TSA threatens fine if man leaves airport

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
So much for the you do not have to fly argument.

John Tyner won't be pheasant hunting in South Dakota with his father-in-law any time soon. Tyner was simultaneously thrown out of San Diego International Airport on Saturday morning for refusing to submit to a security check and threatened with a lawsuit and a $10,000 fine if he left.
And he got the whole thing on his cell phone. Well, the audio at least.

Man won't submit to security, TSA won't let him fly. Who's right? - SignOnSanDiego.com

That is one audio recording I would love to listen to.
When Obama said Americans were “the enemy” he wasn’t kidding.


Gizmodo posted this photo of the TSA booth by the security check-in point at Indianapolis International Airport:

In case you’re not familiar with the cartoon Sharp Elbows posted a closeup a closeup:

Considering how they handle 3 year-old girls… This is very disdurbing.
At some point the airports are going to have to move to profiling, this is ridiculous:

Airport security: Government in our pants - Chicago Tribune

Airport security: Government in our pants
Screening gets way too personal
November 14, 2010|By Steve Chapman

When it comes to protecting against terrorism, this is how things usually go: A danger presents itself; the federal government responds with new rules that erode privacy, treat innocent people as suspicious and blur the distinction between life in a free society and life in a correctional facility; and we all tamely accept the new intrusions, like sheep being shorn.

Maybe not this time.

The war on terrorism is going to get personal. Very personal. Americans have long resented the hassles that go with air travel ever since 9/11 — long security lines, limits on liquids, forced removal of footwear and so on. But if the Transportation Security Administration has its way, we will look back to 2009 as the good old days.


A lot of people, of course, couldn't care less if a stranger wants to gaze upon everything God gave them. But some retain a modesty that makes them reluctant to parade naked in front of people they don't know, even virtually. Henceforth, Jennifer Aniston is going to think twice before flying commercial.

Besides the indignity of having one's body exposed to an airport screener, there is a danger the images will find a wider audience. The U.S. Marshals Service recently admitted saving some 35,000 images from a machine at a federal courthouse in Florida. TSA says that will never happen. Human experience says, oh, yes, it will.

For the camera-shy, TSA will offer an alternative: "enhanced" pat-downs. This is not the gentle frisking you may have experienced at the airport in the past. It requires agents to probe aggressively in intimate zones — breasts, buttocks, crotches.

If you enjoyed your last mammography or prostate exam, you'll love the enhanced pat-down. And you'll get a chance to have an interesting conversation with your children about being touched by strangers....

The good news is that last year, the House of Representatives voted to bar the use of whole-body scanners for routine screening. But only a sustained public outcry will force a change.

We will soon find out if there is a limit to the sacrifices of personal freedom that Americans will endure in the name of fighting terrorism. If we don't say no when they want to inspect and handle our private parts, when will we?
It would have been nice if you all bitched about this back in 2003.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001. The TSA was originally organized in the U.S. Department of Transportation but was moved to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 25, 2003. The agency is responsible for security in all modes of transportation.[1]

I wouldn't want to touch that guy's junk...shudder...I feel sorry for the TSA employees that have to do the pat downs.
You know, unlike some of my liberal buddies and some of my libertarian friends, I have been willing to recognize a counter-argument which is marginally supportive of the TSA screenings.

I mean, seriously, if we agree not to accept airport pat downs as being "too intrusive" for a freedom loving people like us Americans, and if the radiation devices that scan us into virtual nudity are also too intrusive (invading our privacy a bit too freaking much), then what are we saying?

That the TSA cannot be proactive in searching to see if some of us might possibly be carrying bombs in our underwear?

We might not be quite so happy with that outcome the next time we're on a plane seated next to some shoe bomber like that ugly motherfucker, Richard "do my shoes smell bad?" Reid

or next to some panty-wearing
Islamic militant jihadist asshole like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

But, even so, I believe that there HAS to be a better way. We cannot be subjected to the "choice" of nude scans or feel-ups of nuns, wives, children and our own "junk."

I think Annie is right. We need to get real. Serious-ass profiling and reasonable (but not these new nude-version) scans.
I wouldn't want to touch that guy's junk...shudder...I feel sorry for the TSA employees that have to do the pat downs.
I don't....The assholes signed up to be tools of the bureaucracy.

And you'd be the first bitch to bitch about it if somebody like Reid was successful and blowing up an airliner.

You claim to be a libertarian, but you have the hallmarks of a conservative - bitch and moan, but offer no alternatives. but "no!"...
I wouldn't want to touch that guy's junk...shudder...I feel sorry for the TSA employees that have to do the pat downs.
I don't....The assholes signed up to be tools of the bureaucracy.

And you'd be the first bitch to bitch about it if somebody like Reid was successful and blowing up an airliner.

You claim to be a libertarian, but you have the hallmarks of a conservative - bitch and moan, but offer no alternatives. but "no!"...
If you research this incident a bit you'll find that it was a set up from the beginning...someone trying to make trouble and succeeding.

