong president ignores criticism and tends to the business of the people.
This president is small, petty, vindictive and childish. He's is an embarrassment to every citizen in this country.

What you want is another milquetoast who takes the shit your side dishes.

Party's over, byatch.
What I want is an articulate, reasonable minded President who has a modicum of self-control. Got one handy? Being professional and appropriate is not being a milquetoast.

So you want style over substance. got it.

Basically Obama's empty flashiness.
The mayor of London deserves MORE than a twitter attack. His MUSLIM roots showing after Manchester and the London Bridge are simply disgraceful. The British people should storm his office and toss him into the Mersy.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
Okay, now come back to Earth, Camp. He's stomping his little foot, but what's new? This is hyperbolic in the extreme.
I saw a newspaper front page this morning with a Bald Eagle bowing its head in shame and the words America Humiliated. It was shown on the Mika and Joe show and I did not get the name of the paper. I only got a glimpse of it. Wish I could find it online.

it's the NY Daily News, a rag that has gone from a decent paper to just above the National Enquirer.

It's a full blown sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Flat out lying bullshit. OTOH, no doubt you truly believe acting like a drunk in a bar is fitting conduct for POTUS.

Ivanka would be a much better President.
"Flat out lying bullshit" ? That's what YOU are engaging in. Equating a simple statement of a refusal to admit someone who was bleeding into their home, with "acting like a drunk in a bar" "

YOU'RE "acting like a drunk in a bar" " right now, by the way you're irresponsibly talking. :rolleyes:
Liberals are simply too stupid to know that Trump is .doing to them.

Yesterday while the stupid brain deal Liberals were bitching about him calling that Mika kunt out on her hate the House passed Kate's Law, the new Muslim restrictions went into place and the Special Commission looking into illegal voting requests EVERY voter roll from EVERY state. Win!!!!

He is schlonging all the stupid Liberals by making this country great again and they are too dumb to know what is happening to them. GThe American people love that he is fighting back against the hate mongering Left media like this Mika asshole.

Liberals are like cats chasing a laser beam while the human is being amused.

The stupid Democrats will probably lose another 1,000 nation wide seats and it will be a long time before they control Congress and the Presidency because they are like the silly cat running around chasing nothing.
Is this fake news?

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda

Do voters consider the president’s online posts official statements? Close call: 51 percent say yes vs. 45 percent no.

Overall, only 13 percent approve of Trump’s tweeting. It was 16 percent in March. Forty-six percent disapprove, while 39 percent take the middle ground and “wish he’d be more cautious.”

Among Republicans, 21 percent approve, while 59 percent would like Trump to be more careful with his tweets and 18 percent disapprove.

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Majorities across the board say Trump’s tweets are hurting his agenda, although Democrats (87 percent) and independents (75 percent) are far more likely than Republicans (53 percent) to see it that way.

Over half of Democrats (59 percent) say the tweets are official presidential statements, while over half of Republicans say they aren’t (52 percent).

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The Fox News poll is based on landline and cellphone interviews with 1,017 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from June 25-27, 2017. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for all registered voters.
Offhand, I don't think it is. So what ?
So what? Have you even read the title of this thread and the OP?
An idiot conservative said, "no one likes regulations". .
Many Trump rubes prefer lead and chromium in their water ....America is about choices

Not in their water. God forbid. But if it's a poor community that doesn't pay a lot of taxes, their lead pipes can rush and they can drink it. It isn't until their water gets tainted that they decide to do something about it.

And it's a fact they did it to black people neglegently. In other words they knew and let it keep happening.

AG - Schuette Charges Six More in Flint Water Crisis

And Republicans end up costing us anyways

Legal fees to reach $21 million.

And still their going to have to clean up and fix the mess. See what being cheap Republicans does?
Lead pipes don't rust....

And all of this crap is going on because local governments are more corrupt than the feds.
Republicans have figured out if they put more money into state and local races they can get a lot more done at that level.
Trump's visit to Great Britain has been cancelled in the wake of his Twitter attack on the Mayor of London and as a result of his public comments with regard to the recent terrorists attacks there.

