Turkish President Erdogan warns, 'Turkiye might enter Israel to help Palestinians'

well, i think Turkey needs an official warning from NATO..
what do you all think about it?

As long as it's after Hamas are eradicated and IN PARTNERSHIP with the Israelis, Egyptians, Nato and any other interested party NOT aligned with Hamas then meh; who cares!!

Turkey is a regional power with its own agenda.
Pres. Erdogan is letting Tel Aviv know that Turkey is the big dog in the middle east, not Israel.
Turkey is the Sick Man of Europe.
That was true when it was the Ottoman Empire over a century ago.
But today Turkey has the largest standing Army and Naval force in the Middle East.
It's military is very competent and lead by professional officers.
That was true when it was the Ottoman Empire over a century ago.
But today Turkey has the largest standing Army and Naval force in the Middle East.
It's military is very competent and lead by professional officers.

And if the Turks are that stupid to try,
it will take moths to bury them all,
and their new border won't be
with Shia Lebanon or Syria.

A way to be remembered.

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