Turkey donates $1.7 billion in aid to developing countries

There is no security in Somalia, what do you think will happen to that hospital once it is built? it will turn into a barracks for Al Shabab.

Al-Shabaab allows Turks to deliver relief
Africa Review

Al-Yasir Camp is in Al-Shahaab territory.
Turkish aid worker in camp
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Sudan, Turkey Boost Bilateral Relations, Economic Cooperation - political - News

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.

Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-ojg9UjMk0]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjkKwQU6ERI&feature=related]Darfur Genocide - YouTube[/ame]
Who the fuck CARES?

If they are donating anything, to anyone, then that means the USA doesn't need to donate as much.

These are jealous Israelis who are landlocked in 20.000 km² with no-go zones anything beyond and who can't swallow rise of a country that's taking a stand against Israel.

Turkey moves into Africa - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

We have participated in 5 peacekeeping missions in Africa, deliver aid and want to co-operate for the benefit of both the local peoples and Turkey.
Win-win. Some can't swallow this.
These are jealous Israelis who are landlocked in 20.000 km² with no-go zones anything beyond and who can't swallow rise of a country that's taking a stand against Israel.

Google: 2 Research & Dev. Centers in Israel, not turkey

Apple R&D Center in Israel, not turkey

Multiple Intel R&D Centers in Israel, not turkey

Oracle R&D Center in Israel, not turkey

Multiple Microsoft R&D Centers in Israel, not turkey

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfnC0vDx048]Innovation at Google's R&D Center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA4wnqRAuhI]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjyF6bbwco]A tour of Intel IT's Data Center at Israel - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9dbvSsUqKI]INTEL IN ISRAEL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvOHwFMlPtw]The Israel Conference[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYQmsfw2v5I]Microsoft CEO Arrives In Israel To Inaugurate New Research A - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3FqQHk000Y]Steve Ballmer at Microsoft's new R&D center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmCCyRa0l6A]Microsoft Israel plans to take market by storm - YouTube[/ame]
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Who the fuck CARES?

If they are donating anything, to anyone, then that means the USA doesn't need to donate as much.

These are jealous Israelis who are landlocked in 20.000 km² with no-go zones anything beyond and who can't swallow rise of a country that's taking a stand against Israel.

Turkey moves into Africa - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

We have participated in 5 peacekeeping missions in Africa, deliver aid and want to co-operate for the benefit of both the local peoples and Turkey.
Win-win. Some can't swallow this.

So, Turkey is donating to Africa to make Zionists Jealous.



Hey, if it makes any difference, would you sent $10 more if I told you I'd be jealous too?
So, Turkey is donating to Africa to make Zionists Jealous.



Hey, if it makes any difference, would you sent $10 more if I told you I'd be jealous too?

No. I didn't say what you said.

Just look at them, they're coming into this (and other) thread with their "Intel, Apple" and "Turkey is extremist" talk.
They can't swallow it.
So, Turkey is donating to Africa to make Zionists Jealous.



Hey, if it makes any difference, would you sent $10 more if I told you I'd be jealous too?

No. I didn't say what you said.

Just look at them, they're coming into this (and other) thread with their "Intel, Apple" and "Turkey is extremist" talk.
They can't swallow it.

turkeys are jealous of Israel

Warren Buffett
We believe generally in the United States, we believe in ourselves and what a young country can achieve. Israel, since 1948, now a major factor in commerce and in the world. It's a smaller replica of what has been accomplished here and I think Americans admire that. They feel good about societies that are on the move.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaN_2nFqFtI]Warren Buffet Supports the U.S.-Israel Relationship - YouTube[/ame]
So, Turkey is donating to Africa to make Zionists Jealous.



Hey, if it makes any difference, would you sent $10 more if I told you I'd be jealous too?

No. I didn't say what you said.

Just look at them, they're coming into this (and other) thread with their "Intel, Apple" and "Turkey is extremist" talk.
They can't swallow it.

Ok, then focus:

So, Turkey is donating to Africa to make Zionists Jealous.



Hey, if it makes any difference, would you sent $10 more if I told you I'd be jealous too?

No. I didn't say what you said.

Just look at them, they're coming into this (and other) thread with their "Intel, Apple" and "Turkey is extremist" talk.
They can't swallow it.

