Is Don Jr. taking drugs again?

Supposedly JD wrote that in his book.

That’s false of course but where did that rumor originate? Has someone seen him couch fucking?

Has anyone gotten the couch to deny it? Why not?
It’s in the article I posted. Someone on X started the rumor.

He never wrote that in his book
Um this comment is so WEIRD.
Well I thought everyone knew these facts about Trump(Shitpants, Scum bag) now the name shitpants was given to him by the people who worked on his television show , because he took so many drugs that he shit in his pants all the time. IT was so bad they had a crew set up on the program to change his diapers and clean him up, sometimes multiple times a day. They gave him the name . They said that the worst part was taking off his girdle , it was like taking off a straight jacket he was strapped in so extensively. Now the name scum bag is my name for him, I gave it to him because I have never seen a bigger piece of shit in my whole lifetime. He is a rapist a felon 34 times, he is the ugliest cruelest person I've ever seen in my life, He says he grabs women by their pussy because he says they like that kind of stuff.. The man is total scum , the lowest form of humanity , Hence my name for him.
By the way thanks for pointing it out that you find my comment strange and weird , I thought everyone knew these facts , so it gives me the opportunity to enplane these facts to them , Like you . It will now give you the chance to pass this on to your friends and people on the forums. Telling this traitor to the country what a piece of shit he is. Total bottom feeding scum. A total parasite. I will be pleased when you pass these facts on, again thank you for the response.
Well I thought everyone knew these facts about Trump(Shitpants, Scum bag) now the name shitpants was given to him by the people who worked on his television show , because he took so many drugs that he shit in his pants all the time. IT was so bad they had a crew set up on the program to change his diapers and clean him up, sometimes multiple times a day. They gave him the name . They said that the worst part was taking off his girdle , it was like taking off a straight jacket he was strapped in so extensively. Now the name scum bag is my name for him, I gave it to him because I have never seen a bigger piece of shit in my whole lifetime. He is a rapist a felon 34 times, he is the ugliest cruelest person I've ever seen in my life, He says he grabs women by their pussy because he says they like that kind of stuff.. The man is total scum , the lowest form of humanity , Hence my name for him.
By the way thanks for pointing it out that you find my comment strange and weird , I thought everyone knew these facts , so it gives me the opportunity to enplane these facts to them , Like you . It will now give you the chance to pass this on to your friends and people on the forums. Telling this traitor to the country what a piece of shit he is. Total bottom feeding scum. A total parasite. I will be pleased when you pass these facts on, again thank you for the response.
I don 't know how true any of that is (there was no link) but there were a lot of reports of an "odor" in the Courtroom when Trump on trial

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