Turning down the volume on TV commercials

if the cable companies only want to cater to their advertising customers and NOT their paid customers then give me cable/satellite for FREE! :D
I'm old enough to remember one of the things cable used to tout as a plus for them over the broadcast stations was that they had NO or FEWER commercials....:( (Maybe I shouldn't admit that...)
What I see is some advocating government intervention when it's most convenient for them.

I don't see why a company or an individual for that matter that pays hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars to run an ad should not have the freedom to choose a desired volume level on the ad. If they want to make themselves look like assholes for placing an extra loud ad, why should they not have that freedom? If we have such a problem with it, we should simply not buy their products, and along with not buying the products, send them an email letting them know why.

I fail to see how the government is necessary here. That is SUCH a fucking cop out.

With your logic, any advertiser can stand outside my door and blast some propaganda for their product at 194 dB. And I'm free to buy noise canceling headphones.


That is retarded Rav. Not only is a TV commercial nowhere close to 194 db even at their loudest, someone standing outside your door is on your property. You can kindly ask them to leave, or call the police and have them removed.

Broadcasting waves pass through my property, so your excuse is invalid.
When it comes to TV advertising, you invited it into your house by virtue of paying for a TV and cable service. YOU set the volume standards at that point.

What if there are just as many people who WANT commericals to be louder? That's obviously a possibility. What makes your desire for less volume any more important than someone else's desire for more volume?
:lol: When that day happens then they would also have a say in the issue. As it stands, no consumer has come forward to express that masochistic desire. Yet, you think that on the off chance that someone might, means everyone else has to just put up with it? :cuckoo:
You paid for the service, you paid for the TV, it's YOUR house, so YOU set the standard on an individual level.
No shit, Sherlock. That's why we have the right to regulate it.
Why do you need the government to regulate it for you?
Cuz Al-Qaeda and the abortion clinic bombers are too busy.
How much can they rightfully take?

If these groups that are often claimed to be public SERVANTS were truly SERVANTS, they wouldn't demand we fund their "services" at gunpoint or threat of imprisonment.

I'd like to believe that nobody is as stupid as that response you just vomited makes it appear you are. But, clearly, you ARE just that stupid.

Who the fuck actually objects to paying fair and reasonable taxes for valid and desired public services like sanitation and police and courts, etc. :cuckoo:

Live life and don't get entangled with the criminals. Produce a real good or service people want and trade that for the goods and services you need for you and your family to live a good and peaceful life.

Violent revolution to produce an "anarchist utopia"? Nah.


Yeah. Excellent advice. "Don't get entangled with criminals." Brilliant! :cuckoo:

Nevermind the fact that THEY sometimes have different ideas, you nitwit.

I have no clue what the fuck you are attempting to "say" in that last line, however.

It may be that your mental retardation just impedes any hint of a possibility you might otherwise have to offer meaningful communication.

i woudl rather the private sector do it where it would be done efficiently and without giving life and death judgments to a corrupt government
The private sector is doing it now. That's why we have a problem. :cuckoo:
Dolby Volume could show up in some TV sets by the end of this year or early next year.
First big business finds a way to create a problem for us. Then they find a way to sell us a solution to the problem they created.

Otherwise known as selling protection.
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How much can they rightfully take?

If these groups that are often claimed to be public SERVANTS were truly SERVANTS, they wouldn't demand we fund their "services" at gunpoint or threat of imprisonment.

I'd like to believe that nobody is as stupid as that response you just vomited makes it appear you are. But, clearly, you ARE just that stupid.

Who the fuck actually objects to paying fair and reasonable taxes for valid and desired public services like sanitation and police and courts, etc. :cuckoo:

Live life and don't get entangled with the criminals. Produce a real good or service people want and trade that for the goods and services you need for you and your family to live a good and peaceful life.

Violent revolution to produce an "anarchist utopia"? Nah.


