Tucker Carlson rightfully criticizes Nikki Haley for her fanatical support of Israel.

If she needs to be criticized it should be for being the jackass that removed the Confederate flag.

But who cares? She is nothing more than a Bush with tits.
I have no love of the Zionists, but support for Israel has widespread, bipartisan support.
Israel has a nearly 80 year history of horrendous war crimes, ethnic cleansing and endless acts of violence against the Gazan captives of a refugee camp; this support must thus be questioned.
Well done Tucker Carlson. He’s talking about the possibility of if American leaders don’t do things right we could be plugged into another great depression with 10 million illegal immigrants in this country.

There’s all sorts of violence and brutality in the world, but you don’t see American politicians talking about doing something about that.

See America wasn’t attacked. Israel was attacked by about 1000 people. That’s it. America needs to back away from supporting Israel.
Leave it to Tucker Carlson to be consistently on the wrong side.

In the Gaza Strip, you’re talking about people with small arms at best. They don’t have access to know high powered weapons.


Are these small arms?

Tell me something, you stumbling dumb fuck. How is it fucking possible that Tucker Carlson is able to gaslight you so thoroughly that you and other credulous morons bend reality itself and parrot this "small arms" horseshit!?!?
Israel has murdered 1500 Palestinians this week, 500 of them children.

Anyone who doesn't oppose this is morally insane.

Good to see Carlson calling out Haley's moral insanity.
Israel has murdered 1500 Palestinians this week, 500 of them children.

Anyone who doesn't oppose this is morally insane.

Good to see Carlson calling out Haley's moral insanity.
HAMAS LOVES IT-----Hamas set it up. Visit a mosque ---you can celebrate the ascension into JANNAH of-----that imaginary number of dead
She’s doing this with her own choices though. The people in political office should support American ideals. We had that in this country in the 1940s during the World War II era.

It is possible she’s getting paid millions of dollars from pro Israeli lobbyists. Same thing with Ukrainian lobbyists.

Haley is not representing the will of the American people.

If individual Americans want to support Israel or Ukraine, or Russia or Palestine, they should be able to. But it’s not the government job to help those countries. It is our governments job to do something about the 50 people killed each weekend in Chicago.

The 100,000 Americans killed each year by ruthless drug dealers that poison sent over our border.

Fox News and CNN is engaging in outright propaganda. And what people who watch those stations don’t understand is that in the weeks leading up to the Palestinian attack on Israel there was about 200 or 300 Palestinians killed by Israel. So there you go and these are gods children in Palestine and Israel. One cannot be a Christian and noticed that they are innocent children in Israel and Palestine suffering. You can’t be a follower of our lord Jesus, without recognizing that.

I'm sure Carlson never used the word "fanatical". It's a drama technique used by the left. It beats talking about the atrocities and American hostages being held by Hamas monsters.
The attack unfortunately presents an opportunity for neo-conservatives to come out of their holes and think it is within our power to force an attitude change that goes back thousands of years.

This ignorant statement is true of so many Americans who never paid attention in school. The Arab-Israeli conflict started only in the last century! During the Crusades, the Muslims and Jews fought together against the Christian Europeans trying to take Jerusalem.
This ignorant statement is true of so many Americans who never paid attention in school. The Arab-Israeli conflict started only in the last century! During the Crusades, the Muslims and Jews fought together against the Christian Europeans trying to take Jerusalem.
your grasp of history is ----something like stand-up comedy.
Try not to post in an area of history of which you are completely
Israel has murdered 1500 Palestinians this week, 500 of them children.

Anyone who doesn't oppose this is morally insane.

Good to see Carlson calling out Haley's moral insanity.

So? How many 'innocent' Germans were killed in the carpet bombings of WWII? Or French for that matter?

The Palestinians elected Hamas, allowed Hamas to take full control of Gaza, and were apparently the majority of Hamas 'soldiers' (i.e. murders) that killed Israelis in mass last weekend.

The Gaza Palestinians are GUILTY.

Somehow, it seems that your perfectly O.K. with the mass murder of unarmed Israelis for no militarily justifiable reasons, then start whining whenever any retaliatory action is taken against the Palestinians.

Your asymetrical morality is sickening.
It is possible she’s getting paid millions of dollars from pro Israeli lobbyists. Same thing with Ukrainian lobbyists.

Haley is not representing the will of the American people.
Crooked and corrupt ?A strong likelihood though obviously difficult to prove .

But if she actually believes all that she says , she is most definitely a core member of the US Politician's Club for Psychopaths .
And , regardless of course , she is a 2011 WEF Global Leader .Another Mutant .
I'm sure Carlson never used the word "fanatical". It's a drama technique used by the left. It beats talking about the atrocities and American hostages being held by Hamas monsters.
He did he called out Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham as fanatics among other words. He’s very critical of them.
So? How many 'innocent' Germans were killed in the carpet bombings of WWII? Or French for that matter?

The Palestinians elected Hamas, allowed Hamas to take full control of Gaza, and were apparently the majority of Hamas 'soldiers' (i.e. murders) that killed Israelis in mass last weekend.

The Gaza Palestinians are GUILTY.

Somehow, it seems that your perfectly O.K. with the mass murder of unarmed Israelis for no militarily justifiable reasons, then start whining whenever any retaliatory action is taken against the Palestinians.

Your asymetrical morality is sickening.

You're okay with the slaughter of children; gottit.
This ignorant statement is true of so many Americans who never paid attention in school. The Arab-Israeli conflict started only in the last century! During the Crusades, the Muslims and Jews fought together against the Christian Europeans trying to take Jerusalem.

This timeline is the third in our series of five articles discussing the Philistines and their battles with ancient Israel. It begins by listing all the early confrontations starting around 1380 B.C. and ends with the last one that occurred late in the seventh century B.C.

c. 1380 B.C.​

The First War!​

Judges 1:18 - 19, 3:1 - 3​

The Israelites, in spite of Joshua's death in 1380, continue their quest to claim their birthright in the Promised Land. The tribe of Judah initiates a war with the Philistines when it launches attacks against its major cities of Gaza, Ashkelon and Ekron. Although Judah takes most of the land it was promised by God (Joshua 15:31, 45 - 47), it quickly is retaken by the enemy.

This timeline is the third in our series of five articles discussing the Philistines and their battles with ancient Israel. It begins by listing all the early confrontations starting around 1380 B.C. and ends with the last one that occurred late in the seventh century B.C.

c. 1380 B.C.​

The First War!​

Judges 1:18 - 19, 3:1 - 3​

The Israelites, in spite of Joshua's death in 1380, continue their quest to claim their birthright in the Promised Land. The tribe of Judah initiates a war with the Philistines when it launches attacks against its major cities of Gaza, Ashkelon and Ekron. Although Judah takes most of the land it was promised by God (Joshua 15:31, 45 - 47), it quickly is retaken by the enemy.

2000 years before Muslims ever existed! Pathetic!

Learn some REAL history.

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