Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It

This gathering was a total farce, but not because of intentional mockery by Russia, India, and China.

The fact is that in the third world and the developing world, all the talk of saving the planet by reducing "our" collective carbon footprint is blatant silliness. The best and fastest impetus to modernity among developing societies is the massive use of carbon fuels (mainly coal) to generate electricity, cook food, facilitate transportation, purify water and treat waste, and so on. The very idea of using solar, wind, and other "renewables" to curtail carbon emissions is so far off their radar screens as to be akin to science fiction.

This is why China and India are building new coal-fired power plants in those regions, and have no intention of scaling back for at least another decade - which is basically what they "promised" to do under the original Paris Accords.

And this is also why the realists at Paris have acknowledged that even if every single country does exactly what they said they would do, the difference in global temperatures resulting from these efforts is so small as to be ludicrous...maybe one or one and a half degrees C, as compared to DOING NOTHING. In fact, it is likely that naturally occurring technological progress will do more to impact greenhouse gas emissions than shooting ourselves in the foot, as today's Leftists advocate.

So Comrades Biden and Kerry admonish these worthies to honor their promises, and they affirm that they will do so. Utterly meaningless.
Request that people who comments stay on topic and address the CONTENT of the article.

Manhattan Contrarian

Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It
April 22, 2021/ Francis Menton


Once again, it’s Earth Day. The first such day was 51 years ago, April 22, 1970.

Since that first one, Earth Day has served as an annual opportunity for sanctimonious socialist-minded apocalypticists to issue prophesies of imminent environmental doom. Here from the Competitive Enterprise Institute is a great list of some 50 or so such predictions uttered since the late 1960s, all of which have since been proven wrong. Interestingly, the ones from the time of the first Earth Day mostly concerned overpopulation, famine, and global cooling. Today, those things seem ever so quaint.

Somewhere along the line, the prophesy of a coming ice age faded away, and global warming surged forth as the much more fashionable doomsday prediction. Today, fealty to the global warming apocalypse orthodoxy is a prerequisite for admission to polite society. Our President goes around repeating the mantra that climate change is an “existential threat,” even as he signs Executive Orders and re-directs half the energies of the vast federal government to fight it.

And what better opportunity than the annual return of Earth Day for our great leaders to demonstrate their deep climate change sincerity? Thus last week we had President Biden’s personal climate emissary to the world, John Kerry, traveling to Shanghai to triumphantly welcome China on board with the official plan to “save the planet” through ending the use of fossil fuels; and today, Biden himself has followed up with his Earth Day Climate Summit, a virtual event said to be attended by leaders of some 40 or so nations, including the likes of China, India and Russia. Surely, things have now completely changed course since the evil Trump has been banished, and the world will shortly be saved by the re-invigoration of the glorious Paris Climate Agreement.



China are THRILLED that Biden and Kerry are doing this because it plays right into the Chinese hands, weakens American lets the world know how dumb they are.
What content? I see some bloviating, a few fibs, and and a butt-load of hot air, but no content.
He just states the oblivious as a climate denier and his opinion Russia did sign the Paris agreement last year. Is the change going to happen overnight. No , Russia is not known for its sunny days. Nor is wind turbines going to work that well in a cold climate until improvements are made where they can. So they are not going to capitulate completely on fossil fuel Yet they are willing to discuss ideas. Yet they do not need to discus ideas if they did not want to. It took a number of years to get Russia to the table but at lease they are at the table.

China as one of the worlds leaders in emissions and have to be brought into the discussion. They live with the smog and realize that this cannot go on. Yet with trade wars and economic slowdown, they are not going to cut it off overnight. Lenovo and Huawei have improved their supply chains and making them 'green" and they are in the top 30 of world that use green supply chains.

So obvious if you frame the argument from the negative view point then point to those things that support your argument then you are just telling half the story. Ignoring improvement and expecting these countries to be on the same level as the US is not going to happen yet but they are working on it.
Trump isn't part of the topic, it is Biden and Kerry's weak performance with China that is the topic
I thought earth day was the topic. Are you trolling your own thread?


Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It

The article is about their decision and actions surrounding the topic of climate change.

You forget your glasses?


It is increasingly clear that many here have no idea how to address the claims of the content of the article, prefer to troll the thread instead with opinions and nonsense.

The article to this point remains unchallenged.
The Trump cultists here all forget to mention what the humiliation supposedly was. They're doing that thing where they invent their own reality and then demand that everyone else accept it.

Trump cultists, if you disagree, then explain it in your own words. (This should be hilarious).

No? Not even going to try? Just going to cry more? I suppose being banished to the kiddie table has that effect.

Trump isn't part of the topic, it is Biden and Kerry's weak performance with China that is the topic, if YOU think the article is wrong or unfair then you can bring it up.
Yet trump is mentioned in your first post in this thread.
He just states the oblivious as a climate denier and his opinion Russia did sign the Paris agreement last year. Is the change going to happen overnight. No , Russia is not known for its sunny days. Nor is wind turbines going to work that well in a cold climate until improvements are made where they can. So they are not going to capitulate completely on fossil fuel Yet they are willing to discuss ideas. Yet they do not need to discus ideas if they did not want to. It took a number of years to get Russia to the table but at lease they are at the table.

China as one of the worlds leaders in emissions and have to be brought into the discussion. They live with the smog and realize that this cannot go on. Yet with trade wars and economic slowdown, they are not going to cut it off overnight. Lenovo and Huawei have improved their supply chains and making them 'green" and they are in the top 30 of world that use green supply chains.

So obvious if you frame the argument from the negative view point then point to those things that support your argument then you are just telling half the story. Ignoring improvement and expecting these countries to be on the same level as the US is not going to happen yet but they are working on it.

But China hasn't reduced their emissions at all, they are now about emitting TWICE what America emits.

They have no intention either that is one of the points made in the article through internal link:

"After years of putting the brakes on the amount of coal plants newly proposed and permitted for construction, China is again stepping on the gas. . . . China currently has 249.6 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired capacity under development (97.8 GW under construction and 151.8 GW in planning), a 21% increase over end-2019 (205.9 GW). The amount of capacity under development (249.6 GW) is larger than the [entire] coal fleets of the United States (246.2 GW) or India (229.0 GW)."


China now has 4 times the coal power production than America and still going up


Here is a section of the article certain people didn't bother to read:

"Xi, meanwhile, is rubbing his hands with glee at the stupidity of the U.S. leaders. He pockets each successive U.S. promise to destroy its own economy, and then responds with empty words and no specific commitments at all from his own side. Xi actually showed up at Biden’s summit today. Here is what he had to say, as quoted in the New York Times:

President Xi Jinping of China said his country would “strictly limit increasing coal consumption” in the next five years and phase it down in the following five years. . . . Mr. Xi repeated his pledge from last year to draw down carbon emissions to net zero by 2060. And, in a pointed reminder to his host, President Biden, he said that the industrialized countries of the West had a historic responsibility to act faster to reduce emissions.

I love that part about “strictly limit[ing]” coal consumption. With 250 GW of new coal power plants in development, what does that even mean? I guess that building more new coal plants than the U.S. even has is now a “strict limit.” China’s emissions, already far the largest in the world, will continue to increase rapidly, without any sort of quantitative promise to do otherwise."


It is clear Biden and Kerry did poorly here.
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Trump isn't part of the topic, it is Biden and Kerry's weak performance with China that is the topic
I thought earth day was the topic. Are you trolling your own thread?


Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It

The article is about their decision and actions surrounding the topic of climate change.

You forget your glasses?


It is increasingly clear that many here have no idea how to address the claims of the content of the article, prefer to troll the thread instead with opinions and nonsense.

The article to this point remains unchallenged.
The Trump cultists here all forget to mention what the humiliation supposedly was. They're doing that thing where they invent their own reality and then demand that everyone else accept it.

