Trump's Tweet Wasn't A Racist Tweet!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump's bombshell tweet on July 14th perceived as targeted toward the four Progressive Democrat Congresswomen known as the "Squad" was a disgrace, over-the -top and provides compelling reason why he is unfit to hold the Presidency of the United States. But those calling the tweet "racist" are equally wrong and are equally hurting our country because for one it was not racist outrageously wrong yes and second because he was a duly elected President he has a strong voter base which requires Republican members of Congress to support him so they don't get intensely primaried and when these critics keep making this tweet the issue and calling it a racist tweet you are painting the Republican establishment as racist and it just shuts down the dialogue and the effort to come together politically in the country so we can make the country better and improve the lives of the American people!

The tweet is not racist. This is the tweet: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly.... and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how ...... it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! 8:27 am - July 14 2019. It is not racist because it is not singling out minorities in any way; it does not reference brown or black members of Congress at all in it's instruction for Progressive congresswomen who are naturalized citizens to go back to their home country. That is not to say it isn't outstanding wrong because it is such; the tweet is un-American, as Americans we uphold the value that we disagree with other citizens over policy even as zealously as one can but we still view all citizens as our neighbor who we respect and care about to be American means to cherish the right to dissent to cherish free speech to cherish the use of the election process to advocate and to see put into policy views that are different than our own. Donald Trump in that tweet and multiple other incidences violates these values and this is why he is overwhelmingly unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States!

The fact that the tweet can be reasonably perceived as racist does not justify or give moral legitimacy to label it as a racist tweet because this labeling terribly divides the nation. Sure it is logical to consider that his reference to Progressive Democrat Congresswomen was to the four congresswomen known as the "Squad" who are all minorities and he is instructing them to leave the country because of their different political views; but one cannot clearly conclude that President Trump was doing it because of their skin color or ethnic background actually the more logical conclusion is that he was making the statement because of their left wing liberal views which pose an obstruction to President Trumps agenda and America has repeatedly seen Trump's modus operandi of using hate to try to knock down obstructions to his agenda!

For the same reason that it is poisoning our democracy and blocking efforts to improve our Democracy Trump critics should stop calling his tweet fascist or him fascist. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fascism as "a political philosophy ------- that stands for a centralized autocratic government --- headed by a dictatorial leader ---- having severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition"; Encyclopedia Britanica adds the element to the definition of "contempt for electoral democracy". President Trump is a true disaster as a President but he is not a dictator like Benito Mussolini or Vladimir Putin he recognizes the general authority of Congress to make America's laws. President Trump does not hold beliefs of an all power central government in America in fact his decentralization views are one of his shortcomings he would like to repeal the ACA and dump the problem of health care on the states which are ill equipped to deliver to all the American people their "fundamental" right to "affordable" health care! President Trump does believe in the electoral process and actually this belief is why he tweets so much he views tweeting as directly talking to the American people who he believes will bring about his reelection. President Trump has not shown any support for violent suppression of political opposition by America's law enforcement authorities! Plain and simple it is unjust to label President Trump as a fascist the facts don't support this label so cut it out those in the country that are doing this the American people need to focus on the welfare and wellbeing of the country which needs help!
I agree he is just unfit to be Potus, but I believe he is racist and a bigot.
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President Trump's bombshell tweet on July 14th perceived as targeted toward the four Progressive Democrat Congresswomen known as the "Squad" was a disgrace, over-the -top and provides compelling reason why he is unfit to hold the Presidency of the United States. But those calling the tweet "racist" are equally wrong and are equally hurting our country because for one it was not racist outrageously wrong yes and second because he was a duly elected President he has a strong voter base which requires Republican members of Congress to support him so they don't get intensely primaried and when these critics keep making this tweet the issue and calling it a racist tweet you are painting the Republican establishment as racist and it just shuts down the dialogue and the effort to come together politically in the country so we can make the country better and improve the lives of the American people!

The tweet is not racist. This is the tweet: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly.... and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how ...... it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! 8:27 am - July 14 2019. It is not racist because it is not singling out minorities in any way; it does not reference brown or black members of Congress at all in it's instruction for Progressive congresswomen who are naturalized citizens to go back to their home country. That is not to say it isn't outstanding wrong because it is such; the tweet is un-American, as Americans we uphold the value that we disagree with other citizens over policy even as zealously as one can but we still view all citizens as our neighbor who we respect and care about to be American means to cherish the right to dissent to cherish free speech to cherish the use of the election process to advocate and to see put into policy views that are different than our own. Donald Trump in that tweet and multiple other incidences violates these values and this is why he is overwhelmingly unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States!

