Turkey shoots down Russian warplane

We really do need to reassess our relationships wth awful nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. They've been the main financiers of ISIS. And that falls back on the U.S. The U.S. arms and trains those nations.
Turkey is one of our best allies.

Russia is our enemy.

Get that straight.

Turkey is a questionable ally.
For decades Turkey's political structure denied and prohibited Muslim influence in its workings. However, under the current regime, Islamic leaders are having a voice and changing the entire culture of Turkey.

I hate to say this TRUTH but no country controlled by Islamic fundamentals can ever be an allay with the West!


Russian rescue helicopter 'shot down by Syrian rebels' while searching for pilots of plane downed by Turkey
Russian Warplane Crashes in Syria; Turkey Says It Shot Jet Down

Turkey is a NATO Ally. This could have some serious repercussions depending how Russia reacts

Obama promised Bibi a chunk of Syrian Real state.

So what if we have to go into WWIII to keep the promise.

Our Constitution requires that we take bullets for the zionuts.


When did he promise that and how is supporting Isis going to help this supposed goal?

)1) ISIS , Formerly , AL Qaeda , is controlled by Sunni Saudi Arabia. They want a Sunni running Syria

(2) The Installation of Israel as a Regional Hegemon started with the Bush administration in 1996

the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy: the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:
Putin is a punk and so with Turkey claiming responsibility, I'm not shedding any tears over this news.

It seems, now is a time to eat Turkey... Putin just says, it was act of complicity to ISIS, like many other acts at border, in violation of Russia-US agreement of collateral war with world terrorism...
Pooty Poot already violated/made a mockery of that agreement by bombing freedom fighters in Syria :talktothehand:

How much US citizens you plan to lose in war with Russia, if it starts?
Russian Warplane Crashes in Syria; Turkey Says It Shot Jet Down

Turkey is a NATO Ally. This could have some serious repercussions depending how Russia reacts

Turkey is NATO Ally, true.

However, most of us in US has been misled about Turkey role in Syria because they're a NATO member. I think that Turkey is actively supporting ISIS because of the Kurds.

Just days after Paris massacre, Turkish soccer fans were whistling and booing during the minute of silence for those killed in Paris. Shame.

Few days ago, Turkey warned Russia if they didn't stop bombing ISIS, there would be "serious consequences" and threatened Moscow with retaliation if id didn't "immediately end its operation against ISIS".

Putin responded to the shoot-down of the plane by labeling is as "stab in the back by accomplices of terrorism" and he's right, since Turkey's current government has been supporting arming and financing ISIS for years, making them state sponsor of terrorism. But of course, Turkey can't be that, they're in NATO.

Yes, Turkey has right to protect their air space, but this is not about protecting border (and it's not like our government know something about protecting borders), it's about Russians obliterating ISIS for the past two months. Turkey has been aligned with jihadists and "moderate rebels" who are as moderate as well as Al-Qaida groups and ISIS in a effort to topple Assad. Hmmm, I remember hearing someone saying "Assad must go".

Russian Pilots Executed While Parachuting:

This is big! Not just that Turkey shot down the jet but that CIA-backed Syrian rebels executed them while trying to get to earth in their parachutes.

I know this may seem mundane but it reminds me of scenes in the movie, The Longest Day, when German soldiers shot and killed American parachutists after D-Day.

Putin is not exactly known for his restraint. It is going to be nerve-chilling over the next few days to see what his reaction will be.

Read the story with links @ Russian Pilots Executed While Parachuting: Turkish Media | Zero Hedge

So, Turkey keeps and defends terrorists at own territory? Or lies about violation of Turkish border? :)
It is now being reported that:

- The Sukhoi-24 jet was shot by a missile from a Turkish jet over Syria about just over a half-mile away from the Turkish border
LINK: Turkish F-16s shoot down Russian fighter jet near Syria border

Obama claims Turkey had a right to 'self-defense', but it is NOT self-defense when Turkish warplanes are in Syrian airspace!

"A spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition based out of Baghdad said the U.S. indeed heard Turkey on "open channels" issue 10 warnings to the Russian jet before the incident."
-- It isn't a matter of how many warnings were given, it is a matter of a NATO country flying warplanes into another country - Syria - and shooting down a Russian aircraft.

Evidently Turkey did not like Russia flying so close to their airspace so they ATTACKED and destroyed the Russian aircraft, not committed an act of self-defense.

