'Turn In Your Badge!' - Police Chief Says Cops 'Observed Break-In From Safe Distance' But Did Not Respond


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Seattle store owner says cops never responded to break-in, chief says police ā€˜observedā€™ from distance
Seattle store owner says cops never responded to break-in, chief says police ā€˜observedā€™ from distance

ā€œThere is no cop-free zone in the city of Seattle,ā€ Best said. ā€œI think that the picture has been painted in many areas that shows the city is under siege. That is not the case.ā€


John McDermott, who owns an auto shop just outside of the CHOP, told KIRO-TV a protester broke into his store, stole money from his cash register and tried to set fire to the building. The owner's son said he detained the suspect.

ā€œI chased him down and as soon as I came face to face, he came at me so I put him on the ground,ā€ McDermottā€™s son, Mason, told the station. He said the suspect also tried to cut him with a box cutter.

John McDermott said he called the police a total of 19 times to no avail.

ā€œThey alluded they were sending someoneā€¦finally said they werenā€™t going to send somebody,ā€ McDermott said. ā€œI donā€™t know what to expect next. If you canā€™t call the police department, you canā€™t call the fire department to respond, what do you have?ā€ He said he's "heartbroken. I mean, they are the cavalry."

You have NOTHING!

The Washington state Governor, the Seattle mayor, the Seattle City Council, and the Seattle Police abandoned its citizens, abandoned business owners, abandoned their oaths, abandoned the Constitution and Rule of law...

The Seattle Police surrendered their precinct.

They surrendered part of their city.

They should now surrender their badges....

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I said it in a thread I started yesterday.

All criminals need to go to Blue States and Blue cities within those states.

You will have free reign to commit crimes with no consequences.

Law abiding good people in blue states, you need to move to red states.

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