Tulsi Gabbard, whose policies are more in line with folks like Bernie, to headline CPAC! (Glenn Beck to keynote)

That's exactly what AOC says.
The big giant brains all come to an accord.

Anyone want to guess when democrats would invite a similar guest, of opposing political views, to a big
left wing gathering?

When hell freezes over is my guess.
Gabbard is on Tucker Carlson now, kicking the Biden/Harris administration's foreign and economic policy around again.

She's busting them in the mouth pretty hard, too. She said it perfectly. These power elite have their safety nets in order to survive their own policies so they just don't care about the well being, the safety and the prosperity of the American people.

Hopefully someone will post video of that discussion.
I have no problem with this. I don’t agree with Tulsi on many things but she’s got bigger balls than most republicans in Congress.

Plus, Tulsi is a fox.
there will be a panel called "The Moron In Chief" about Joe Biden...there are also multiple "Lock Her Up" panels about Crooked Hillary...i will definitely post these videos
Tulsi on Tucker!

she says Biden is so focused on looking tough against Putin, that he's not doing what's in the best interest of the US

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what an amazing sight at CPAC. thousands of patriots, and not a damn mask in sight.

obviously, they were all following Stacey Abrams' example!


With panels like “Don Lemon is a dinosaur” and “Are you ready to be called a racist?” the Conservative Political Action Conference is the last place you’d go to hear a talk on unity. But that’s 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard’s message for the petri dish of the conservative movement.

“I’m going to talk about the need for us to actually treat each other with respect and end this tribalism and divisiveness that’s tearing us apart,” the former congresswoman said during a phone call from Florida, previewing her Friday speech at the conservative shindig in Orlando

“I think the fact that, you know, the announcement of my coming to speak at CPAC resulted in some pretty ugly, strongly-worded, even vile attacks ... from people on both the left and the right,” she added, “is kind of indicative of this problem.”

“I want to know what business she has here,” said attendee Kim Donaldson, a nurse from Atlanta, who called Gabbard’s presence at the conservative conference “weird.”

“She should switch parties or make a good explanation as to why she is making so nice with the Republicans.”

Gabbard said she’s still a Democrat, despite embracing culture war issues popular among the right and criticizing President Joe Biden on foreign policy.
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Tulsi on Tucker again!

"i do not in any way agree with Putin's invasion of Ukraine...this is a heartbreaking situation that could have been prevented if Biden had acted differently"

Gabbard sounds like every conservative who has spoken at CPAC without ever using the word to describe herself. She's hailed the Durham investigation, the narrative of parents v. schools, and the idea that the Biden administration views critics as "enemy of the state."

Gabbard condemned the "power elite operation to crush freedom of speech," calling it "authoritarianism," and saying that "by rejecting our Bill of Rights, they have rejected our Constitution and therefore are the greatest threat to our republic."

Tulsi on Ukraine: "It's heartbreaking to see this tragedy. I just wanted to ask, can we pause for a moment of silence and send our prayers for their safety and wellbeing."

Gabbard Urges Americans To Reject ‘Racialism’: We’re All God’s Children, ‘Race’ Politics Is ‘Divisive’

Gabbard: "If you replace the word US government with the word church, we can see how those in power see themselves as the high priests."

Gabbard: "When James Clapper, who was the former DNI, was asked by the US Senate in an open hearing about whether or not the government was conducting this mass surveillance, this mass collection of information on everyday Americans, he lied under oath and said no."

she ends her speech with: “By God’s grace we are free and we will fight to remain free”.

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Gabbard is on Tucker Carlson now, kicking the Biden/Harris administration's foreign and economic policy around again.

She's busting them in the mouth pretty hard, too. She said it perfectly. These power elite have their safety nets in order to survive their own policies so they just don't care about the well being, the safety and the prosperity of the American people.

Hopefully someone will post video of that discussion.
The Democrats will disown the only attractive female candidate they have.
My hometown is becoming more and more important and the center of Power politics. I would like to see Gabbard become more vocal and noticed. Maybe it will help the Democrat Party change to more mainstream politics.
I don't think there's any coming back to the middle for the D party. They're too far gone on their Marxist trip. Tulsi has a better chance of becoming a moderate Republican than one of those squad style Ds.
Wrong again. Your myopic view of left and right is on display.

Massive “printing” of trillions of dollars — not backed by a single fucking thing — has a whole boatload to do with inflation. Your gullible belief otherwise is of no value.

You are the one who is gullible. This inflation has to do with businesses manipulating the market to raise prices. CEOs admit this and their earnings prove this.
Truth? Nah. You have an opinion. A view. It is neither true nor false. It is only your opinion.

Objectively, your view is facially ridiculous. But I doubt you have any ability to be open-minded long enough to consider things clearly enough to recognize how wrong you are.

I understand reality. She does not and what she says is crazy.
That's exactly what AOC says.

She is speaking the truth in this case. American oil producers are deliberately keeping supplies low. They have yet to open the 800 rigs or so that were open pre-pandemic. CEOs are bragging about being able to raise prices. The fact that compan ies are obliterating the analysts' expectations show they are raising prices far above what they have to. They certainly are not sharing the wealth with their employees.

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