Trumpster Faces Jail Time After Faking Arson And Blaming BLM, ANTIFA

I agree with all of that except the last part.
Biden is CLEARLY going senile.
And he seems to be slipping away quickly.
During the campaign, he could keep it together for long periods of time.
Now...he does not seem to be able to any longer.

Trump can use that in the next election.

I agree that almost any Dem could beat Trump in 2024.
But maybe not Biden.
Reagan was a vegetable his entire second term. You think I really care about his studdering and gaffs ? Maybe, everyone was asleep his first 30 years in washington…..he was always like that. Really, who gives a fk as long as he signs the right legislation. Compared to Trump, he’s a fking genius.

Trump has no leverage. He has a history of being a white supremest, anti democratic, criminal. There is so much material out there, anyone running against him can just stay home and run the commercials . ;) Which, Biden did last time.

Its amazing, as poor a rating Biden has, he still beats Trump head to head. I pray Trump the loser runs again. He can’t beat a male.
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So lying is OK if you simply accuse the other side of lying...
Pretty much what Trump and his Humpers do all the time. “Lock her up“ by Flyn and who gets locked up ? Not Hillary.
Because the gop is literally a fascist organization, they use the term all the time on Dems. Hilarious. they’re like 4 th graders….
Prosecution had it for lunch.
Another dreamed up idea. Federal indictments…doesn’t sound like ham sandwich

“A grand jury, composed of 16 to 23 members as specified by the laws of each jurisdiction,investigates an accusation brought to them by the prosecutor. The investigation involves reviewing evidence and hearing witness testimony. All of the grand jury’s proceedings take place in a closed room with no judge, and are kept secret in order to encourage ...”
Pretty much what Trump and his Humpers do all the time. “Lock her up“ by Flyn and who gets locked up ? Not Hillary.
Because the gop is literally a fascist organization, they use the term all the time on Dems. Hilarious. they’re like 4 th graders….
Didn't answer my question, just kept up 3 year old tantrums and name calling.
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Reagan was a vegetable his entire second term. You think I really care about his studdering and gaffs ? Maybe, everyone was asleep his first 30 years in washington…..he was always like that. Really, who gives a fk as long as he signs the right legislation. Compared to Trump, he’s a fking genius.

Trump has no leverage. He has a history of being a white supremest, anti democratic, criminal. There is so much material out there, anyone running against him can just stay home and run the commercials . ;) Which, Biden did last time.

Its amazing, as poor a rating Biden has, he still beats Trump head to head. I pray Trump the loser runs again. He can’t beat a male.
I don't much care if you don't care or not.
I say most people will.
And if you started a poll asking if most people think that senility should disqualify someone from being POTUS?
I GUARANTEE you most would vote 'yes'.

Think whatever you want.
We are done here.
Another dreamed up idea. Federal indictments…doesn’t sound like ham sandwich

“A grand jury, composed of 16 to 23 members as specified by the laws of each jurisdiction,investigates an accusation brought to them by the prosecutor. The investigation involves reviewing evidence and hearing witness testimony. All of the grand jury’s proceedings take place in a closed room with no judge, and are kept secret in order to encourage ...”
Funny how these 'secret' proceedings have a way of making it to the news.

The ham sandwich comment was an indictment of the prosecution process.
Oh, you have a tent. I can understand why you won't admit to it.

Actually you do not know shit from shinola. In fact, in order to know that you do not know shit from shinola, you would first have to know shit from shinola and still you would not know shit from shinola.

I do not have a tent. IF I had a tent I would not Antisemitic/Bigoted/
Homophobic/Islamophobiac/Neo-Nazi/Racists in it. Nor would I support and idefend people who engaged Insurrection against my country.

I sure as hell would NOT have an individual who attacks Gold Star Families, called the Men and Women who died defending our Country in Combat, "Suckers and Losers". Nor would I allow any person who sides with Russia against the United States or shares highly classified intelligence with both the Russian Ambassador or the Russian Foreign Minister.

I would NEVER allow a person who Neo-Nazi's and Skin Heads, "Good People".

But then again, unlike YOU, I do not believe the 2020 Election was stolen OR fall down my knees to worship the Traitor.
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I don't much care if you don't care or not.
I say most people will.
And if you started a poll asking if most people think that senility should disqualify someone from being POTUS?
I GUARANTEE you most would vote 'yes'.

Think whatever you want.
We are done here.

Mr. Biden is three years older than the Traitor.
Actually you do not know shit from shinola. In fact, in order to know that you do not know shit from shinola, you would first have to know shit from shinola and still you would not know shit from shinola.

I do not have a tent. IF I had a tent I would not Antisemitic/Bigoted/
Homophobic/Islamophobiac/Neo-Nazi/Racists in it. Nor would I support and idefend people who engaged Insurrection against my country.

I sure as hell would NOT have an individual who attacks Gold Star Families, called the Men and Women who died defending our Country in Combat, "Suckers and Losers". Nor would I allow any person who sides with Russia against the United States or shares highly classified intelligence with both the Russian Ambassador or the Russian Foreign Minister.

I would NEVER allow a person who Neo-Nazi's and Skin Heads, "Good People".

But then again, unlike YOU, I do not believe the 2020 Election was stolen OR fall down my knees to worship the Traitor.
I see what your problem is, you project a lot. And you don't quite grasp the English language as far as comprehending.
You also couldn't find a post of me saying the election was stolen, no matter how much you try.
But keep it up sparky, you're an o'fer right now, it can only get better.
Actually you do not know shit from shinola. In fact, in order to know that you do not know shit from shinola, you would first have to know shit from shinola and still you would not know shit from shinola.

I do not have a tent. IF I had a tent I would not Antisemitic/Bigoted/
Homophobic/Islamophobiac/Neo-Nazi/Racists in it. Nor would I support and idefend people who engaged Insurrection against my country.

I sure as hell would NOT have an individual who attacks Gold Star Families, called the Men and Women who died defending our Country in Combat, "Suckers and Losers". Nor would I allow any person who sides with Russia against the United States or shares highly classified intelligence with both the Russian Ambassador or the Russian Foreign Minister.

I would NEVER allow a person who Neo-Nazi's and Skin Heads, "Good People".

But then again, unlike YOU, I do not believe the 2020 Election was stolen OR fall down my knees to worship the Traitor.
you say a lot.

it's all bullshit, but you say a lot of it.
I don't much care if you don't care or not.
I say most people will.
And if you started a poll asking if most people think that senility should disqualify someone from being POTUS?
I GUARANTEE you most would vote 'yes'.

Think whatever you want.
We are done here.
I don’t have a special avenue into anyone else mind. All we have are the polls. The recent Times poll has Biden over Trump. The public is fickled. If gas prices go down, Russia is driven out of Ukraine, Biden will look a lIke a genius. Really, if Trump were in now, Russia would own Ukraine. The invasion is the most significant military act since ww2.
if denial makes what you hate go away, if we deny you, do you go away?

if not, why do you do it to us?
As soon as anyone starts with this deep state crapolla, it’s an immediate sign they are crazier then a shit house rat. None of your farcical crappolla has any evidence what so ever. You’re just a bunch of lunatics who feed off each other’s fears.

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