Tucker /Trump Interview

I am pointing out your hypocrisy.
Trump is SAID to have done this, not proven.
Hillary is proven to have used campaign funds and assist in the DNC to illegally obtain information from a foreign government to attempt to hurt her opponent. By FAAAR worse than what Nixon did.
And Democrats just roll their eyes and say "oh well"... but... but.. TRUUUUMP!!!

The most aggravating of it all is the first phony impeachment of Trump was "supposedly" he was interfering with an election by going after his political opponent which was bullshit since Biden didn't even get the nomination at the time. It was "assumed" that he would.

Now we have a Communist doing the exact same thing and he doesn't even get a slap on the hand........so far.

But the Communists insist we don't have a two-tiered justice system. Democrats are born liars and hypocrites.
Actually the whole thing started when Trump ordered Michael Cohen to falsify business records to make the hush money paynents look like something else so he wouldn't have to declare it as a campaign expense.

That's a felony.

So what is your evidence, a convicted felon who has lied to Congress and the courts on multiple occasions?
They will never stop until Trump is 6 feet under, what a horrible thing to watch, how did this shit get so out of control, it's almost like Democrats are demons.
Permanent Washington want's to see Trump fail because he is an existential threat to their cush lucrative positions of absolute government power over We The People.
They will never stop until Trump is 6 feet under, what a horrible thing to watch, how did this shit get so out of control, it's almost like Democrats are demons.

They are not demons, just the disciples of Satan. That's why they always side with evil over good.

Trump doesn't have to be 6 feet under for them to stop. If he announced he changed his mind about running for a second term they'd stop in a second.
Pretty good strategy.
First, make up some shit.
Then say it often enough in your echo chamber that you can't tell fact from what you just made up.
Then convince yourself that the echo effect of what you originally just made up is now "proof" that what you made up is true.
Then....throw this bogus "proof" of someone ELSE'S guilt, that you simply made up, out as a diversion anytime someone talks about Trump's guilt.

That is just CLASSIC whataboutism.
The above is EXACTLY when the left has done doe years! Make up shit, like the false Russia conspiracy, keep repeating it until the leftist cult members can’t tell fact from fiction, and then add in bogus “proof“ like a Congressperson saying he has proof, and then divert, divert, divert anytime someone attempts to say that Democrats are guilty of everything they accuse Republicans of.

My Gd, are you really this blinded by the media brainwashing that you can’t see your own hypocrisy?
They are not demons, just the disciples of Satan. That's why they always side with evil over good.

Trump doesn't have to be 6 feet under for them to stop. If he announced he changed his mind about running for a second term they'd stop in a second.
I think he should do just that, and then enter again right at the primary.
The above is EXACTLY when the left has done doe years! Make up shit, like the false Russia conspiracy, keep repeating it until the leftist cult members can’t tell fact from fiction, and then add in bogus “proof“ like a Congressperson saying he has proof, and then divert, divert, divert anytime someone attempts to say that Democrats are guilty of everything they accuse Republicans of.

My Gd, are you really this blinded by the media brainwashing that you can’t see your own hypocrisy?
They always blame others for the same shit they themselves do.
I’m just sickened by the whole thing. I’ll always have Israel as a back-up In case the government really goes total Nazi against its own citizens.
I used to think this as well, but Israel is not going in the right direction right now.
What they did to Trump for the past 6 years is unheard of. I can't believe he is willing to still take it all. He is a better human than most of us, because I for one, would have retired and lived a great life. I promise you that if he somehow gets re-elected again, they will just tie him up for another 4 years. It is as obvious as the nose on everyone's face, that will again be their way of doing business.
Trump is a warrior. It energizes him.
I used to think this as well, but Israel is not going in the right direction right now.
Not sure what you mean, unless that the government there is too conservative right now. Still better than what’s happening in this country. I don’t see them waging war against their own citizens by calling them “domestic terrorists”, working in cahoots with social media to silence dissenter opinions, throwing the border wide open to foreigners with no right to be there, giving money to a corrupt nation that is skimming off the top, or being led by someone so demented he can’t find his way off the stage.

That said, it would be a difficult transition as a senior citizen.
Not sure what you mean, unless that the government there is too conservative right now. Still better than what’s happening in this country. I don’t see them waging war against their own citizens by calling them “domestic terrorists”, working in cahoots with social media to silence dissenter opinions, throwing the border wide open to foreigners with no right to be there, giving money to a corrupt nation that is skimming off the top, or being led by someone so demented he can’t find his way off the stage.

That said, it would be a difficult transition as a senior citizen.
They are looking at essentially dismantling the judiciary. The SC should not be subject to override by the Knesset. And yes, they are way too far right. They are alienating the diaspora.
They are looking at essentially dismantling the judiciary. The SC should not be subject to override by the Knesset. And yes, they are way too far right. They are alienating the diaspora.

And some don't believe they are right enough. Kavanaugh came under fire multiple times for siding with the left. You can't make everybody happy.
At least he’s not sniffing little girls and is able to complete a sentence.
Setting the bar real high.
Way to go Lisa.

Person, Woman, Man, Camera.....er.....TV.
Stable Genius ^^^^^^ with a Big Brain.
They are looking at essentially dismantling the judiciary. The SC should not be subject to override by the Knesset. And yes, they are way too far right. They are alienating the diaspora.
If I had to choose between a bit too far right and crazy radical left as what we see going on in this country, I’d make the RIGHT decision (pun intended).
The fact that he DOES take it and is willing to continue to put himself through this is testament to his strength and fortitude - EXACTLY what we need in a U.S. President as opposed to the weak-bellied Communist sell-out now occupying that office.

No shit, right?

I watched Trump's speech at the NRA a few days ago.

You'd never know the dude was in his 70s.

Easily seems 20 years younger than China Joe, both physically and cognitively.

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