Tucker Carlson growing a pair!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
A reader of a previous article on this site suggested that Murdoch should have responded to Greenblatt with a comment that is hard to improve upon:

“…Fox Corporation does not share your values and abhors your anti-gentilism, Jewish supremacism, hypocrisy and double standards. In fact we urge you to stop subverting our society, leave our country and go to Israel, where there is real work to do in combating racism. We are not your slaves and will not obey any order from your side. Your organization was founded to protect a Jewish criminal who had raped and murdered a 13 years old girl. Thus from the very beginning your organization was morally compromised. Ever since you have endeavored to undermine our society while promoting Jewish criminal interests. The greatest service you could do to our nation is leaving us for good…”

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration
Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America

And there is of course the Jewish and Israel angle to it all. Jewish organizations with certain exceptions tend to lean hard left when it comes to domestic politics in the US except when progressive policies conflict with their own interests. That means that they have aligned themselves with groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and have also gotten behind the liberal immigration policies of the Joe Biden administration. In fact, some of the most outspoken journalists and politicians on both racial and immigration issues are Jews, include Michelle Goldberg, whose recent NYTimes op-ed, “We can replace them,” praises the new immigrant America, noting that many states are on the verge of a racial flip. She wrote “The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic White.” Neocon Max Boot, a Jewish-Russian opinion writer for the Washington Post, also chimed in, blasting what he called Carlson’s “odious aspersions” on immigrants.

Interestingly, the involvement of Jewish groups in the United States as prominent supporters of BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture includes limiting free speech, democracy and mercantilism, all of which have greatly benefited Jews. The narrative is, of course, being wrapped around the claimed common cause of blacks and Jews together fighting against the alleged white nationalists who are being blamed by the media for much of the violence taking place even when videos taken at the scenes of the rioting definitely show nearly all black mobs doing the arson and looting.
Leo Frank was innocent and lynched by the Dems terrorist organization the KKK. Another example of mob rule from the leftwingers.
A reader of a previous article on this site suggested that Murdoch should have responded to Greenblatt with a comment that is hard to improve upon:

“…Fox Corporation does not share your values and abhors your anti-gentilism, Jewish supremacism, hypocrisy and double standards. In fact we urge you to stop subverting our society, leave our country and go to Israel, where there is real work to do in combating racism. We are not your slaves and will not obey any order from your side. Your organization was founded to protect a Jewish criminal who had raped and murdered a 13 years old girl. Thus from the very beginning your organization was morally compromised. Ever since you have endeavored to undermine our society while promoting Jewish criminal interests. The greatest service you could do to our nation is leaving us for good…”

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration
Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America

And there is of course the Jewish and Israel angle to it all. Jewish organizations with certain exceptions tend to lean hard left when it comes to domestic politics in the US except when progressive policies conflict with their own interests. That means that they have aligned themselves with groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and have also gotten behind the liberal immigration policies of the Joe Biden administration. In fact, some of the most outspoken journalists and politicians on both racial and immigration issues are Jews, include Michelle Goldberg, whose recent NYTimes op-ed, “We can replace them,” praises the new immigrant America, noting that many states are on the verge of a racial flip. She wrote “The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic White.” Neocon Max Boot, a Jewish-Russian opinion writer for the Washington Post, also chimed in, blasting what he called Carlson’s “odious aspersions” on immigrants.

Interestingly, the involvement of Jewish groups in the United States as prominent supporters of BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture includes limiting free speech, democracy and mercantilism, all of which have greatly benefited Jews. The narrative is, of course, being wrapped around the claimed common cause of blacks and Jews together fighting against the alleged white nationalists who are being blamed by the media for much of the violence taking place even when videos taken at the scenes of the rioting definitely show nearly all black mobs doing the arson and looting.
A reader of a previous article on this site suggested that Murdoch should have responded to Greenblatt with a comment that is hard to improve upon:

“…Fox Corporation does not share your values and abhors your anti-gentilism, Jewish supremacism, hypocrisy and double standards. In fact we urge you to stop subverting our society, leave our country and go to Israel, where there is real work to do in combating racism. We are not your slaves and will not obey any order from your side. Your organization was founded to protect a Jewish criminal who had raped and murdered a 13 years old girl. Thus from the very beginning your organization was morally compromised. Ever since you have endeavored to undermine our society while promoting Jewish criminal interests. The greatest service you could do to our nation is leaving us for good…”