Trump cultists, if you disagree, then explain it in your own words. (This should be hilarious).

No? Not even going to try? Just going to cry more? I suppose being banished to the kiddie table has that effect.

Trump isn't part of the topic, it is Biden and Kerry's weak performance with China that is the topic, if YOU think the article is wrong or unfair then you can bring it up.
Yet trump is mentioned in your first post in this thread.

Two times, which doesn't mean shit, as they were mentioned in passing since the topic is about the actions of Biden and Kerry in the recent Earth day summit event

Please leave, you have yet to discuss the contents of the article at all, your trolling is getting obvious.
The emotion of humiliation requires one to be self-aware....I find no evidence in this crucial human trait anywhere to be found on the left.

That is because they are vacuous drones. They're soulless, mindless, deliberately ignorant NPC's. I have had smarter birds as pets that shit on the NY Times. If they had expanded vocabularies I could have trained them to be Harvard Professors.

Request that people who comments stay on topic and address the CONTENT of the article.

Manhattan Contrarian

Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It
April 22, 2021/ Francis Menton


Once again, it’s Earth Day. The first such day was 51 years ago, April 22, 1970.

Since that first one, Earth Day has served as an annual opportunity for sanctimonious socialist-minded apocalypticists to issue prophesies of imminent environmental doom. Here from the Competitive Enterprise Institute is a great list of some 50 or so such predictions uttered since the late 1960s, all of which have since been proven wrong. Interestingly, the ones from the time of the first Earth Day mostly concerned overpopulation, famine, and global cooling. Today, those things seem ever so quaint.

Somewhere along the line, the prophesy of a coming ice age faded away, and global warming surged forth as the much more fashionable doomsday prediction. Today, fealty to the global warming apocalypse orthodoxy is a prerequisite for admission to polite society. Our President goes around repeating the mantra that climate change is an “existential threat,” even as he signs Executive Orders and re-directs half the energies of the vast federal government to fight it.

And what better opportunity than the annual return of Earth Day for our great leaders to demonstrate their deep climate change sincerity? Thus last week we had President Biden’s personal climate emissary to the world, John Kerry, traveling to Shanghai to triumphantly welcome China on board with the official plan to “save the planet” through ending the use of fossil fuels; and today, Biden himself has followed up with his Earth Day Climate Summit, a virtual event said to be attended by leaders of some 40 or so nations, including the likes of China, India and Russia. Surely, things have now completely changed course since the evil Trump has been banished, and the world will shortly be saved by the re-invigoration of the glorious Paris Climate Agreement.



China are THRILLED that Biden and Kerry are doing this because it plays right into the Chinese hands, weakens American lets the world know how dumb they are.
How long does the current administration expect the US voters to remain uneducated about China's planned 10 year peaked levels that will occur until at least 2030 as stated? How many foreign leaders expect the US to perform some type of miracle outcome with this info known?

I have never before despised a nation's government so much...close second is Iran's constant rhetoric and tactics. The Chinese people due to their impoverished status and forced measures to participate in the economy are at the mercy of CCP's authoritarian rule.

So, according to one of the OP's supplemental sources listed on the side of article sourced: even if the US were to shut down ALL of our coal plants down, China will have built enough to replace them and more so that overall world emissions will not go down by even a drop. Not even a drop. That was worth repeating, even though I'm beginning to remind myself of Tommy Two Times from Good Fellas.

It would seem that the path is being set by Biden's handlers and Harris, for China to go along it's merry way going totally nuts with rampant fossil fuel burning while US pursues a false end that can't happen and goes under in vain. Nice.

Where are the intelligent thinkers on the Left? What say you about this upcoming travesty?
When you get down to the bottom line, it is impossible for these pieces of festering diseased shit to be as stupid as they sound. Can you imagine being so stupid that you'd assert it's even possible to remove a naturally occurring gas from the atmosphere, that's vital to all life on the planet? Yet this jabbering retard is an "intellectual" according to parasitic bed wetting liberal pieces of shit.

