Turkey Coup: The putrid responses of 'world leaders'

Funny how suddenly a bunch of conservatives are going out of their way to show support for a bunch of Muslims.

Well, they're actually against the Islamist regime; but that was a nice shameless attempt at spinning it, anyhow.

But isn't it funny how libtards turn their back on the secularists? Feel the bern, bitch.

Is this kind of like what happened during the Arab Spring or Libya? Sorry but you cannot trust ANY of them.

Arab Spring was a term the libtard media coined for it all even as The Muslim Brotherhood were taking control and causing havoc (like raping the CBS reporter). This was what happened in Egypt. Libya was a bit more of a mixed bag factions wise; but basically it was the Islamists at the end of the day doing a power grab even despite secular factions being voted in. And the UN under Hillary's watchful eye installed a puppet govt rather than supporting the people's govt; which shows she's full of sh** when she start talking about her so called experience. In the case of Egypt, the people did overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood (after the Arab Spring). In this case, the coup to overthrow The Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey apparently failed or hit the skids.
Funny how suddenly a bunch of conservatives are going out of their way to show support for a bunch of Muslims.

Well, they're actually against the Islamist regime; but that was a nice shameless attempt at spinning it, anyhow.

But isn't it funny how libtards turn their back on the secularists? Feel the bern, bitch.

Is this kind of like what happened during the Arab Spring or Libya? Sorry but you cannot trust ANY of them.

Arab Spring was a term the libtard media coined for it all even as The Muslim Brotherhood were taking control and causing havoc (like raping the CBS reporter). This was what happened in Egypt. Libya was a bit more of a mixed bag factions wise; but basically it was the Islamists at the end of the day doing a power grab even despite secular factions being voted in. And the UN under Hillary's watchful eye installed a puppet govt rather than supporting the people's govt; which shows she's full of sh** when she start talking about her so called experience. In the case of Egypt, the people did overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood (after the Arab Spring). In this case, the coup to overthrow The Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey apparently failed or hit the skids.

You don't know who is who or what is REALLY going on over there. None of us do. We only know what our government controlled media will allow us to know.
Funny how suddenly a bunch of conservatives are going out of their way to show support for a bunch of Muslims.

Well, they're actually against the Islamist regime; but that was a nice shameless attempt at spinning it, anyhow.

But isn't it funny how libtards turn their back on the secularists? Feel the bern, bitch.

Is this kind of like what happened during the Arab Spring or Libya? Sorry but you cannot trust ANY of them.

Arab Spring was a term the libtard media coined for it all even as The Muslim Brotherhood were taking control and causing havoc (like raping the CBS reporter). This was what happened in Egypt. Libya was a bit more of a mixed bag factions wise; but basically it was the Islamists at the end of the day doing a power grab even despite secular factions being voted in. And the UN under Hillary's watchful eye installed a puppet govt rather than supporting the people's govt; which shows she's full of sh** when she start talking about her so called experience. In the case of Egypt, the people did overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood (after the Arab Spring). In this case, the coup to overthrow The Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey apparently failed or hit the skids.

You don't know who is who or what is REALLY going on over there. None of us do. We only know what our government controlled media will allow us to know.

You move in and conquer; you fight whoever fights. You do any recon before, during, and after; and you basically kill all the murdering scum. And if we did it right, we would just kill anyone who was a part of ISIS in any capacity; shoot em on the fucking spot. I get that our coward leaders won't do the last part; but if you want to send a real message, that's what you do.
Just going by what I remember seeing on the news. Obama called for something like upholding "elected government" and Merkel called for "democratic order to be restored." They basically came out in veiled solidarity with the Turkish dictator who has made it a crime to "insult" him and who has imprisoned more journalists than anywhere in the world.

I feel very bad for the people of Turkey tonight. What the military attempted was honorable. And I feel sickened that our western governments have absolutely no morals.
Was there something that you had in mind that the other "democracies" should have done instead ???
Just going by what I remember seeing on the news. Obama called for something like upholding "elected government" and Merkel called for "democratic order to be restored." They basically came out in veiled solidarity with the Turkish dictator who has made it a crime to "insult" him and who has imprisoned more journalists than anywhere in the world.