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration
Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America

And there is of course the Jewish and Israel angle to it all. Jewish organizations with certain exceptions tend to lean hard left when it comes to domestic politics in the US except when progressive policies conflict with their own interests. That means that they have aligned themselves with groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and have also gotten behind the liberal immigration policies of the Joe Biden administration. In fact, some of the most outspoken journalists and politicians on both racial and immigration issues are Jews, include Michelle Goldberg, whose recent NYTimes op-ed, “We can replace them,” praises the new immigrant America, noting that many states are on the verge of a racial flip. She wrote “The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic White.” Neocon Max Boot, a Jewish-Russian opinion writer for the Washington Post, also chimed in, blasting what he called Carlson’s “odious aspersions” on immigrants.

Interestingly, the involvement of Jewish groups in the United States as prominent supporters of BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture includes limiting free speech, democracy and mercantilism, all of which have greatly benefited Jews. The narrative is, of course, being wrapped around the claimed common cause of blacks and Jews together fighting against the alleged white nationalists who are being blamed by the media for much of the violence taking place even when videos taken at the scenes of the rioting definitely show nearly all black mobs doing the arson and looting.

Clear, concise and spot on. Thank you!
Tucker has always had a pair. He was about the only guy on TV against going to war with Syria and starting a new regime change war. While all the rest were demanding Assad be removed and they were all telling us it had to be done or the Middle East would be a disaster. That of course turned out to be a lie as President Trump did the right thing and didn’t declare regime change for Syria.
This is the dawn of a new era of white supremacy, only this time it was sanctioned and endorsed by a sitting President of the United States, not seen since before the Civil Rights era.
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This is the dawn of a new era of white supremacy, only this time it was sanctioned and endorsed by a sitting President of the United States, not seen since before the Civil Rights era.

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-
He needs to quit spraying around that "our Democracy' spew. As do a lot of the regulars in his rotation. I mean, it's like all of the time, too. Pft. I tell ya. Some people...
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A reader of a previous article on this site suggested that Murdoch should have responded to Greenblatt with a comment that is hard to improve upon:

“…Fox Corporation does not share your values and abhors your anti-gentilism, Jewish supremacism, hypocrisy and double standards. In fact we urge you to stop subverting our society, leave our country and go to Israel, where there is real work to do in combating racism. We are not your slaves and will not obey any order from your side. Your organization was founded to protect a Jewish criminal who had raped and murdered a 13 years old girl. Thus from the very beginning your organization was morally compromised. Ever since you have endeavored to undermine our society while promoting Jewish criminal interests. The greatest service you could do to our nation is leaving us for good…”

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration
Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America

And there is of course the Jewish and Israel angle to it all. Jewish organizations with certain exceptions tend to lean hard left when it comes to domestic politics in the US except when progressive policies conflict with their own interests. That means that they have aligned themselves with groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and have also gotten behind the liberal immigration policies of the Joe Biden administration. In fact, some of the most outspoken journalists and politicians on both racial and immigration issues are Jews, include Michelle Goldberg, whose recent NYTimes op-ed, “We can replace them,” praises the new immigrant America, noting that many states are on the verge of a racial flip. She wrote “The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic White.” Neocon Max Boot, a Jewish-Russian opinion writer for the Washington Post, also chimed in, blasting what he called Carlson’s “odious aspersions” on immigrants.

Interestingly, the involvement of Jewish groups in the United States as prominent supporters of BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture includes limiting free speech, democracy and mercantilism, all of which have greatly benefited Jews. The narrative is, of course, being wrapped around the claimed common cause of blacks and Jews together fighting against the alleged white nationalists who are being blamed by the media for much of the violence taking place even when videos taken at the scenes of the rioting definitely show nearly all black mobs doing the arson and looting.
Tucker has been one of the last honest brokers at Fakes Nooz for quite some time.