GB may be desperate to cut a trade deal with the US in the run up to Brexit but as desperate as they are, they want nothing to do with your orange faced clown.
What I heard was that Trump told GB he didn't want to go if there were going to be massive protests. So the visit is on hold. When the invitation was first made, soon after his inauguration, the trip was scheduled for October. Huckabee-Sanders said it's not on the calendar now, so yes, it has been cancelled or postponed, but I'm not sure GB did it. The Queen anyway said her invitation still stands. Last I heard anyway.
If she and her ilk didn't publicly disparage Trump first he probably wouldn't have reacted so crassly. Journalists who insult others need to grow a thicker skin.
I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Hmmm, let's do the rankings for what we should rank Trump on for office fitness....

1. Healthcare
2. Jobs
3. Terror
4. The Wall
1,098,999 A tweet about a corporate lobbyist.

You're right; clearly Trump should be impeached.
I would put intellectual capacity and mature temperament at #1, because they affect everything that follows. Literally.

Before Trump, I wouldn't have even thought of those two qualities, I just pretty much assumed them.

Ya, me too....I've disliked the politics and policies of other presidents...but never questioned intellectual capacity or maturity before.
Flat out lying bullshit. OTOH, no doubt you truly believe acting like a drunk in a bar is fitting conduct for POTUS.

Ivanka would be a much better President.
"Flat out lying bullshit" ? That's what YOU are engaging in. Equating a simple statement of a refusal to admit someone who was bleeding into their home, with "acting like a drunk in a bar" "

YOU'RE "acting like a drunk in a bar" " right now, by the way you're irresponsibly talking. :rolleyes:
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
A strong president ignores criticism and tends to the business of the people.
This president is small, petty, vindictive and childish. He's is an embarrassment to every citizen in this country.

What you want is another milquetoast who takes the shit your side dishes.

Party's over, byatch.
What I want is an articulate, reasonable minded President who has a modicum of self-control. Got one handy? Being professional and appropriate is not being a milquetoast.

So you want style over substance. got it.

Basically Obama's empty flashiness.
I have nothing whatever against basic manners. I was not raised in a barn, regardless of the behavior I may exhibit here from time to time.
If it were me, I wouldn't be stepping in it like this, but overall I really don't care, and it is funny watching liberals come so unglued :biggrin:.
As I mentioned in another thread, Trump could also strip naked, run out on the White House lawn with a bottle of tequila jammed up his ass, and do "The Chicken Dance".

That would also drive the media and the Left crazy. That doesn't mean it would be remotely good for the office, or the country.
Presidents have a full time job & its a hard one, dealing with not only our country but the whole word. I would prefer they spend as little time as possible on personal problems with other people.
If she and her ilk didn't publicly disparage Trump first he probably wouldn't have reacted so crassly. Journalists who insult others need to grow a thicker skin.
I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Hmmm, let's do the rankings for what we should rank Trump on for office fitness....

1. Healthcare
2. Jobs
3. Terror
4. The Wall
1,098,999 A tweet about a corporate lobbyist.

You're right; clearly Trump should be impeached.
I would put intellectual capacity and mature temperament at #1, because they affect everything that follows. Literally.

Before Trump, I wouldn't have even thought of those two qualities, I just pretty much assumed them.

Ya, me too....I've disliked the politics and policies of other presidents...but never questioned intellectual capacity or maturity before.
I believe Trump is smart...or was (age issues), but he's a "spoiled" billionaire who has spent over 70 years having his way, no matter if it was right or wrong.

Birthers....gotta love em
What does birthers have do with about Obama lying about being conceived at Selma?

Oh yea...I forgot about Selma

I forgot how Conservatives are unable to comprehend symbolism. They take everything literally
I haven't forgotten how you will twist Obama's lies to try to justify it. He lied plain and simple. He was around 3 years old when Selma happened.

You funny

You still don't understand the symbolism of Selma. It represents the whole civil rights struggle.

Lets make it simple for knuckle dragging conservatives. No, it doesn't mean Obama's parents were literally in Selma when he was conceived. It means the struggle that culminated in Selma enabled a black man and white woman to conceive a child that went on to be President. There was a time his father would have been lynched for impregnating a white woman
View attachment 136320
He said two people met at Selma and nine months later Barack Obama was born.

Actually, he didn't

You need to check your lies before you post them
The animals over at cnn and pmsnbc are getting what they deserve, although completely shunning them would also suffice.....
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

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