The people who vote for them and promote them are of course the dumbest fucks of all fucks on the planet and we should have allowed them to be aborted generations ago. Just think about it... If abortion was readily available in 1961 the meat puppet faggot obozo would have likely been flushed down a toilet. We are fucking ourselves by NOT FUNDING liberal abortions. When you meet a queer, THANK THEM for not reproducing. we can not get rid of these pieces of shit properly any other way.
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He just states the oblivious as a climate denier and his opinion Russia did sign the Paris agreement last year. Is the change going to happen overnight. No , Russia is not known for its sunny days. Nor is wind turbines going to work that well in a cold climate until improvements are made where they can. So they are not going to capitulate completely on fossil fuel Yet they are willing to discuss ideas. Yet they do not need to discus ideas if they did not want to. It took a number of years to get Russia to the table but at lease they are at the table.

China as one of the worlds leaders in emissions and have to be brought into the discussion. They live with the smog and realize that this cannot go on. Yet with trade wars and economic slowdown, they are not going to cut it off overnight. Lenovo and Huawei have improved their supply chains and making them 'green" and they are in the top 30 of world that use green supply chains.

So obvious if you frame the argument from the negative view point then point to those things that support your argument then you are just telling half the story. Ignoring improvement and expecting these countries to be on the same level as the US is not going to happen yet but they are working on it.

But China hasn't reduced their emissions at all, they are now about emitting TWICE what America emits.

They have no intention either that is one of the points made in the article through internal link:

"After years of putting the brakes on the amount of coal plants newly proposed and permitted for construction, China is again stepping on the gas. . . . China currently has 249.6 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired capacity under development (97.8 GW under construction and 151.8 GW in planning), a 21% increase over end-2019 (205.9 GW). The amount of capacity under development (249.6 GW) is larger than the [entire] coal fleets of the United States (246.2 GW) or India (229.0 GW)."


China now has 4 times the coal power production than America and still going up


Here is a section of the article certain people didn't bother to read:

"Xi, meanwhile, is rubbing his hands with glee at the stupidity of the U.S. leaders. He pockets each successive U.S. promise to destroy its own economy, and then responds with empty words and no specific commitments at all from his own side. Xi actually showed up at Biden’s summit today. Here is what he had to say, as quoted in the New York Times:

President Xi Jinping of China said his country would “strictly limit increasing coal consumption” in the next five years and phase it down in the following five years. . . . Mr. Xi repeated his pledge from last year to draw down carbon emissions to net zero by 2060. And, in a pointed reminder to his host, President Biden, he said that the industrialized countries of the West had a historic responsibility to act faster to reduce emissions.

I love that part about “strictly limit[ing]” coal consumption. With 250 GW of new coal power plants in development, what does that even mean? I guess that building more new coal plants than the U.S. even has is now a “strict limit.” China’s emissions, already far the largest in the world, will continue to increase rapidly, without any sort of quantitative promise to do otherwise."


It is clear Biden and Kerry did poorly here.

This is a commitment based on time lines

China’s existing climate commitments which are to reach peak emissions by 2030 and hit net zero by 2050.


This is a picture of solar power site in china. So it is not that they are doing nothing. Its about the time frame and can they met it. Still something is better than nothing.

it is estimated that 70 percent of solar panels are made in China.

using the fair share index , yes they are behind. Using the agreed upon index of 2 percent, they are behind but this does not mean that they are doing nothing. So ultimately Biden is not wasting his time. By keeping their reminder on the table and they are still committed to the goal. They may reach their goal or they may not. Still it is just a goal and again it is not that they are doing nothing.

The country is still on pace yet they are doing better than Russia. They are even doing better than the US.

Climate trackers place both the US and Russia at the bottom.

Canada is doing better than all three.