Though his cartooniish recriminations against libertarians are cringy, he at least comes by most of his opinions and beliefs honestly.
Tucker has always had a pair. He was about the only guy on TV against going to war with Syria and starting a new regime change war. While all the rest were demanding Assad be removed and they were all telling us it had to be done or the Middle East would be a disaster. That of course turned out to be a lie as President Trump did the right thing and didn’t declare regime change for Syria.
Assad did a terrible thing according to the American left. He protected Syrian Christians. That was enough.
Tucker has always had a pair. He was about the only guy on TV against going to war with Syria and starting a new regime change war. While all the rest were demanding Assad be removed and they were all telling us it had to be done or the Middle East would be a disaster. That of course turned out to be a lie as President Trump did the right thing and didn’t declare regime change for Syria.
Assad did a terrible thing according to the American left. He protected Syrian Christians. That was enough.
Makes sense. Hillary and the Hussein decided to kill Qaddafi because he was protecting the Christian minority from the radical Sunnis.
there is a direct alt-right-to-Tucker pipeline. he waters the narratives down, makes them acceptable so he won't get kicked off the air, and then he puts them out there. Tucker is basically David Duke: The Show
A reader of a previous article on this site suggested that Murdoch should have responded to Greenblatt with a comment that is hard to improve upon:

“…Fox Corporation does not share your values and abhors your anti-gentilism, Jewish supremacism, hypocrisy and double standards. In fact we urge you to stop subverting our society, leave our country and go to Israel, where there is real work to do in combating racism. We are not your slaves and will not obey any order from your side. Your organization was founded to protect a Jewish criminal who had raped and murdered a 13 years old girl. Thus from the very beginning your organization was morally compromised. Ever since you have endeavored to undermine our society while promoting Jewish criminal interests. The greatest service you could do to our nation is leaving us for good…”

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration
Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America

And there is of course the Jewish and Israel angle to it all. Jewish organizations with certain exceptions tend to lean hard left when it comes to domestic politics in the US except when progressive policies conflict with their own interests. That means that they have aligned themselves with groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and have also gotten behind the liberal immigration policies of the Joe Biden administration. In fact, some of the most outspoken journalists and politicians on both racial and immigration issues are Jews, include Michelle Goldberg, whose recent NYTimes op-ed, “We can replace them,” praises the new immigrant America, noting that many states are on the verge of a racial flip. She wrote “The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic White.” Neocon Max Boot, a Jewish-Russian opinion writer for the Washington Post, also chimed in, blasting what he called Carlson’s “odious aspersions” on immigrants.

Interestingly, the involvement of Jewish groups in the United States as prominent supporters of BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture includes limiting free speech, democracy and mercantilism, all of which have greatly benefited Jews. The narrative is, of course, being wrapped around the claimed common cause of blacks and Jews together fighting against the alleged white nationalists who are being blamed by the media for much of the violence taking place even when videos taken at the scenes of the rioting definitely show nearly all black mobs doing the arson and looting.
Too bad that pair tuckkker carlson is growing is on his chin.
They are mad because he’s been doing a Rittenhouse documentary this whole time. should have seen the Tweet from Joy Reid, it was beautiful
A reader of a previous article on this site suggested that Murdoch should have responded to Greenblatt with a comment that is hard to improve upon:

Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. It was from a familiar playbook that groups like ADL and the rest of the Israel lobby use almost always successfully to vilify and silence critics in the media, academia and in politics. It works because it condemns legitimate dissent using the usual buzz expressions “anti-Semitism” and “holocaust denial” if all else fails.

Ignore the facts- they will go away-

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration
Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America

And there is of course the Jewish and Israel angle to it all. Jewish organizations with certain exceptions tend to lean hard left when it comes to domestic politics in the US except when progressive policies conflict with their own interests. That means that they have aligned themselves with groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and have also gotten behind the liberal immigration policies of the Joe Biden administration. In fact, some of the most outspoken journalists and politicians on both racial and immigration issues are Jews, include Michelle Goldberg, whose recent NYTimes op-ed, “We can replace them,” praises the new immigrant America, noting that many states are on the verge of a racial flip. She wrote “The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic White.” Neocon Max Boot, a Jewish-Russian opinion writer for the Washington Post, also chimed in, blasting what he called Carlson’s “odious aspersions” on immigrants.

Interestingly, the involvement of Jewish groups in the United States as prominent supporters of BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture includes limiting free speech, democracy and mercantilism, all of which have greatly benefited Jews. The narrative is, of course, being wrapped around the claimed common cause of blacks and Jews together fighting against the alleged white nationalists who are being blamed by the media for much of the violence taking place even when videos taken at the scenes of the rioting definitely show nearly all black mobs doing the arson and looting.
The Buffalo killer blamed the Jews for immigration and the replacement theory. All part of his Eco fascism.

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