Trump's tweet about Mika

LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
Presidents have a full time job & its a hard one, dealing with not only our country but the whole word. I would prefer they spend as little time as possible on personal problems with other people.
Nicely, tactfully, put.
A strong president ignores criticism and tends to the business of the people.
This president is small, petty, vindictive and childish. He's is an embarrassment to every citizen in this country.

What you want is another milquetoast who takes the shit your side dishes.

Party's over, byatch.
What I want is an articulate, reasonable minded President who has a modicum of self-control. Got one handy? Being professional and appropriate is not being a milquetoast.

So you want style over substance. got it.

Basically Obama's empty flashiness.
I have nothing whatever against basic manners. I was not raised in a barn, regardless of the behavior I may exhibit here from time to time.

This isn't manners we are talking about. Hell, with the shit that is slung around between both sides if we went by old rules decorum wouldn't apply, we would all be setting up duels.

Manners go out the window when one side thinks the other side doesn't even have the RIGHT to their opinion, and that comes from the left nowadays, not the right.

The symptom is the "free speech only when i agree with it" crap we are seeing on college campuses these days. You don't see Young Republican groups trying to disrupt ISM meetings or similar gatherings.
As I mentioned in another thread, Trump could also strip naked, run out on the White House lawn with a bottle of tequila jammed up his ass, and do "The Chicken Dance".

That would also drive the media and the Left crazy. That doesn't mean it would be remotely good for the office, or the country.
But why bring up a silly thing like that ? What Trump said isn't at all improper, despite liberal media and a bunch of RINOs trying to paint it that way.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Bull F*cking Sh!t. Brought to you by the right. All their Richard Spencer Nazi Salutes. Trump telling his minions to attack and offering to pay legal fees. Being attacked at Trump rallies. The GOP attack on millions of American's healthcare. The GOP war on women.

Every single GOP policy is designed to screw over millions of Americans if not the majority. Fighting back is not starting something. It's fighting back.

How does letting people keep the money they earn hurt them? How does allowing them to choose their own insurance or whether not to have insurance hurt them? How does not killing them in the womb hurt them?
As I mentioned in another thread, Trump could also strip naked, run out on the White House lawn with a bottle of tequila jammed up his ass, and do "The Chicken Dance". That would also drive the media and the Left crazy. That doesn't mean it would be remotely good for the office, or the country..
But why bring up a silly thing like that ? What Trump said isn't at all improper, despite liberal media and a bunch of RINOs trying to paint it that way.
Then you and I have very different standards about what is "improper", particularly coming from the President of the United States, and I wonder how you would have reacted if a Democratic President had done something like that. As well as a few other dozen embarrassing things.
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
Of Mika bleeding in front of Trump?

LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
Of Mika bleeding in front of Trump?

No - of her not bleeding.
This is humiliating the nation? But the wacko behavior that's been going on by the left since the election isn't? The media partisan bs isn't?

This is mild to what it could be.

While on the subject is humiliating the nation a bad thing? We are an extremely proud nation. If we are to be great again it wont be until we stop our pride and become humble ones again. Humiliation is the process of becoming humble.

You can choose to be humble or be humiliated. Choosing is always better. Either way the proud will be destroyed

Trump is humble?

Did I say that?
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay

The Media deserves what he dished out. You guys are hell-bent on destroying the president THE PEOPLE elected.

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator
Once again the Clintons set the bar too high. You could refer to President Trump's tweet as rather tasteless but Bill Clinton was the best example of cowardice in modern times when he let (forced?) his wife to lie and defend him in a press conference when she surely must have known it was Bill's DNA on Monica's dress.
How many times are you going to prove your cowardice? Whenever your slimeball president does something despicable you run to the Clinton's.

Can't imagine why someone goes to Clinton, who you defend and did far worse than trump has every time you pretend to be outraged at trump for something.
LOL. Bleeding? Seriously? Do have any evidence there was bleeding or do you just suck up whatever Trump tweets out all over your face like glazing a donut?
I can take his word for it. Do YOU have any evidence there was NOT bleeding, or do you just suck up whatever the MSM throws out there for you, like glazing a donut? :blahblah:

Well, there's a photo for one.
Of Mika bleeding in front of Trump?

No - of her not bleeding.
Agreed. I saw that one, sorry I misunderstood:


Once again the Clintons set the bar too high. You could refer to President Trump's tweet as rather tasteless but Bill Clinton was the best example of cowardice in modern times when he let (forced?) his wife to lie and defend him in a press conference when she surely must have known it was Bill's DNA on Monica's dress.
How many times are you going to prove your cowardice? Whenever your slimeball president does something despicable you run to the Clinton's.

Can't imagine why someone goes to Clinton, who you defend and did far worse than trump has every time you pretend to be outraged at trump for something.
Once again the Clintons set the bar too high. You could refer to President Trump's tweet as rather tasteless but Bill Clinton was the best example of cowardice in modern times when he let (forced?) his wife to lie and defend him in a press conference when she surely must have known it was Bill's DNA on Monica's dress.

Bill Clinton was widely condemned and even impeached

Should we hold Trump to the same standard?

Condemned? When? The left defends him to this day.

When trump commits the criminal conduct Clinton did, then yes absolutely hold him accountable for it.

Till then don't pretend to be outraged when you are still defending Clinton's nonsense.

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