Still the agreement is about reaching target goals in the future.
He just states the oblivious as a climate denier and his opinion Russia did sign the Paris agreement last year. Is the change going to happen overnight. No , Russia is not known for its sunny days. Nor is wind turbines going to work that well in a cold climate until improvements are made where they can. So they are not going to capitulate completely on fossil fuel Yet they are willing to discuss ideas. Yet they do not need to discus ideas if they did not want to. It took a number of years to get Russia to the table but at lease they are at the table.

China as one of the worlds leaders in emissions and have to be brought into the discussion. They live with the smog and realize that this cannot go on. Yet with trade wars and economic slowdown, they are not going to cut it off overnight. Lenovo and Huawei have improved their supply chains and making them 'green" and they are in the top 30 of world that use green supply chains.

So obvious if you frame the argument from the negative view point then point to those things that support your argument then you are just telling half the story. Ignoring improvement and expecting these countries to be on the same level as the US is not going to happen yet but they are working on it.

But China hasn't reduced their emissions at all, they are now about emitting TWICE what America emits.

They have no intention either that is one of the points made in the article through internal link:

"After years of putting the brakes on the amount of coal plants newly proposed and permitted for construction, China is again stepping on the gas. . . . China currently has 249.6 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired capacity under development (97.8 GW under construction and 151.8 GW in planning), a 21% increase over end-2019 (205.9 GW). The amount of capacity under development (249.6 GW) is larger than the [entire] coal fleets of the United States (246.2 GW) or India (229.0 GW)."


China now has 4 times the coal power production than America and still going up


Here is a section of the article certain people didn't bother to read:

"Xi, meanwhile, is rubbing his hands with glee at the stupidity of the U.S. leaders. He pockets each successive U.S. promise to destroy its own economy, and then responds with empty words and no specific commitments at all from his own side. Xi actually showed up at Biden’s summit today. Here is what he had to say, as quoted in the New York Times:

President Xi Jinping of China said his country would “strictly limit increasing coal consumption” in the next five years and phase it down in the following five years. . . . Mr. Xi repeated his pledge from last year to draw down carbon emissions to net zero by 2060. And, in a pointed reminder to his host, President Biden, he said that the industrialized countries of the West had a historic responsibility to act faster to reduce emissions.

I love that part about “strictly limit[ing]” coal consumption. With 250 GW of new coal power plants in development, what does that even mean? I guess that building more new coal plants than the U.S. even has is now a “strict limit.” China’s emissions, already far the largest in the world, will continue to increase rapidly, without any sort of quantitative promise to do otherwise."


It is clear Biden and Kerry did poorly here.

This is a commitment based on time lines

China’s existing climate commitments which are to reach peak emissions by 2030 and hit net zero by 2050.

View attachment 483671

This is a picture of solar power site in china. So it is not that they are doing nothing. Its about the time frame and can they met it. Still something is better than nothing.

it is estimated that 70 percent of solar panels are made in China.

using the fair share index , yes they are behind. Using the agreed upon index of 2 percent, they are behind but this does not mean that they are doing nothing. So ultimately Biden is not wasting his time. By keeping their reminder on the table and they are still committed to the goal. They may reach their goal or they may not. Still it is just a goal and again it is not that they are doing nothing.

The country is still on pace yet they are doing better than Russia. They are even doing better than the US.

Climate trackers place both the US and Russia at the bottom.

Canada is doing better than all three.

Still the agreement is about reaching target goals in the future.

How come you completely dodged the Chinese disinterest in reducing emissions?

They are in a coal plant building mania and their emissions are INCREASING!

"After years of putting the brakes on the amount of coal plants newly proposed and permitted for construction, China is again stepping on the gas. . . . China currently has 249.6 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired capacity under development (97.8 GW under construction and 151.8 GW in planning), a 21% increase over end-2019 (205.9 GW). The amount of capacity under development (249.6 GW) is larger than the [entire] coal fleets of the United States (246.2 GW) or India (229.0 GW)."

America has been reducing emissions since 2005
Well to be honest did you not want to stay on topic with the original story

And what better opportunity than the annual return of Earth Day for our leaders to demonstrate their deep climate change sincerity?

