Tulsi Gabbard, whose policies are more in line with folks like Bernie, to headline CPAC! (Glenn Beck to keynote)

I have no problem with this. I don’t agree with Tulsi on many things but she’s got bigger balls than most republicans in Congress.

All it does is confirm the fact that she is a cuckoo. Her loss has unhinged her. She is right where she belongs.
Some quotes by Tulsi Gabbard.
What are we trying to achieve in Ukraine? How will it benefit the American people? And at what cost? The Biden Admin has never answered these questions. Inflation and cost of living will drastically increase, Russia will retaliate, and no one knows where it will all end. pic.twitter.com/lnyHBaKaMa
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 16, 2022
Durham probe further proves that the greatest threat to our democracy is not some foreign country, but rather the Power Elite, led by the likes Hillary Clinton and her cohorts in Deep State and Mainstream Media. pic.twitter.com/9zc3Y6ApBJ
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 18, 2022
Division is the only thing keeping any semblance of freedom afloat.

So please leave 'me' out of your 'we' speak.

You have no clue what freedom is. Freedom is not doing whatever you want, irregardless of the harm it does to others. The Constitution talks about the general welfare. Alexander Hamilton talks about members of the House working for the common good. You are emblematic of the selfishness of too many so-called Americans like you.
This is good news. I'm a staunch Republican and Conservative, but I like Tulsi. I agree with her on some of her policies. She's soft-spoken and attractive, and appears to be the only sane Democrat.

She is a insane Republican now.
You have no clue what freedom is. Freedom is not doing whatever you want, irregardless of the harm it does to others. The Constitution talks about the general welfare. Alexander Hamilton talks about members of the House working for the common good. You are emblematic of the selfishness of too many so-called Americans like you.

The general Welfare was meant to limit congress, you stupid asshole. lolol....

Here. Learn....
The general Welfare is in effect a limit on congress.

I've yet to see any of you quislings get it right, yet pretty much all of you pop off about it.

Here's a snip from one of my previous postings on the topic the last time your brood started tossing the phrase around without so much as a hint of a clue as to what they were talking about....

''The mention of the general Welfare in the Preamble was intended to serve as a limit in effect on the use of those delegated powers.

The only other mention of general Welfare is found in Article I, Sec. 8. There, too, the words were meant to serve as a limit in effect. A limit of the power granted under that clause. It does not empower the congress to spend tax money for any and all purpose arbitrarily on a pretense or even a belief that it is for the general welfare, and certainly not to Individuals and localities.

Congress possesses no ''general legislative authority.'' See Federalist #83, by Hamilton of all people, for clarification.

All who ratified the Constitution were in agreement on the limited and limiting meaning of ''general welfare'' in the Taxing Clause.

As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton contended for the first time in 1791 ("Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States") in favor of a broader interpretation of this clause than he had formerly espoused and broader than that which Madison, with Hamilton's agreement, had presented in 1788 in The Federalist (especially number 41) as reflecting the controlling intent of the Framing Convention, which Madison and Jefferson consistently supported. Hamilton did not claim, however, that this clause gives to the Federal government any power, through taxing-spending, so as in effect to control directly or indirectly anything or anybody, or any activities of the people or of the State governments. Despite his assertion that this clause gives Congress a separate and substantive spending power, Hamilton cautioned expressly (Report on "Manufactures," 1791) that it only authorizes taxing and spending within the limits of what would serve the "general welfare" and does not imply a power to do whatever else should appear to Congress conducive to the "general welfare" that it does "not carry a power to do any other thing not authorized in the Constitution, either expressly or by fair implication."

See also the Supreme Court's 1936 decision ascertaining and defining the original, controlling intent. That would be the 1936 Carter case.

"Congress, entirely apart from those powers delegated by the Constitution, may enact laws to promote the general welfare, have never been accepted but always definitely rejected by this court."

It also decided that the Framing Convention "made no grant of authority to Congress to legislate substantively for the general welfare (citing 1936 Butler case) and no such authority exists, save as the general welfare may be promoted by the exercise of the powers which are granted."

The American people have never amended the Constitution so as to change the limited and limiting meaning of the words "general Welfare" in the Taxing Clause, as originally intended by The Framers and Adopters in 1787-1788.

I'm gonna go ahead and call checkmate ahead of time so the usual suspects know not to waste their time.''
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So instead of saying what your party stands for, other than anything that trump says, you want to deflect to other things. ----- as expected.
I’m focused on Small Business and which Party does more for it.
She's pro Open Borders.
Really? Are you sure?

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺@TulsiGabbardThe Biden/Harris open-door policy has been a disaster. It needs to end now. The main beneficiaries of open borders are the gangs, cartels, and human traffickers. The Trump policy of having people wait on the other side of the border worked and needs to be reinstated.
The General welfare was meant to limit government, you stupid asshole. lolol....

You are the stupid asshole. It does not limit government. This is demonstrated by the portion of the Constitution which gives the President the power to suspend habeas corpus.

Alexander Hamilton wrote this in The Federalist No 57.
"The aim of every political Constitution is or ought to be first to obtain for rulers, men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue the common good of the society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous, whilst they continue to hold their public trust."
Really? Are you sure?

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺@TulsiGabbardThe Biden/Harris open-door policy has been a disaster. It needs to end now. The main beneficiaries of open borders are the gangs, cartels, and human traffickers. The Trump policy of having people wait on the other side of the border worked and needs to be reinstated.
Don't take my word for it...watch a video.

Tulsi Gabbard is peeing all over Kamala Harris and Joe Biden on Hannity right now.

Especially Harris and how much of a joke she demonstrated herself to be in terms of her recent trip and the pablum she tried to pawn off with regard to Russian relations.

It is funny, though, Harris really is just about the least qualified person I can think of to be sending on a mission like that.

Ah well. It was a good laugh.

Tulsi Gabbard is the joke and she is a bad one. The fact she is on Hannity shows she is a right-wing kook.

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