Yeah. Excellent advice. "Don't get entangled with criminals." Brilliant! :cuckoo:

Nevermind the fact that THEY sometimes have different ideas, you nitwit.

I have no clue what the fuck you are attempting to "say" in that last line, however.

It may be that your mental retardation just impedes any hint of a possibility you might otherwise have to offer meaningful communication.

i woudl rather the private sector do it where it would be done efficiently and without giving life and death judgments to a corrupt government

Commercial advertisement volume is a matter involving life and death judgment? :cuckoo:

This, my friends, is why America ceased to be... Amreican's are like sad little children who need Uncie Sammie to take care of them
Reporting from Washington - Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-Menlo Park) wanted advertisers to hear her loud and clear. So she introduced the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation -- or CALM -- Act, aimed at lowering the volume on televised sales pitches.

"In my 17 years in the House of Representatives, I've never carried a bill which has been received with so much enthusiasm," Eshoo said. "Only the do-not-call list has even come close."

Turning down the volume on TV commercials -- latimes.com

Unconstitutional waste of time.

Biggest waste of time I've ever seen.

First they wanted to accommodate people who couldn't use the channel button (FCC) now they want to accommodate people too lazy to use the damn volume button?

I hope the ghost of Billy Mays haunts these suckers.
how loud the commercials are NOW, is obscene.

i bought a tv that would moderate the volume just to deal with it, but the cable box....damn cable box, overrides it........

commercials can break your eardrums nowadays and NO, I SHOULD NOT have to keep remote in hand so i can raise and lower the volume every 7 minutes.

we, customers have complained...but no one is listening at Dish network or direct tv.... i pay for my service, they should not intrude on my peace while I am using something I PAID FOR....

nuff said.

Then you have the choice of muting the television, stop using their service, or try to convince others to stop using their service. I personally choose to mute the television when commercials come on.

But what if you are napping while watching? stupid blaring commercial comes on and wakes you up!!!!!

Think of it as a reminder that the TV's still on and you're wasting electricity.

I find it disturbing that the only arguments are 'it's annoying so we should have government stop it'.
:lol: When that day happens then they would also have a say in the issue. As it stands, no consumer has come forward to express that masochistic desire. Yet, you think that on the off chance that someone might, means everyone else has to just put up with it? :cuckoo:

Why yes because your wishes can not (or at least should not) trample an individual's rights when they aren't affecting you.

You paid for the service, you paid for the TV, it's YOUR house, so YOU set the standard on an individual level.
No shit, Sherlock. That's why we have the right to regulate it.

Show me where in the constitution it grants you the power to regulate anything you use. Although you can always self-regulate. Use the mute button. No matter how much you want to bitch and moan and whine and scream all your problems can be solved with one button that you all ready have. The fact that you choose not to use it but instead cry to government like some useless runt makes me have absolutely no sympathy for you.
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Amazing how some people are so fanatically anti government. They must be anarchists.
Amazing how some people are so fanatically anti government. They must be anarchists.

Even more amazing that some people want the government to solve a problem that they can solve themselves with a single button. They must be morons.

Oh and wanting government to not regulate TV does not make someone an anarchist. Not even close.
I'm watching tv right now and a commercial just came it. It was a little louder than the show I as watching so I reached over to the remote that is sitting on the sofa cushion and pushed the volume down button two times and guess what? The sound got lower! Don't you just love the world of technology we live in?
I'm watching tv right now and a commercial just came it. It was a little louder than the show I as watching so I reached over to the remote that is sitting on the sofa cushion and pushed the volume down button two times and guess what? The sound got lower! Don't you just love the world of technology we live in?

I'm watching tv right now and a commercial just came it. It was a little louder than the show I as watching so I reached over to the remote that is sitting on the sofa cushion and pushed the volume down button two times and guess what? The sound got lower! Don't you just love the world of technology we live in?



When the show came back on I didn't raise the volume again either . . . maybe I had the tv too loud to begin with! :eek:

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