The climate tracker at this point in time shows the US at critically inefficient in the big picture. Yes this is in part to Trumps roll backs. Now Biden and Kerry are showing the world that the US is still on board. The scorecard will be final in 2050.

There is a reason that they set the time for 2050 and during the game they are even trying to revise the commitment's.

How could you dismiss that they are building sun farms? I have already posted that they are behind goals set as is everyone else. Even the US with the the number of wind mills and sun farms is behind.

if you understand the PCA then you would see that the the story you quote just tells you what you want to hear. He just saying that most countries are behind the curve and are doing a poor job. Yet 2021 is barely into the 3rd quarter and your boy is calling the game

Yet Biden and Kerry are on board. As is the other countries. China, Russia and the US are agreeing on something.

I can post stories showing their improvements to any story you show where they are doing poorly. I guess people can focus on the good, the bad or the ugly
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Well to be honest did you not want to stay on topic with the original story

And what better opportunity than the annual return of Earth Day for our leaders to demonstrate their deep climate change sincerity?

The climate tracker at this point in time shows the US at critically inefficient in the big picture. Yes this is in part to Trumps roll backs. Now Biden and Kerry are showing the world that the US is still on board. The scorecard will be final in 2050.

There is a reason that they set the time for 2050 and during the game they are even trying to revise the commitment's.

How could you dismiss that they are building sun farms? I have already posted that they are behind goals set as is everyone else. Even the US with the the number of wind mills and sun farms is behind.

if you understand the PCA then you would see that the the story you quote just tells you what you want to hear. He just saying that most countries are behind the curve and are doing a poor job. Yet 2021 is barely into the 3rd quarter and your boy is calling the game

Yet Biden and Kerry are on board. As is the other countries. China, Russia and the US are agreeing on something.

I can post stories showing their improvements to any story you show where they are doing poorly. I guess people can focus on the good, the bad or the ugly

What the hell!

America has been REDUCING CO2 emissions since 2005, China is still increasing theirs, here is the link you bypassed:


I haven't said a word about wind or solar farms, I don't have to because China isn't reducing their emissions at all. That is one of the main points of the article. They are conning Biden and Kerry who doesn't see it.
The content of the article is pure conspiracy theory bullshit. The author of the absurd article is a well known conspiracy theory nut, and only some batshit crazy idiot would believe the content of that article was worthy of posting, other than to illustrate how stupid some conspiracy theory nuts have become.

We know how appallingly ignorant these scientifically illiterate conspiracy nuts are, but they have no idea.
Watts Up With That?

China’s strange endorsement of ‘net zero’
The Chinese path to supposed decarbonization starts with a lot more coal

April 24, 2021

Duggan Flanakin


You have to hand it to Xi Jinping. The Chinese “president for life” schmoozed United Nations royalty last September with his unexpected pledge that his country aims “to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality (Net Zero) before 2060.”

Xi also urged other nations “to pursue innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all” through rapid deployment of new technologies, to “achieve a green recovery of the world economy in the post-COVID era and thus create a powerful force driving sustainable development.”

Confident that the mantle of world leadership was passing from the United States to him and China, Mr. Xi concluded by saying: “The baton of history has been passed to our generation, and we must make the right choice, a choice worthy of the people’s trust and of our times. Let us join hands to uphold the values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom shared by all of us and build a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. Together, we can make the world a better place for everyone.”

Just how is China preparing itself for Net Zero?

The London-based energy and climate research group Ember reports that China generated 53% of the world’s total coal-fired power in 2020, a jump of 9 percent from 2015, while adding 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power installations in 2020 alone. China is also financing billions of dollars’ worth of coal-fired power plants in African, Asian and other “developing” nations.



China has no intention of reducing their emissions, they are building a lot more COAL plants.

I wish people like Biden, Kerry and a lot of clueless democrats here would stop fighting the evidence that China is LYING to us.

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