Hey, turkey, when can Israel expect the turkeys to buy more Israeli UAVs and come to Israel for military training? You denied this until I proved you a lying muslime motherfucker.

Turkish Military Delegation In Israel For Drone Deal - World Politics - Zimbio
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Ok, then focus:


Diplomatically it's this:
“A great country,” Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul said, “used to be evaluated according to its GDP, its income per capita and its purchasing power parity.
But actually, true greatness means being able to aid other countries in need in the name of humanity without waiting for anything in return.”

Turkey Enters Foreign Aid Business - WSJ

Practically, it gives influence and helps economically to penetrate their markets.
But it is no exploitation. We don't want their Oil.
Ok, then focus:


Diplomatically it's this:
“A great country,” Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul said, “used to be evaluated according to its GDP, its income per capita and its purchasing power parity.
But actually, true greatness means being able to aid other countries in need in the name of humanity without waiting for anything in return.”

Turkey Enters Foreign Aid Business - WSJ

Practically, it gives influence and helps economically to penetrate their markets.
But it is no exploitation. We don't want their Oil.


Poor, naive, ekrem.


Its OK to want their oil, you know.
“A great country,” Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul said

turkey's a great country? Can anyone name even one product made in turkey with global demand?

Neither can I. :lol:

Poor, naive, ekrem.


Its OK to want their oil, you know.

We have energy security, we don't need Africa's resources.
We get most of our gas and Oil from Tatarstan (Russia) and Azerbaijan. Stable and working relationships.

Poor, naive, ekrem.


Its OK to want their oil, you know.

We have energy security, we don't need Africa's resources.
We get most of our gas and Oil from Tatarstan (Russia) and Azerbaijan. Stable and working relationships.

I'm unaware of even one product made in turkey with global demand. Well, maybe turkish taffee :lol:

turkey is a turkey
Can't swallow.
Get used to it JStone, it's just the beginning.

So, Turkey is donating to Africa to make Zionists Jealous.



Hey, if it makes any difference, would you sent $10 more if I told you I'd be jealous too?

No. I didn't say what you said.

Just look at them, they're coming into this (and other) thread with their "Intel, Apple" and "Turkey is extremist" talk.
They can't swallow it.

Nooooo, turkey is not extremist at all. Great rogue shithole
How do you know when a turk is lying? His lips are moving or his fingers are typing. :lol:

Burak Bekdil, Hurriyet Daily News [Turkey]
Anyone who is mystified by [Turkish] Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s great quotes, like me, should remember well this one from earlier this year: “Calling [Hamas] terrorists would be disrespectful to the will of the Palestinian people.” I asked, at that time, “Which man of peace, unless from Jihad, would ally with an organization whose charter declares members to be Muslims who ‘fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors?"

I know Messrs. Erdoğan and Davutoğlu are not convinced that Hamas is a terrorist organization even though Hamas’ charter vows to annihilate a legitimate state – Israel. I know they did not link Hamas with terrorism when their darling Khaled Mashaal described the 10,000 rockets Hamas sent to Israeli territory as “modest, homemade rockets,” one of which in 2004 killed 4-year-old Afik Zahavi

I know Messrs. Erdoğan and Davutoğlu simply shrugged off the U.N.-sponsored Goldstone report, which stated: “[Hamas’s activities] constitute a deliberate attack against the civilian population. These actions would constitute war crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity ... The rocket and mortar attacks launched by armed Palestinian groups have caused terror.”

Forget all of that. Not even the Hamas statement over the killing of Osama bin Laden tainted Mr. Erdoğan’s love for Hamas: “Hamas condemns the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior, Osama bin Laden” (whose skilful operatives had once bombed Istanbul, killing mostly Muslim Turks). Last year, in this column, I wrote: “When combined into one compact idea, the picture is telling us that ... The Turkish government views as a great friend, an entity [Hamas], which views the boss of Istanbul’s bombers as a holy warrior.” Bizarre? Maybe.

How does Mr. Erdoğan really justify that Hamas is not a terrorist entity but a political party like his own when it trades a foreign soldier for terror convicts?

Hürriyet Daily News | Archive news detail
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“A great country,” Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul said

turkey's a great country? Can anyone name even one product made in turkey with global demand?

Neither can I. :lol:

Then you need to pay closer attention:

Aishwarya Rai


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