I feel very bad for the people of Turkey tonight. What the military attempted was honorable. And I feel sickened that our western governments have absolutely no morals.
Was there something that you had in mind that the other "democracies" should have done instead ???

Call out tyrants for what they are, dude.
You move in and conquer; you fight whoever fights. You do any recon before, during, and after; and you basically kill all the murdering scum. And if we did it right, we would just kill anyone who was a part of ISIS in any capacity; shoot em on the fucking spot. I get that our coward leaders won't do the last part; but if you want to send a real message, that's what you do.
You talk pretty big.

I doubt you know what it is like to call your nation to war and send the boys off to die in battle.
Call out tyrants for what they are, dude.
So talk ... all you want is talk ... more talk ... and more talk.

Turkey is an ally.

You would not sh!t on your allies.

Now N.Korea would be a different story. It would make lots of sense to sh!t on them.
God bless the Turkish patriots who stood up against tyranny. But failure was not an option. This country may never turn a corner now.
Well, they're actually against the Islamist regime; but that was a nice shameless attempt at spinning it, anyhow.

But isn't it funny how libtards turn their back on the secularists? Feel the bern, bitch.
Erdogan will have no limit to his march toward an Islamic Republic and Shariah law.

Turkey will cease to be a secular state very soon, and this will likely end its attempt to join the EU, or at least hinder it greatly. Dont know if Europe is so far gone that they will merge with an Islamic Republic yet.

The Turkish military has staged coups many times in the past to reign in political dictators, but now the secular political class that once backed them is too committed to a democratic process to allow coups and they actually supported Erdogan in effect cutting their own throats.

Amazing how stupid the secularists world over have become in the face of Islamicism.
Call out tyrants for what they are, dude.
So talk ... all you want is talk ... more talk ... and more talk.

Turkey is an ally.

You would not sh!t on your allies.

Now N.Korea would be a different story. It would make lots of sense to sh!t on them.

Yea' they're an "ally". No.
Turkey is not an ally as they have been supporting ISIS for some time now, behind the scenes, allowing them to bring oil to the markets, lending medical and logistical support and preventing Kurdish movements around the border areas.

Erdogan sympathizes with the Sunni radicals, but he is still not radical enough for ISIS.
Turkey is an ally.

You would not sh!t on your allies.
If you think that the Turks have been faithful allies then you are ignorant.

The military leaders in the Muslim Middle East are western educated in western military academies, most typically, and thus tend to share Western sympathies. Many of them are close friends with officers in our military and many of our politicians.

Islamacists like Erdogan hate the West and consider us heretics, heathen that worship a polytheistic God, and consider us to be degenerate, and they maybe have a point or two in there.

But with the Turkish military being swept away, the people you would typically like in Turkey, the secularists, will have no chance of preventing Turkey from becoming an Islamic Republic and joining the list of nations that view the USA as their enemy, which no doubt delights fagots like you.
Call out tyrants for what they are, dude.
So talk ... all you want is talk ... more talk ... and more talk.

Turkey is an ally.

You would not sh!t on your allies.

Now N.Korea would be a different story. It would make lots of sense to sh!t on them.

Yea' they're an "ally". No.
Turkey is not an ally as they have been supporting ISIS for some time now, behind the scenes, allowing them to bring oil to the markets, lending medical and logistical support and preventing Kurdish movements around the border areas.

Erdogan sympathizes with the Sunni radicals, but he is still not radical enough for ISIS.

And supplying ISIS with their troops.
The Turkish people are the real winners.

They helped stop an illegal military coup.

Protected their beloved president Erdogan.

And validated that the people reject secularism; and want Islam to be the guiding light for Turkey. .... :cool:
Just going by what I remember seeing on the news. Obama called for something like upholding "elected government" and Merkel called for "democratic order to be restored." They basically came out in veiled solidarity with the Turkish dictator who has made it a crime to "insult" him and who has imprisoned more journalists than anywhere in the world.

I feel very bad for the people of Turkey tonight. What the military attempted was honorable. And I feel sickened that our western governments have absolutely no morals.
Turkey used to be a nice country until the rats moved in.

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