

Justadude with a keyboard
Feb 19, 2011
Epiphany n. pl. e-piph-a-nies
b. A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization.
Today I had yet another in a long line of epiphanies, it came when I discovered that the “spice” (i.e. imitation pot) that I like to smoke was no longer for sale because the state has passed yet another prohibition. It came as I realized that nothing I say or do could ever prevent the state from passing yet another senseless prohibition. It came as I realized based on past experience that the press and media would never, and will never express, or allow to be eloquently expressed, my point of view on this subject. It came as I realized that corporations and the ultra-wealthy shareholders in companies like anheuser-busch and the Brown-Forman Corporation have spent millions to get this prohibition, and next to that kind of money and influence all the logical, rational arguments in the world will fall on deaf ears.
It came because, even as I write these words, I know that very few everyday people will read them as this and every other political forum is overrun with paid representatives working on behalf of everyone from lobbyists to politicians, and that the media and press will not allow THE AMERCAN PEOPLE to hear anything that does not fit into the agenda of the ultra-wealthy, such as the major shareholders in anheuser-busch and the Brown-Forman Corporation.
I had an Epiphany when I considered how this situation relates to the recent banning of caffeinated alcoholic beverages, and how that ban was funded by the same people. You see ladies and gentlemen, the ban on caffeinated beer happened in the exact same way and for the exact same reasons. During the run-up to ban those beverages the media and press made huge issue of the fact that a tiny number of college students had died from alcohol poisoning after drinking them, when the media and press did NOT tell the public, was that there are a small number of such alcohol related deaths every year, and that there was NO significant change in the death rates from alcohol poisoning from the years before. Ultimately, these products were banned only because it was cheaper for the brewers to lobby for prohibition than it was for them to compete in the market.
My Epiphany is thus, there are no words, no matter how eloquent, no matter how logical or factual, no matter how poignant or even irreverent, there are no words in the English language or any other, that would make our so-called “representatives” reconsider their actions. There are no words ever written that can change this law.
It has been written and said that the pen is mightier than the sword, but when the pen has proven inequitable to the task, then it has come time for any American drawn to such task, too put such words aside, and draw the sword.
There’s a ban on the mix of caffeinated beverages and alcohol, I was actually only using that to illustrate my point however.
There’s a ban on the mix of caffeinated beverages and alcohol, I was actually only using that to illustrate my point however.

Got it. misread what you said.

Helpful hint, separate the paragraphs when you write. Makes it easier to read them.
Don’t listen to that mike, its irrelevant, he obviously had no trouble reading what you just wrote, that’s what we call misdirection my friend.

You called it dude, but your words will fall on deaf ears time and again. So what’s left after that? I do believe you have already said it.
Epiphany n. pl. e-piph-a-nies
b. A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization.
Today I had yet another in a long line of epiphanies, it came when I discovered that the “spice” (i.e. imitation pot) that I like to smoke was no longer for sale because the state has passed yet another prohibition. It came as I realized that nothing I say or do could ever prevent the state from passing yet another senseless prohibition. It came as I realized based on past experience that the press and media would never, and will never express, or allow to be eloquently expressed, my point of view on this subject. It came as I realized that corporations and the ultra-wealthy shareholders in companies like anheuser-busch and the Brown-Forman Corporation have spent millions to get this prohibition, and next to that kind of money and influence all the logical, rational arguments in the world will fall on deaf ears.
It came because, even as I write these words, I know that very few everyday people will read them as this and every other political forum is overrun with paid representatives working on behalf of everyone from lobbyists to politicians, and that the media and press will not allow THE AMERCAN PEOPLE to hear anything that does not fit into the agenda of the ultra-wealthy, such as the major shareholders in anheuser-busch and the Brown-Forman Corporation.
I had an Epiphany when I considered how this situation relates to the recent banning of caffeinated alcoholic beverages, and how that ban was funded by the same people. You see ladies and gentlemen, the ban on caffeinated beer happened in the exact same way and for the exact same reasons. During the run-up to ban those beverages the media and press made huge issue of the fact that a tiny number of college students had died from alcohol poisoning after drinking them, when the media and press did NOT tell the public, was that there are a small number of such alcohol related deaths every year, and that there was NO significant change in the death rates from alcohol poisoning from the years before. Ultimately, these products were banned only because it was cheaper for the brewers to lobby for prohibition than it was for them to compete in the market.
My Epiphany is thus, there are no words, no matter how eloquent, no matter how logical or factual, no matter how poignant or even irreverent, there are no words in the English language or any other, that would make our so-called “representatives” reconsider their actions. There are no words ever written that can change this law.
It has been written and said that the pen is mightier than the sword, but when the pen has proven inequitable to the task, then it has come time for any American drawn to such task, too put such words aside, and draw the sword.

government is bought and paid for.
special intrests

pot wont be legal unless large corps can make a big profit and government can create a new office full of red tape and bureaucrats.

and yeah, what Avitar said, space it out
Don’t listen to that mike, its irrelevant, he obviously had no trouble reading what you just wrote, that’s what we call misdirection my friend.

You called it dude, but your words will fall on deaf ears time and again. So what’s left after that? I do believe you have already said it.

It's not misdirection. Frequent spacing allows other posters to read and comprehend more quickly.

Many are reading and posting from work on the fly.

And quite simply put, it's just good board etiquette.

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