TrumpUSA Diplomacy: Eco-Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-tale inspired by The Emerald Forest.

Signing off,


"The reporters gathered around the campus of UCLA and witnessed the countless children melting the giant ice-sculpture of U.S. President Donald Trump with their handy-dandy freely-distributed pink clear toy water-pistols. The gesture signified an educational focus on the value of ecosystem consciousness in the post-Industrialization era of mass technology/computer use. CNN called it a fine madness.


However, the pro-liberal gesture released from the sea of metaphysics a vile and eerie ice-demon named Frost who resembled a frozen dragon. Frost represented malice towards the Earth and a general mistrust of human activity. Frost hailed in the new unnatural/manmade Ice-Age, an age of uncomfortably cold winters and unbearably sweltering summers. Frost was furious about man's free will and how/why it afforded mankind the 'privilege' to get away with murder (eco-pollution).


The professors of UCLA were currently hosting a special African-American culture-diaspora symposium, and many prominent African-American society 'icons' (e.g., Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Angela Davis, Tracy Chapman) were attending. Frost crashed the party and declared the Trump ice-sculpture melting 'performance-act' on the UCLA campus a complete hypocrisy, and one African-American UCLA student jumped up and told Frost that 'TrumpUSA' would always symbolize pure diplomacy."



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