Truss sacks Kwasi and ditches all her policies

I think there's quite a bit left!..
I was being sarcastic but the last round of austerity was really harsh with people not getting raises to go with inflation. Obviously this time it will be even worse due to all the debt the Tories have gathered, their usual, then covid then the war against Russia.

The lost decade: The Tories spent all the money

I have no idea what they spent the money on but I guess covid and wars counts for some of it.

as Nick Clegg pointed out once, when the going gets a bit tough the Tories resort to type and then some, (he had veto billions in cuts) and 'slash and burn'.. will this be the last straw for the voters?.. time it will tell, time it will tell..
We have spent the last 40 years giving most of our wealth to a tiny number of people. The very wealthy are the ones we are socialist to like allowing them to accrue millions or was it billions during covid thanks to our handouts - or was that just in the US?

During the same time the standard of living of most people has gone massively downhill. People work with no contract not knowing if they will be needed day to day and without the usual rights - for example free holidays. People work two jobs trying to get enough money to feed their kids.

Both adults must work. There is no choice in it.

The number of redundancies was massive. Certainly in Scotland Further Education was almost decimated.

The NHS from what I hear is almost finished in England, ready to be sold to American's.

Social Mobility has gone back to Victorian Levels. With the US we have the least social mobility in the developed world.

and people are going to have to choose between heating and food. We shall see what Hunt does but if he does what I suspect helps those on benefits - nah! he wouldn't do that would he? He'll let them die. But he is supposed to be going to help the most vulnerable. Problem is those who have a mortgage which has risen by £500 overnight are not also going to have the money to pay extortionate energy prices.

At the same time working people have started to educate others for the first time in a long time. Working people have been divided in recent years. If they were able to bring people together there could be protests which would cause the Tories to turn. They may become ready for protests as bad as 2011. (I am not advising this!!) The UK was educated by US forces on how to deal with these. They told May to kill people if they even looked like they might do something unacceptable. Even back in Theresa May's time as home Secretary they knew they were going to be creating a society where these kind of protests could become often.

I thought according to the 1922 rule she was guaranteed for at least a year, however, she can be thrown in the bin.. "Under Tory party rules, a new leader cannot be challenged through official procedures for at least a year after entering office. But there are other routes. MPs say that if at least half the parliamentary party wanted Truss gone (that is the case already) and they all write to 1922 committee chair Graham Brady to say so, he would then feel obliged to visit the PM and tell her the game was up." Ok.

For me it is for herself. I cannot see how anyone could put up with all that hostility and then start doing things they don't believe in, Possibly she has been told she can do a few of her favourite thing like give up on climate change.

It would be a slight shame, for me only in the country I think, as I had only just discovered at the tory conference..

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Liz has bangers.. her 2 biggest assets? Hopefully not..
(she has 2 eyes as well)
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I think that tomorrow will be a key day. PMQs will surely see her suffer humiliation. And I believe there is also a vote on fracking.
Even if she was popular that would be a tough one.

One of the things that slipped through yesterday was the cutting of the price cap. That now looms like an iceberg for them.

She needs to get her bony arse to Kiev like boris did.
I think that tomorrow will be a key day. PMQs will surely see her suffer humiliation. And I believe there is also a vote on fracking.
Even if she was popular that would be a tough one.

One of the things that slipped through yesterday was the cutting of the price cap. That now looms like an iceberg for them.

She needs to get her bony arse to Kiev like boris did.
what does cutting the price cap mean. Does it mean putting it up so you pay more. Is it everyone. Does that mean that £2,500 will not be the average?

The news has just reminded me of one of the undemocratic things they are going to bring in. Their law to stop protest marches. 3 people together are a riot. Something has to be done about this.
what does cutting the price cap mean. Does it mean putting it up so you pay more. Is it everyone. Does that mean that £2,500 will not be the average?

The news has just reminded me of one of the undemocratic things they are going to bring in. Their law to stop protest marches. 3 people together are a riot. Something has to be done about this.
The cap will go and we will pay the market rate. Estimated at £4500.
I don't know if I have got this right. You are saying that rather than the average price being £2,500 in the time when he promised to keep the cap which they had given, they are not even keeping it for that but are rather making the average house pay £4,500?! I cannot see how they can do it. It is insane. Many people will die if this is their intent.
...and of course what the Tories were using our money for. Yes, there was the 2008 bankers' recession where we were made to pay the bankers out. Then there was Brexit. How could I forget that? Apparently even those who voted for it are now saying that the fear message was the correct one. Idiots. Why did they not check the propaganda. The price of Brexit is apparently massive and likely to stay that bad. I am reminded that we were 'the sick man of Europe' before joining the EEC and recovered very well when in the EEC and EU....and then of course there was covid and on top of all that Johnstone decided to have a war and spent an enormous amount of our money to send the most expensive war machines to Ukraine. Now during this time, they have again been making sure the 'elite' are doing fine but they have been taking from most people whether it is their pay being less in real terms, losing their job or whatever. I am beginning to wonder if Truss's intentions were better. I am praying you have got that wrong. I can't see how he would have said he was going to keep the price reduction one day and then say people were going to have to pay twice as much the next,:oops:
phew, he is not making anything cost more until April

I am sure that is going to hit some people higher than he imagines. I am thinking in particular of people paying a mortgage who are having to pay £500 more a month. Adding on another £500 for energy is going to put many of them and their children into poverty.
...and of course what the Tories were using our money for. Yes, there was the 2008 bankers' recession where we were made to pay the bankers out. Then there was Brexit. How could I forget that? Apparently even those who voted for it are now saying that the fear message was the correct one. Idiots. Why did they not check the propaganda. The price of Brexit is apparently massive and likely to stay that bad. I am reminded that we were 'the sick man of Europe' before joining the EEC and recovered very well when in the EEC and EU....and then of course there was covid and on top of all that Johnstone decided to have a war and spent an enormous amount of our money to send the most expensive war machines to Ukraine. Now during this time, they have again been making sure the 'elite' are doing fine but they have been taking from most people whether it is their pay being less in real terms, losing their job or whatever. I am beginning to wonder if Truss's intentions were better. I am praying you have got that wrong. I can't see how he would have said he was going to keep the price reduction one day and then say people were going to have to pay twice as much the next,:oops:
Yes it wouldnt be conservative to promise one thing and deliver another.
At least they have taken the brave decision to lift the cap on bankers bonuses. Those guys work so hard.
Yes it wouldnt be conservative to promise one thing and deliver another.
At least they have taken the brave decision to lift the cap on bankers bonuses. Those guys work so hard.
indeed. Hunt claimed they would get more money that way. Not sure what he meant by that,
indeed. Hunt claimed they would get more money that way. Not sure what he meant by that,
The tories brought in that cap. They recognised that bankers greed led to the 2008 crash. And now there is nothing to stop it happening again.
The tories brought in that cap. They recognised that bankers greed led to the 2008 crash. And now there is nothing to stop it happening again.
They will surely be doing well enough with their salary and a bonus of two or three times their salary. Of course they all like to be billionaires now like chancellors who belong to syndicates which make money by the £ falling. Everything is so corrupt now.

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