Remember when it was Homeland Security's fault that the underwear bomber got through? This is where all the bitching gets us...groped.
I wouldn't want to touch that guy's junk...shudder...I feel sorry for the TSA employees that have to do the pat downs.
I don't....The assholes signed up to be tools of the bureaucracy.

And you'd be the first bitch to bitch about it if somebody like Reid was successful and blowing up an airliner.

You claim to be a libertarian, but you have the hallmarks of a conservative - bitch and moan, but offer no alternatives. but "no!"...
You don't know jack squat about me, Gomer.

I'm for airlines taking control of and responsibility for their own security measures.

You, OTOH are a classic Marxist stooge...If gubmint fails, it's looked upon as evidence that they need even more power and control over the proletariat.
I don't....The assholes signed up to be tools of the bureaucracy.

And you'd be the first bitch to bitch about it if somebody like Reid was successful and blowing up an airliner.

You claim to be a libertarian, but you have the hallmarks of a conservative - bitch and moan, but offer no alternatives. but "no!"...
If you research this incident a bit you'll find that it was a set up from the beginning...someone trying to make trouble and succeeding.

Remember when it was Homeland Security's fault that the underwear bomber got through? This is where all the bitching gets us...groped.
Yeah...Well, I can't remember a single leftist standing up in protest when the Department of Fatherland Security, Thugs Standing Around and the USAPATRIOT Act were foisted upon Americans.

Hell, new that they're under a regime with a (D) by its name, they're even acting as apologists for them!

Where are the ALCU and all the other dour defenders of civil liberties?
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." B.F.
Yeah...Well, I can't remember a single leftist standing up in protest when the Department of Fatherland Security, Thugs Standing Around and the USAPATRIOT Act were foisted upon Americans.

Hell, new that they're under a regime with a (D) by its name, they're even acting as apologists for them!

Where are the ALCU and all the other dour defenders of civil liberties?

Christ, you must have been living under a rock. The messageboard I was on at the time (CNN and another called the People's Forum), the conservatives were calling the liberals and libertarians who were against the act 'Anti-Americans' and they were 'terrorists supporters' and all sorts of things. To be fair, it was not long after 9-11 and emotions were high.

Just remember under whose watch the bill was passed...
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And you'd be the first bitch to bitch about it if somebody like Reid was successful and blowing up an airliner.

You claim to be a libertarian, but you have the hallmarks of a conservative - bitch and moan, but offer no alternatives. but "no!"...
If you research this incident a bit you'll find that it was a set up from the beginning...someone trying to make trouble and succeeding.

Remember when it was Homeland Security's fault that the underwear bomber got through? This is where all the bitching gets us...groped.
Yeah...Well, I can't remember a single leftist standing up in protest when the Department of Fatherland Security, Thugs Standing Around and the USAPATRIOT Act were foisted upon Americans.

Hell, new that they're under a regime with a (D) by its name, they're even acting as apologists for them!

Where are the ALCU and all the other dour defenders of civil liberties?
You must have been sleeping. Most liberals and libertarians were against the Patriot Act. In fact I used to warn the conservatives that they wouldn't be happy with it if a Democrat became president.

As for the ACLU, check out their website...they are involved in many cases where the PA has been misused.
Yeah...Well, I can't remember a single leftist standing up in protest when the Department of Fatherland Security, Thugs Standing Around and the USAPATRIOT Act were foisted upon Americans.

Hell, new that they're under a regime with a (D) by its name, they're even acting as apologists for them!

Where are the ALCU and all the other dour defenders of civil liberties?

Christ, you must have been living under a rock. The messageboard I was on at the time (CNN and another called the People's Forum), the conservatives were calling the liberals and libertarians who were against the act 'Anti-Americans' and they for 'terrorists' and all sorts of things. To be fair, it was not long after 9-11 and emotions were high.

Just remember under whose watch the bill was passed...
:lol: I remember that...I was voted the most anti-American poster because I was opposed to the Patriot Act. All the runner ups were either liberals or libertarians.
Yeah...Well, I can't remember a single leftist standing up in protest when the Department of Fatherland Security, Thugs Standing Around and the USAPATRIOT Act were foisted upon Americans.

Hell, new that they're under a regime with a (D) by its name, they're even acting as apologists for them!

Where are the ALCU and all the other dour defenders of civil liberties?

Christ, you must have been living under a rock. The messageboard I was on at the time (CNN and another called the People's Forum), the conservatives were calling the liberals and libertarians who were against the act 'Anti-Americans' and they for 'terrorists' and all sorts of things. To be fair, it was not long after 9-11 and emotions were high.

Just remember under whose watch the bill was passed...
I haven't been living under a rock...I went through the same thing.

However, there were very few on the left who had the cajones to stand up and be counted...As per usual, they just stand back and let the consistent defenders of civil liberties do the heavy lifting, while they whine and snivel about culture war bullshit like gay marriage and pimp for illegal immigrants.

Bunch of lightweights.

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