Tulsi Gabbard derailed Kamala Harris' presidential ambitions in 30 seconds...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Just wanted to remind you all what happened to Kamala Harris in the 2020 Democrat Presidential Debates. Tulsi destroyed her in less time than is takes to make your bed.

Actually she didn't derail anything. Harris didn't even pay any attention to ditzy. But since you are a retard you think so. But you will learn the hard way. Just lik this guy did.

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Actually she didn't derail anything. Harris didn't even pay any attention to ditzy. But since you are a retard you think so. But you will learn the hard way. Just lik this guy did.

Let me once again reintroduce you to reality...


I watched the debate. Harris paid herno attention. And I don'tthink yu can cal what she did anything but that/ However yu think ditzy is something great, so you take this perspective. I saw how Harris ooked at her, and sometimes, its best not to say anything to someone. Because what Gabbard said was completely false.

Your perceptions are divorced from reality.

Harris never recovered from that debate and dropped out of the race before the the first primary ballot was cast...two months before the Iowa Caucus.

Tulsi crushed her in seconds.
Your perceptions are divorced from reality.

Harris never recovered from that debate and dropped out of the race before the the first primary ballot was cast...two months before the Iowa Caucus.

Tulsi crushed her in seconds.
So lets take a look at reality.

Were Tulsi Gabbard’s attacks on Kamala Harris’ record as a California prosecutor on target?​

We’ll examine Gabbard’s claims one-by-one.

Harris "put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana."

There’s some context missing in this claim, and it’s framed in a misleading way.
We couldn’t independently verify the 1,500 figure, which is cited in a February article by the Free Beacon, a conservative online news website. It says "at least 1,560 people were sent to state prisons for marijuana-related offenses between 2011 and 2016," when Harris was California attorney general. It says the data comes from reports from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. We requested that data from the state prisons agency.

The agency’s data shows there were 1,883 admissions to state prison on marijuana offenses during the years Harris was attorney general. There were another 92 admissions for crimes related to hashish, a drug made from cannabis resin. Notably, the figures dropped dramatically during Harris’ tenure, from 817 marijuana-related admissions in her first year in office to 137 in her last.

Also, as attorney general, Harris would not have personally prosecuted marijuana cases. Those cases would have been handled by lower-level state attorneys.

Harris "blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so."

Gabbard’s campaign said she was referring to the case of Kevin Cooper, a black man on death row in California. We found Gabbard’s statement leaves out some key information.

Harris "kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California."

This claim comes from a February Daily Beast article. It found lawyers in then AG Harris’ office argued in 2014 that, despite court orders to reduce state prison crowding, some non-violent offenders needed to stay in the prison system to help combat wildfires. It does not detail how many prisoners, if any, ended up staying longer than required.

A spokesperson for Harris was quoted in the article saying, "Senator Harris was shocked and troubled by the use of this argument. She looked into it and directed the department’s attorneys not to make that argument again."

Harris "fought to keep a bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way."

A March article by Business Insider detailed then-San Francisco DA Harris’ push in 2004 to increase cash bail. "Shortly thereafter, San Francisco's Superior Court judges moved to sharply increase cash bail costs for weapons-related felony charges, including assault with a firearm and the sale of machine guns," according to the article.

It adds that as a senator, Harris has introduced bipartisan legislation to encourage states to reform their cash bail systems so that lower-income people aren't kept in jail as a result of their inability to pay steep bail costs.

What you right wingers don't seem to get is that no matter how loud, forceful or confidently a lie is spoken, it is still a lie. Gabbard didn't do shit to Harris, and looking at where they both are now, Gabbard is the one who got destroyed.
I think you have your own private definition of facts.
You weren't ever signed up on this site as christoferia or perhaps Terral were you? Eots, is that you?
My definition of facts is in the Webster's dictionary. You right wingers are aways talking about one of your numnut heroes destroying somebody when all they did was recite a bunch of bullshit lies. That's what Gabbard did and that's why Gabbard is a part time contributor on Fox News while Harris might be the next President.
My definition of facts is in the Webster's dictionary. You right wingers are aways talking about one of your numnut heroes destroying somebody when all they did was recite a bunch of bullshit lies. That's what Gabbard did and that's why Gabbard is a part time contributor on Fox News while Harris might be the next President.
I never claimed anyone was destroyed in that debate Skippy. But press at the time mostly agreed Harris sucked. Then not long after she realized she had no chance, her donations dried up and she dropped out. That is not lies that's what happened.
Dude put down the pipe, it has ruined your brain.
I never claimed anyone was destroyed in that debate Skippy. But press at the time mostly agreed Harris sucked. Then not long after she realized she had no chance, her donations dried up and she dropped out. That is not lies that's what happened.
Dude put down the pipe, it has ruined your brain.
Then why did you decide to enter a conversation between the person who made that claim and me? The claim was that Gabbard destroyed Harris in 30 seconds. She didn't. And today Harris is VP, while Gabbard is nothing. Today, Harris has a real chance to be the next President. Ronald Reagan lost in a primary too. So did GHW Bush. Both ended up president.

So you put down the pipe. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son. Learn this and govern yourself accordingly.
Tulsi almost makes me want to vote for her, exposing the fact that Harris destroyed lives just to help further her own career as a prosecutor.
But that was untrue.
Then why did you decide to enter a conversation between the person who made that claim and me? The claim was that Gabbard destroyed Harris in 30 seconds. She didn't. And today Harris is VP, while Gabbard is nothing. Today, Harris has a real chance to be the next President. Ronald Reagan lost in a primary too. So did GHW Bush. Both ended up president.

So you put down the pipe. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son. Learn this and govern yourself accordingly.
In that clip, Harris was destroyed. First off, she lost her composure. Second, she never addressed the question that was asked. Third, she displayed body language that indicated she didn't believe what she was saying.
I could go on, but I watched that debate. I saw the news and heard the public opinion afterwards.
Most telling of all, Harris gave up and quit the race. All that is the truth that you cannot seem to face.

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