The fact that the tweet can be reasonably perceived as racist does not justify or give moral legitimacy to label it as a racist tweet because this labeling terribly divides the nation. Sure it is logical to consider that his reference to Progressive Democrat Congresswomen was to the four congresswomen known as the "Squad" who are all minorities and he is instructing them to leave the country because of their different political views; but one cannot clearly conclude that President Trump was doing it because of their skin color or ethnic background actually the more logical conclusion is that he was making the statement because of their left wing liberal views which pose an obstruction to President Trumps agenda and America has repeatedly seen Trump's modus operandi of using hate to try to knock down obstructions to his agenda!

For the same reason that it is poisoning our democracy and blocking efforts to improve our Democracy Trump critics should stop calling his tweet fascist or him fascist. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fascism as "a political philosophy ------- that stands for a centralized autocratic government --- headed by a dictatorial leader ---- having severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition"; Encyclopedia Britanica adds the element to the definition of "contempt for electoral democracy". President Trump is a true disaster as a President but he is not a dictator like Benito Mussolini or Vladimir Putin he recognizes the general authority of Congress to make America's laws. President Trump does not hold beliefs of an all power central government in America in fact his decentralization views are one of his shortcomings he would like to repeal the ACA and dump the problem of health care on the states which are ill equipped to deliver to all the American people their "fundamental" right to "affordable" health care! President Trump does believe in the electoral process and actually this belief is why he tweets so much he views tweeting as directly talking to the American people who he believes will bring about his reelection. President Trump has not shown any support for violent suppression of political opposition by America's law enforcement authorities! Plain and simple it is unjust to label President Trump as a fascist the facts don't support this label so cut it out those in the country that are doing this the American people need to focus on the welfare and wellbeing of the country which needs help!
The EEOC will prosecute you for saying what he did.

Why you ask?

Be sure it's racist.

Now in all seriousness, you are days behind here. The local tRumplings have given up the "it's not racist" defense and moved in to "furiners shouldn't be holdin' offices anyhow!"
President Trump's bombshell tweet on July 14th perceived as targeted toward the four Progressive Democrat Congresswomen known as the "Squad" was a disgrace, over-the -top and provides compelling reason why he is unfit to hold the Presidency of the United States. But those calling the tweet "racist" are equally wrong and are equally hurting our country because for one it was not racist outrageously wrong yes and second because he was a duly elected President he has a strong voter base which requires Republican members of Congress to support him so they don't get intensely primaried and when these critics keep making this tweet the issue and calling it a racist tweet you are painting the Republican establishment as racist and it just shuts down the dialogue and the effort to come together politically in the country so we can make the country better and improve the lives of the American people!

The tweet is not racist. This is the tweet: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly.... and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how ...... it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! 8:27 am - July 14 2019. It is not racist because it is not singling out minorities in any way; it does not reference brown or black members of Congress at all in it's instruction for Progressive congresswomen who are naturalized citizens to go back to their home country. That is not to say it isn't outstanding wrong because it is such; the tweet is un-American, as Americans we uphold the value that we disagree with other citizens over policy even as zealously as one can but we still view all citizens as our neighbor who we respect and care about to be American means to cherish the right to dissent to cherish free speech to cherish the use of the election process to advocate and to see put into policy views that are different than our own. Donald Trump in that tweet and multiple other incidences violates these values and this is why he is overwhelmingly unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States!

The fact that the tweet can be reasonably perceived as racist does not justify or give moral legitimacy to label it as a racist tweet because this labeling terribly divides the nation. Sure it is logical to consider that his reference to Progressive Democrat Congresswomen was to the four congresswomen known as the "Squad" who are all minorities and he is instructing them to leave the country because of their different political views; but one cannot clearly conclude that President Trump was doing it because of their skin color or ethnic background actually the more logical conclusion is that he was making the statement because of their left wing liberal views which pose an obstruction to President Trumps agenda and America has repeatedly seen Trump's modus operandi of using hate to try to knock down obstructions to his agenda!

For the same reason that it is poisoning our democracy and blocking efforts to improve our Democracy Trump critics should stop calling his tweet fascist or him fascist. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fascism as "a political philosophy ------- that stands for a centralized autocratic government --- headed by a dictatorial leader ---- having severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition"; Encyclopedia Britanica adds the element to the definition of "contempt for electoral democracy". President Trump is a true disaster as a President but he is not a dictator like Benito Mussolini or Vladimir Putin he recognizes the general authority of Congress to make America's laws. President Trump does not hold beliefs of an all power central government in America in fact his decentralization views are one of his shortcomings he would like to repeal the ACA and dump the problem of health care on the states which are ill equipped to deliver to all the American people their "fundamental" right to "affordable" health care! President Trump does believe in the electoral process and actually this belief is why he tweets so much he views tweeting as directly talking to the American people who he believes will bring about his reelection. President Trump has not shown any support for violent suppression of political opposition by America's law enforcement authorities! Plain and simple it is unjust to label President Trump as a fascist the facts don't support this label so cut it out those in the country that are doing this the American people need to focus on the welfare and wellbeing of the country which needs help!

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