Tuition Assistance for Anchor Babies


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Check out the headline:

N.J. lawmakers want immigrants' children to receive tuition aid

Completely bogus. It is about entitlements for illegals. But who would expect honesty from some liberal newspaper?

We made our argument that the existing law provides for them," Chen said. "These are U.S. nationals and U.S. citizens. They are both under statute and the constitution entitled to the same benefits that everyone else gets … We expect the court to revoke this within the short period of time."

The Senate bill, which is sponsored by state Sens. Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex) and Sandra Cunningham (D-Hudson), could end up putting thousands of dollars in each student’s pocket. Tuition at Rutgers University, for example, is $10,104 a year for state residents and $22,766 for out-of-state students. The maximum state tuition aid grant for Rutgers is $8,812 this year.

N.J. lawmakers want immigrants' children to receive tuition aid |

If they are American citizens and residents of NJ it would be unconstitutional to deny them equal access.
Bullshit. Have you ever filled out a financial aid form? It's all about the parents.

This goes beyond in-state tuition. This goes beyond the dream act.

This is NJ Dems buying votes at 8K a pop - courtesy of a state that's following CA's lead.
Yes, I have. We make too much for my kids to get financial aid. I have to fill one out regardless for my daughter's MERIT scholarship, fuck you very much Rick Scott.

None of that negates denying equal access to American citizens.
Is "equal access" now a lib euphemism for "other people's money?"

Your daughter did not qualify for aid because of YOUR income. My children did not qualify for aid because of OUR income. Why aren't our children given "equal access"?

There are millions of American students drowning in student debt. They could certainly use an extra $8K. Where is your compassion for them?

This makes my blood boil. NJ is broke. Higher ed. tuition is unaffordable for many, many people. What audacity these legislators have in offering more bennies.

BTW - they don't have to graduate from a NJ high school. They only have to live here for a year.
Is "equal access" now a lib euphemism for "other people's money?"

Your daughter did not qualify for aid because of YOUR income. My children did not qualify for aid because of OUR income. Why aren't our children given "equal access"?

There are millions of American students drowning in student debt. They could certainly use an extra $8K. Where is your compassion for them?

This makes my blood boil. NJ is broke. Higher ed. tuition is unaffordable for many, many people. What audacity these legislators have in offering more bennies.

BTW - they don't have to graduate from a NJ high school. They only have to live here for a year.
I'm sorry that your rabid hatred for "anchor babies" has clouded your judgement.
Nice try. No rabid hatred. Just because someone doesn't want to give lawbreakers $8K doesn't make them a hater. True story.

K-12 education for illegals and their children is ok by me. College? They can pay for. Just like us.
What they really need is grade assistance. Which is why so many are in remedial classes that we also pay for.
Bullshit. Have you ever filled out a financial aid form? It's all about the parents.

This goes beyond in-state tuition. This goes beyond the dream act.

This is NJ Dems buying votes at 8K a pop - courtesy of a state that's following CA's lead.

We hope you’re not as ignorant as to the subject or subjects you teach your students as you are ignorant about the law.

There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby,’ it’s an incorrect, hateful term contrived by the right.

All persons born in the United States are citizens. Period.

By law, children can not be subject to punitive measures as a consequence of their parent’s actions. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

As Ravi correctly notes, to deny American citizens access to tuition assistance based on their parent’s immigration status would be in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

New Jersey lawmakers are therefore acting in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

This is a non-issue. That some attempt to make an issue of it is telling and sad.
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An additional entitlement is not a "non issue". NJ is broke. Period.

It matters not that they are citizens. Financial aid is based on the parents. If you argued that was unfair I might agree but that's how it works.

Even if the parents were hardworking taxpayers there is NO WAY TO VERIFY THEIR INCOME. Any American kid that fraudulently claims their parents are not working can expect a letter from the IRS. It's laughable that anyone would argue "fairness".
Financial assistance will get them into college. They need grade assistance to stay. What happens normally is that the student from a disadvantaged background will get into college by use of favorable programs, soak the system out of every loan and grant they can get then quit and loudly complain that they are saddled with debt and need debt forgiveness.
Nice try. No rabid hatred. Just because someone doesn't want to give lawbreakers $8K doesn't make them a hater. True story.

K-12 education for illegals and their children is ok by me. College? They can pay for. Just like us.
The kids aren't lawbreakers, no matter how much you pretend they are.
Check out the headline:

N.J. lawmakers want immigrants' children to receive tuition aid

Completely bogus. It is about entitlements for illegals. But who would expect honesty from some liberal newspaper?

We made our argument that the existing law provides for them," Chen said. "These are U.S. nationals and U.S. citizens. They are both under statute and the constitution entitled to the same benefits that everyone else gets … We expect the court to revoke this within the short period of time."

The Senate bill, which is sponsored by state Sens. Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex) and Sandra Cunningham (D-Hudson), could end up putting thousands of dollars in each student’s pocket. Tuition at Rutgers University, for example, is $10,104 a year for state residents and $22,766 for out-of-state students. The maximum state tuition aid grant for Rutgers is $8,812 this year.

N.J. lawmakers want immigrants' children to receive tuition aid |

Anchor babies????

You mean American citizens?
Check out the headline:

N.J. lawmakers want immigrants' children to receive tuition aid

Completely bogus. It is about entitlements for illegals. But who would expect honesty from some liberal newspaper?

We made our argument that the existing law provides for them," Chen said. "These are U.S. nationals and U.S. citizens. They are both under statute and the constitution entitled to the same benefits that everyone else gets … We expect the court to revoke this within the short period of time."

The Senate bill, which is sponsored by state Sens. Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex) and Sandra Cunningham (D-Hudson), could end up putting thousands of dollars in each student’s pocket. Tuition at Rutgers University, for example, is $10,104 a year for state residents and $22,766 for out-of-state students. The maximum state tuition aid grant for Rutgers is $8,812 this year.

N.J. lawmakers want immigrants' children to receive tuition aid |

Anchor babies????

You mean American citizens?

No. The term anchor baby was intended. It's what the parents wanted.
An additional entitlement is not a "non issue". NJ is broke. Period.

It matters not that they are citizens. Financial aid is based on the parents. If you argued that was unfair I might agree but that's how it works.

Even if the parents were hardworking taxpayers there is NO WAY TO VERIFY THEIR INCOME. Any American kid that fraudulently claims their parents are not working can expect a letter from the IRS. It's laughable that anyone would argue "fairness".

If NJ is broke, why is Christie trying to cut taxes?
Because he believes that cutting taxes will give people more money to spend. And that's what he promised to do when he was elected.

You may not agree, but NJ Dems have gotten on the tax cutting bandwagon too. But for every dollar we get to save, they spend three on shit like this. I've always had trouble understanding liberal math.
Because he believes that cutting taxes will give people more money to spend. And that's what he promised to do when he was elected.

You may not agree, but NJ Dems have gotten on the tax cutting bandwagon too. But for every dollar we get to save, they spend three on shit like this. I've always had trouble understanding liberal math.

So we have no money in our budget and Christie wants to decrease the amount of money coming in.

Its like struggling to pay your mortgage and your solution is going to your boss and asking for a pay cut
You don't ask your boss for a pay cut silly. You start cutting back on non essentials and don't offer to pay for college for other people's children.

Christie pledged to cut taxes on everyone. Whether you agree with him or not that's why he got elected. He is keeping his promise.

If they are American citizens and residents of NJ it would be unconstitutional to deny them equal access.
Sure the kids are American citizens. Their PARENTS are not. Finacial aid depends on the parents' situation.

This is crap.

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