Turkish Army Reportedly Delivers Their Largest Arms Supply to the Islamist Rebels in Northern Syria


Nov 14, 2012
Erdogan, the Number 1 Terrorist in the region, sends more weapons to the terrorists. May the airfoce decimate the columns before they arrive.

"Turkish sources have reported to Al-Masdar News that a large convoy of Turkish Army supply trucks were seen traveling through the Hatay Province towards the Idlib Governorate on Friday, citing that the vehicles were believed to possess the largest arms transfer to the Islamist rebels in northern Syria.

A Turkish journalist at the Genç Bakış Dergisi (Turkish magazine), Mustafa Seyfullah Kilic, also reported this arms transfer, stating that the Turkish Army vehicles entered Syria from a number of points; however, he did not confirm whether or not these alleged supply trucks traveled through the Turkish city of Kilis, which is located on the border of northern Aleppo.

If this proves to be true, the Islamist rebel forces in the Idlib Governorate could be preparing for a large-scale offensive in the predominately ‘Alawi province of Latakia, which is located on Syria’s coast; it is also the birthplace of the Syrian President, Dr. Bashar Al-Assad (Qurdaha City) and his father and predecessor, Hafezh Suleiman Al-Assad.

Recently, the Turkish government has declared war on the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) after a series of terrorist attacks inside the country; however, at the same time, the Turkish government has also been accused of aiding both ISIS and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – these allegations were denied by the Turkish Foreign Minister."

Turkish Army Reportedly Delivers Their Largest Arms Supply to the Islamist Rebels in Northern Syrian

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