Truth or Propaganda? NATO military blood supplies tainted with HIV & Hepatitis B & C

Under normal circumstances, yes. But wartime is not a "normal" circumstance, and NATO is struggling to procure blood to supply the Ukrainian troops, along with everything else they're providing them. I doubt they're doing all that much testing, given the urgency.

There have been rumors that NATO has refused blood donations from Africa, for fear of AIDS-tainted blood. But that sounds a little like the propaganda that equates Ukraine with being "Nazis." I'm sure they would accept any blood they could get, right now.
Every blood unit is tested, no matter where it comes from...

The only exception that I can think of is if a soldier in the field was blown up and bleeding to death and the Doc or Med Tech ran out of blood units, he could ask for volunteers there from his unit of the same blood group as the patient, to donate blood right then and there ..... In that case, the blood would not have been tested for all those things mentioned above.
The blood would never make it in to a bank, if it contained hiv or hepatitis or syphilis etc, because it is tested for it, before the blood unit would make it to a refrigerator shelf for use...

I worked in a Blood Bank decades ago, but am certain the safety measures haven't changed....

And the government never lies. :rolleyes-41:
had a friend who contracted aids from the blood plasma he received because he was a hemophiliac. In the USA, In Virginia.
Yep, I was there when AIDS arrived and we did not know much about it or the many ways people could contract it! .... including ourselves working with the blood, to make different blood components!

We had no testing to detect AIDS at the time! It was a pretty scary period and deadly for hemophiliacs!

They receive a Blood component called Factor8/and platelets, from many donors combined that helps them form clots! Could be 6 or more donors in one unit of factor 8, and they need continual treatment....

But I think within a couple of years after I left the field, they had testing and protocols set up!

but even now, if one donor of the 6 donors for the one unit is hiv positive, the whole factor 8 component unit is contaminated with hiv.....

A tech can make a mistake or the reagents used for testing could fail, but there are other safety measures that could catch it, yet Murphy's law can happen and hemophiliacs can die!! :eek:
Hal Turner is a far right conspiracy theorist. He's a crackpot radio host in New Jersey.

That's irrelevant. Like I said earlier, Turner didn't write the story, he merely passed it on.

It would have been the same story whether it came from CNN or MSNBC. Except because it doesn't fit their narrative, they would never ever report such a thing.
That's irrelevant. Like I said earlier, Turner didn't write the story, he merely passed it on.

It would have been the same story whether it came from CNN or MSNBC. Except because it doesn't fit their narrative, they would never ever report such a thing.

That makes Trump an irresponsible shitheel.
That makes Trump an irresponsible shitheel.

WTF does Trump have to do with this thread?

Look...let's say your far right-wing neighbor rushes over to your house, bangs on your door, and yells "The back of your house is on fire!!"

Are you going to wait until a far left-wing neighbor comes and tells you the same thing, before you call the fire department?

Honestly, you folks are something else. :laughing0301:
Covert biological warfare or gross incompetence if it's the truth, Russian propaganda if it's false. - You decide.


A conspiracy nut that provides no references?

False, that was easy to decide.

In fact, I tried to look this up to see if anybody else had this, and came up with absolutely nothing but this reference, or sources that had picked it up and pointed right back to this.

Russian soldiers best be careful to not get injured, or they may die from the blood disease.
The blood would never make it in to a bank, if it contained hiv or hepatitis or syphilis etc, because it is tested for it, before the blood unit would make it to a refrigerator shelf for use...

I worked in a Blood Bank decades ago, but am certain the safety measures haven't changed....

And if it came from "NATO" as is claimed, the militaries have their own blood programs.

Like many in my unit, I donated blood pretty regularly, every 3 months. And that is the supply that is mostly used by the military. Things like HIV and Hep are very low, because that is probably the segment of the population that has the lowest numbers of people with those diseases. And if that story was true, that is where the blood would have come from. And I can't imagine such high percentages of the military having those diseases, and it never getting caught during processing.

This entire claim stinks to high heaven of "fake news". Starting with the simple fact that it only has circular references. Yet trying to look it up in more mainstream news and general searches comes back with nothing.

I really wish that all the garbage conspiracy theory nonsense like this would get kicked down to the CT area where it belongs.
A conspiracy nut that provides no references?

False, that was easy to decide.

In fact, I tried to look this up to see if anybody else had this, and came up with absolutely nothing but this reference, or sources that had picked it up and pointed right back to this.


It's not my fault you don't know how to use a computer to search for things. Maybe you should go find some 10 year old kid to show you how. "blood supply"&src=typed_query
It's not my fault you don't know how to use a computer to search for things. Maybe you should go find some 10 year old kid to show you how.

Twitter is not a "reference". Never has been, never will be.

Good god, this is why you are failing. You have absolutely no idea what a 'reference" is, and will accept any bullshit because it is something you want to believe in.

Do you have a real reference? Something that is not from Twatter?
Twitter is not a "reference". Never has been, never will be.

Good god, this is why you are failing. You have absolutely no idea what a 'reference" is, and will accept any bullshit because it is something you want to believe in.

Do you have a real reference? Something that is not from Twatter?

Every donated unit of blood undergoes a rigorous series of tests to determine any possible presence of HIV, hepatitis, syphilis and other blood-borne disease. None of these tests, however, are 100 percent accurate, and they can produce faulty results. For instance, despite current restrictions and testing of approximately 12 million units donated each year, 10 HIV-infected units have slipped through.
Covert biological warfare or gross incompetence if it's the truth, Russian propaganda if it's false. - You decide.


6.3% with HIV,


5.9% with HIV,

6.8% hepatitis B, and;

3.1% hepatitis C


The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic - KFF

Latest Estimates. Global prevalence among adults (the percent of people ages 15-49 who are infected) has leveled since 2001 and was 0.7% in 2021.

Even if there was no HIV screening, and they let anybody donate blood, the percentage of HIV infected blood is 10 times what's in the general population.
I searched GOOGLE, and there are no such reports from any legitimate news sources.
No way the ultra-liberal Google is going to let this slip through. But even in spite of their filtering algorithms, some mentions of it did manage to leak through...

NATO tainted "blood supply" - Google Search

Your best bet is to follow it through Twitter. Those reporting it on there are closer to the story and not relying on the Google or the MSM to pick up on it.
No way the ultra-liberal Google is going to let this slip through. But even in spite of their filtering algorithms, some mentions of it did manage to leak through...

NATO tainted "blood supply" - Google Search

Your best bet is to follow it through Twitter. Those reporting it on there are closer to the story and not relying on the Google or the MSM to pick up on it.

Which as I said is a circular argument. Because their reference is the exact same unsourced claim that you already posted. That is called circular sourcing. And it is really big in the fake news circles.

A makes a claim, B repeats it, C repeats it from B, then A uses B and C to claim that proves it is real.

And of course the standard conspiracy theory nutcase claim that of course nobody else reports it, they are part of the conspiracy. That got old decades ago, and that is just a copout.

As was posting a completely unreadable document, and telling us what it said without giving a source for where it came from.

That is part of the typical MO for conspiracy nutcases. Nothing can ever be proven, we have to just accept what they say without question. Sorry, but I'm a skeptic and I want proof of anything.

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