Obama went on to declare it was PUTIN'S fault for attacking (Obama)U.S.-supported anti-Assad rebels instead of ISIS (who Obama ALSO funded/supplied/armed).

This ignorant Islamic Extremist Sympathizing/Facilitating asshole is going to get us into a major war.....
We really do need to reassess our relationships wth awful nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. They've been the main financiers of ISIS. And that falls back on the U.S. The U.S. arms and trains those nations.
Turkey is one of our best allies.

Russia is our enemy.

Get that straight.
We really do need to reassess our relationships wth awful nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. They've been the main financiers of ISIS. And that falls back on the U.S. The U.S. arms and trains those nations.
Turkey is one of our best allies.

Russia is our enemy.

Get that straight.

Russia will fight for own existance. For what wil you fight? Are you ready to risk of nuclear strike at your head, for the doubtful interests of your "allies", sponsored ISIS?
It is now being reported that:

- The Sukhoi-24 jet was shot by a missile from a Turkish jet over Syria about just over a half-mile away from the Turkish border
LINK: Turkish F-16s shoot down Russian fighter jet near Syria border

Obama claims Turkey had a right to 'self-defense', but it is NOT self-defense when Turkish warplanes are in Syrian airspace!

"A spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition based out of Baghdad said the U.S. indeed heard Turkey on "open channels" issue 10 warnings to the Russian jet before the incident."

-- It isn't a matter of how many warnings were given, it is a matter of a NATO country flying warplanes into another country - Syria - and shooting down a Russian aircraft.

Evidently Turkey did not like Russia flying so close to their airspace so they ATTACKED and destroyed the Russian aircraft, not committed an act of self-defense.

Obama went on to declare it was PUTIN'S fault for attacking (Obama)U.S.-supported anti-Assad rebels instead of ISIS (who Obama ALSO funded/supplied/armed).

This ignorant Islamic Extremist Sympathizing/Facilitating asshole is going to get us into a major war.....

Here's the flight path.........(don't look like Turkish airspace!)

In case the low information left isn't aware, Turkey is still technically a member of NATO and as such it's the first time an American Ally has shot down a Russian war plane since the 1950's. I bet the mainstream media is busy worrying about Trump's latest statement.
Russian Warplane Crashes in Syria; Turkey Says It Shot Jet Down

Turkey is a NATO Ally. This could have some serious repercussions depending how Russia reacts

Turkey is NATO Ally, true.

However, most of us in US has been misled about Turkey role in Syria because they're a NATO member. I think that Turkey is actively supporting ISIS because of the Kurds.

Just days after Paris massacre, Turkish soccer fans were whistling and booing during the minute of silence for those killed in Paris. Shame.

Few days ago, Turkey warned Russia if they didn't stop bombing ISIS, there would be "serious consequences" and threatened Moscow with retaliation if id didn't "immediately end its operation against ISIS".

Putin responded to the shoot-down of the plane by labeling is as "stab in the back by accomplices of terrorism" and he's right, since Turkey's current government has been supporting arming and financing ISIS for years, making them state sponsor of terrorism. But of course, Turkey can't be that, they're in NATO.

Yes, Turkey has right to protect their air space, but this is not about protecting border (and it's not like our government know something about protecting borders), it's about Russians obliterating ISIS for the past two months. Turkey has been aligned with jihadists and "moderate rebels" who are as moderate as well as Al-Qaida groups and ISIS in a effort to topple Assad. Hmmm, I remember hearing someone saying "Assad must go".

Why hasn't Turkey or Qatar or Saudi Arabia are guilty of state sponsored terrorism? And the US has been there right along with them. Egodan is a freaking power tripping mother trucker.

Bordering on Terrorism:Turkey’s Syria Policy and the Rise of the Islamic State

Jonathan Schanzer
Merve Tahiroglu

An in dept profile of all the bullshit Turkey's been pulling and man oh man is it sourced out. Long read but a great read.

In case the low information left isn't aware, Turkey is still technically a member of NATO and as such it's the first time an American Ally has shot down a Russian war plane since the 1950's. I bet the mainstream media is busy worrying about Trump's latest statement.

Apparently the air space violation was only a matter of seconds if at all.
What's Obama got to do with Turkey and Russia? His reaction to Russia's reaction is his, but we aren't talking about that?

Can you partisan hacks take things seriously for once instead jumping right to nonsense?
It is not our affair.
Turkey while a NATO member, is not really an ally of the US. Turkey has been becoming increasingly Muslim aligned. This is not in the best interest of the US..

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