Trumpster Faces Jail Time After Faking Arson And Blaming BLM, ANTIFA

The Traitor and his cabal use Mail-In Voting.
How does mail in make it easier ? You have to be REGISTERED before you mail it in. If it doesn’t match, you could be charged with a federal voter fraud felony. Who the fk is going to then submit ballots that don’t match a registration. Are you that ignorant of the simple process ?
Because James Comey was the head of the FBI and ruled that she didn't "intend" to break the law.

That's how investigations go when Democrats are in power.
Comey doesn’t make indictments or not. . It’s the DOJ. It was a republican DOJ
The Traitor and his cabal use Mail-In Voting.
Correct Trump did use mail in voting, but most of his followers voted in person rather than by mail as opposed to the Democrats heeding the call to do so because of the pandemic.
Of course we don't make good criminals, that's more of a Democrat skill. If we were good at criminal behavior, Biden never would have never ended up in office in 2020.
Absolutely correct... ROTFLMBO..
Notice the pattern...LOL

Look at who was in the drivers seat at DOJ/FBI.
After the election, all Trumps people. They were suppose to “lock her up”. That and the wall where trump had both houses and the presidency. No wall, no indictment, no shit. You guys still bought it, right up the kazoo.
Of course we don't make good criminals, that's more of a Democrat skill. If we were good at criminal behavior, Biden never would have never ended up in office in 2020.
The fact that one of USMBs top five biggest paid trolls penelope hates this post,is all the proof in the world you are telling the truth. :rofl: :up: The one thing thst surprises me is paid shill I love Israel did not put a thumbs down as well.the world must be coming to an

The fact trollboy skews made this thread,that’s all the proof on the planet trump will NOT be facing jail time. :biggrin: Every non troll here,thst is the trump supporters,knows that whatever skews trollboysays,the opposite is always the truth.:auiqs.jpg:
Denis Vladimirovich Molla was a proud Trump supporter. He had “Trump 2020” flags flying from his two trucks and another draped over his garage. Then one night, a fire broke out and burned his camper, his garage, and two trucks to the ground. Someone spray-painted “Biden 2020,” “BLM,” and an anarchy symbol associated with antifa across the front of the burned-out garage. Molla reported the arson and vandalism to his insurance company and even launched two GoFundMe pages to raise money for his losses. The problem is that two years later, it’s been uncovered that he was the culprit.

Trumphumpers. The original stupid criminals.

Too funny :auiqs.jpg:
I DESPISED Trump as POTUS (just as I DESPISE Biden as POTUS - for different reasons).

But what the fuck does a criminal's voting record have to do with anything?

Depends on if the crime was driven by it, otherwise if it has a direct correlation to his voting record and ideology to be based upon the record when commiting a crime for those same ideological reason's, so yes politics could probably be involved in such a situation described above if found to be the case (no shocker really)..

However, the crime this guy committed sounds like just good old fashion insurance fraud, and therefore his loyalty to Trump could have easily been seen as a fraud as well. Many people wanting attention in any way they can get it, and since Trump was popular, then hey hook your wagon up to it he may have thought right ??
Denis Vladimirovich Molla was a proud Trump supporter. He had “Trump 2020” flags flying from his two trucks and another draped over his garage. Then one night, a fire broke out and burned his camper, his garage, and two trucks to the ground. Someone spray-painted “Biden 2020,” “BLM,” and an anarchy symbol associated with antifa across the front of the burned-out garage. Molla reported the arson and vandalism to his insurance company and even launched two GoFundMe pages to raise money for his losses. The problem is that two years later, it’s been uncovered that he was the culprit.

Trumphumpers. The original stupid criminals.
democrats are so terrified of makes me laugh
democrats are so terrified of makes me laugh
Oh contrary. They hope Trump runs again if he can stay out of jail. The worse candidate the Dems ever put out there, gramps Biden, beat him by 7 plus million votes and according to Trump himself, a landslide electoral college votes. He keeps losing by bigger margins everytime he runs. Imagine all the idiot lies and gaffs just waiting to be used in would be a gift from the “gods.” Geesus, Biden already polls ahead of him. Just a small sample ready to be rolled out.
Oh contrary. They hope Trump runs again if he can stay out of jail. The worse candidate the Dems ever put out there, gramps Biden, beat him by 7 plus million votes and according to Trump himself, a landslide electoral college votes. He keeps losing by bigger margins everytime he runs. Imagine all the idiot lies and gaffs just waiting to be used in would be a gift from the “gods.” Geesus, Biden already polls ahead of him. Just a small sample ready to be rolled out.

I agree with all of that except the last part.
Biden is CLEARLY going senile.
And he seems to be slipping away quickly.
During the campaign, he could keep it together for long periods of time.
Now...he does not seem to be able to any longer.

Trump can use that in the next election.

I agree that almost any Dem could beat Trump in 2024.
But maybe not Biden.

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