TrumpUSA Feminism: Dr. Feelgood


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA feminism-parable inspired by The Contender.

Signing off,



"A man fascinated by the feminine paintings of Georgia O'Keefe began sending anonymous letters to the Washington Post about how modern American politicians were apathetic towards gender-politics and women's rights. This man suggested that America elected a chauvinist-celebrity president (Donald Trump) to forget about its moral obligations toward women!"


"As Trump read the editorial of this passionate man, he decided to retort on Twitter, 'I like what this man said about the philosophical value of O'Keefe's symbolic paintings, but I have to say that when I think of him I don't think of the mighty King Leonidas of Ancient Sparta, so until I have reason to assume otherwise, I won't automatically conclude that this passionate man is correct about America's obliviousness towards women's rights in modern politics'!"


"After Trump's tweet, a volcano near the Pacific erupted violently, giving off hot fiery sparks and spewing liquid-hot magma. A witness of the volcano-eruption tweeted, 'Perhaps this volcano should remind Trump that arrogance towards the cries of everyday pedestrians/citizens such as the man who wrote passionately about O'Keefe's feminism-symbolic paintings will only lead to the Earth and Mother Nature retaliating violently'!"


"After Trump came by this tweet by the volcano-eruption witness, he decided there were simply too many urban anti-TrumpUSA protests by random Americans simply wanting to create media hysteria and crowd ruckus. He wondered what happened to the legions of citizens who cheered proudly for capitalism-institutions such as the NYSE and history-monuments such as the Liberty Bell. Was America becoming too...feminine?"


"As Trump was pondering all this, a deadly new crime syndicate known as Black Mask was emerging in Moscow and preparing a large-scale terrorist-attack on the World Cup soccer tournament in the summer of 2018. Black Mask cared nothing for Georgia O'Keefe or the erupting-volcano and only wanted to use the World Cup to remind the world that no kind of modern commercial/tourist traffic was safe (or sane!)."


GOD: I like Georgia O'Keefe...
SATAN: She's quite popular in art-circles.
GOD: Well, that Post editorial highlighted her continuing impact.
SATAN: Yes, her feminism-oriented works are applicable to gender-politics.
GOD: That's certainly arguable, but it certainly unnerved Trump!
SATAN: I think President Trump worries about pedestrian support more than people think.
GOD: Sure he does; he's a businessman after all and cares about consumers.
SATAN: He's a capitalism diplomat above all...
GOD: What's wrong with that?
SATAN: People will always link capitalism with profiteerism.
GOD: Unfortunately, communism creates too much fascism.
SATAN: Maybe American media requires an extra dose of feminist-rhetoric!
GOD: Why? I think modern-media offers rich stimulation (e.g., The Ellen DeGeneres Show).
SATAN: When Ellen announced she was a proud lesbian, many Americans were shocked.
GOD: Never underestimate the power of gossip. Isn't Clooney making a Leonidas film?
SATAN: I believe he is; he wants to portray the warlike 'stance' of Ancient Sparta.
GOD: Has political philosophy changed drastically (circa Cleopatra to Hillary Clinton)?
SATAN: Female sensitivity will always be appreciated by community-thinkers.
GOD: Everyone believes that (at least)...




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