Tulsi Gabbard Should Run as Independent


May 23, 2014
I applaud her grit. I’m a combat vet...she actually was in the shit. I went, came back, and realized that our policy in the West Asia region was totally off the mark of a focused and grounded policy. She should run as an independent. She is a command level officer in the United States Military which is more than you can say for 99% of the assholes running.
2018 Platform
I applaud her grit. I’m a combat vet...she actually was in the shit. I went, came back, and realized that our policy in the West Asia region was totally off the mark of a focused and grounded policy. She should run as an independent. She is a command level officer in the United States Military which is more than you can say for 99% of the assholes running.
2018 Platform
Interesting thought. I would be all for it, I admire Tulsi as well, but her running as an Independent would probably take votes away from Trump.
Putin will give her a job.


I applaud her grit. I’m a combat vet...she actually was in the shit. I went, came back, and realized that our policy in the West Asia region was totally off the mark of a focused and grounded policy. She should run as an independent. She is a command level officer in the United States Military which is more than you can say for 99% of the assholes running.
2018 Platform

Why do you keep posting this bullshit about her being a combat vet? In her first tour, she was an enlisted medical admin paper pusher at an air base in Iraq. Not exactly front-line combat duty. In her second tour, she never was in a combat zone as she deployed to Kuwait.
"1.0 Personal Liberty
Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices. No individual, group, or government may rightly initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Libertarians reject the notion that groups have inherent rights. We support the rights of the smallest minority, the individual."

Elitist, Globalist, Communist, Socialist Propaganda.
I applaud her grit. I’m a combat vet...she actually was in the shit. I went, came back, and realized that our policy in the West Asia region was totally off the mark of a focused and grounded policy. She should run as an independent. She is a command level officer in the United States Military which is more than you can say for 99% of the assholes running.
2018 Platform
Interesting thought. I would be all for it, I admire Tulsi as well, but her running as an Independent would probably take votes away from Trump.
Interesting thought. I would be all for it, I admire Tulsi as well, but her running as an Independent would probably take votes away from Trump.<------ Huh[emoji102][emoji848] Wouldn't it hurt the Democrat and take votes from him or her?
She is the closest thing to a rational adult in the democrook party.

She is still a lunatic though.

Great ass on her though....


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