Turning down the volume on TV commercials

☭proletarian☭;1875751 said:
Get a noisemaker or turn the radio on low. Hell, put on an easy listening or smooth jazz cd and turn the volume down. Congress doesn't need to intervene just because you're stupid.

Lol...a noisemaker? I don't want a noisemaker. The radio, is not the history channel. I don't want to listen to music as i fall asleep, i want my t.v. I should not be forced into using another option to fall asleep when i like my t.v, just not the volume of commercials. Your stupid bc i said, i don't care who fixes it just as long as someone does. You don't have to bring it to the level of calling names just bc i'm right and your wrong! :lol:
History Channel on Demand

No commercials!

There, problem solved. Grow up and stop crying.
☭proletarian☭;1875789 said:
History Channel on Demand

No commercials!

There, problem solved. Grow up and stop crying.

I don't have "on demand", so problem not solved. I have to have "on demand" to be comfortable in my own home? I have to be forced and stuck with one option that i don't even have? Oh and for your info, i am grown, and not at all crying just complaining, wich i have every right to do! :tongue:
Some people d not just sit and watch tv with the remote in hand....I realize this is hard for any man to understand....

But when I have the tv on in my home, I am usually listening to it and not watching it....I am doing house work, or crocheting scarves and hats for the poor, or even on my lap top doing other work or on this site being a mod....it is an extreme inconvenience to HAVE TO STOP what I am doing and reach for the remote, EVERY 7 MINUTES, when the comercials come on to turn the volume down....muting it is out of the question because I am not looking at the tv, and I would not know when the program I was LISTENING to, comes back on.

I have complained to DISH network and my parents have complained to DIRECT TV, many times.

They have the Law on their side because they have the federal government TELLING THEM it is okay to be as loud as the loudest part of what you are watching.

All I am asking is that the LAW is on OUR SIDE, as they got the LAW to be on their side.

We should not have to mute or turn down the volume, EVERY 7 MINUTES FOR ALL COMMERCIALS that run, in OUR OWN HOMES.

How many paying customers are begging the government to allow Commercials to BLAIR in their homes every time they come on?

I should be able to adjust the volume on my tv ONCE and not have to adjust it every 7 minutes for the commercials....THAT IS UNPRODUCTIVE and a nuisance if you are not just a couch potato or a man that holds on to the remote like it is their one eyed trouser worm.

If you enjoy the very loud commercials then please, by all means, send a note to your representatives and beg them to please keep the commercials much louder than the programs you are watching or just do without TV because the commercials are not loud enough for you....

Now far be it from me to tell you what to do with your own television, but if you're not watching it don't you think maybe you should just turn it off?

ahhhhhhh, so now you too want to indirectly control my tv habits...your way or the highway? :lol: j/k u KK.

I listen to it. Most of the shows that interest me, are things like c-span, or the 24/7 news or the Discovery or History channel programs on the States, or our Presidents or the Universe or How the Earth was Made etc, that I find interesting and one does not need to view them to get the information the programs bring...Listening to them, while multi tasking is just fine. I have never been a one task woman....not when I worked and not now.

And you or the cable/satellite companies or the advertisers should not and do not have the right to control what I want to do, view or just listen to the tv, or what level I choose to put the volume on that is comfortable for me, or anything else in my own home, on my tv that I bought, or with the service that I paid for...

Right now, the advertisers and the cable services have gotten our government to give them the legal "okay" to blast us out of house and home, through legislation that permits them to release their commercials with volumes at the previous shows HIGHEST volume level. (I believe they are not following this measure, especially on the History Channel and the Discovery Channel...their programs are never loud and do not have any major impact scenes of crashes and bombings or gunfire, not the previous programs to the commercials of the subsequent programs are loud...yet the commercials can bust ones eardrums when they come on.)

Ideally, IF our government had not legislated the volumes in the first place, (giving them the legal permission to make the commercials as loud as the loudest point, even if it be for only a few seconds, of a program,) then these companies would probably listen to their CUSTOMERS complaining without giving them the generic answer, "That they are not breaking the law...." bullcrap imho. But it is too late now...the government HAS done something...regulated this already...and we need to somehow UNDO, what they have done... again, imho.


Well you said you don't want to mute it because then you wouldn't know when the television show comes back on. Is it really that difficult to look up and check when it comes back on?
☭proletarian☭;1875789 said:
History Channel on Demand

No commercials!

There, problem solved. Grow up and stop crying.

I don't have "on demand", so problem not solved. I have to have "on demand" to be comfortable in my own home? I have to be forced and stuck with one option that i don't even have? Oh and for your info, i am grown, and not at all crying just complaining, wich i have every right to do! :tongue:
You choose to turn the tv on. You choose how loud to set your receiver.

If you don't like it, turn it off or change the channel.
☭proletarian☭;1876072 said:
You choose to turn the tv on. You choose how loud to set your receiver.

If you don't like it, turn it off or change the channel.

Yep i chose to watch the history channel, yes i chose a low volume. No i do not choose for when the commercials come on for it to get louder.

So i should just suffer and turn my tv off all together bc someone else chooses to raise the volume during commercials? Unfortunately i happen to like the programs on alot of channels that do this, like the history and discovery and hgtv. So changing the channel will not help.

I'm glad to see you are so concerned about my tv watching though, that you are trying to find answers for my issue.

The point is really simple though. I should have the right in my home to have my tv set on ONE volume, that i am comfortable with. It really should'nt be anymore complicated then that. You really should not have to waste your time trying to think up solutions for other people to watch their own t.v's in their own homes in peace.
Next you'll be crying that the explosions are too loud when you watch die Hard :rolleyes:

This is why children should not be allowed to vote.
The point is really simple though. I should have the right in my home to have my tv set on ONE volume,

The sad thing is you don't even realize how stupid that statement is.

They don't change the volume on your TV.
☭proletarian☭;1875426 said:
We own the airwaves collectively.
You do not own collectively what I produce privately. That's one of the very principles of liberalism upon which this nation was founded.
You don't produce the airwaves.

☭-boi disturbs the airwaves. But that's different!

In the meanwhile, let it be duly noted that Ravi gets bonus points on that post for being right and being concise! :clap2:
☭proletarian☭;1876151 said:
Next you'll be crying that the explosions are too loud when you watch die Hard :rolleyes:

This is why children should not be allowed to vote.
The point is really simple though. I should have the right in my home to have my tv set on ONE volume,

The sad thing is you don't even realize how stupid that statement is.

They don't change the volume on your TV.

You are just an ass. Again, i'm not crying but complaining, not a child but an adult. Dumbass, when my tv is suddenly louder then it was, then YES, THE VOLUME has changed, whether manually done on my tv or not, it's still a louder volume.

Wonder if this thingy-do works?

Heartland America: Audiovox TV Volume Regulator

I guess i just have to PAY MORE to just watch my damn tv in peace.
☭proletarian☭;1876169 said:
☭proletarian☭;1875426 said:
You do not own collectively what I produce privately. That's one of the very principles of liberalism upon which this nation was founded.
You don't produce the airwaves.

They produce the radio radiation you nitwit.

You are so simplistic.

The facts are: The FCC regulates the broadcast frequencies for Americans. They regulate who uses what frequency and they regulate what the frequencies are used for...and they grant the license for usage...and we have a vested interest in the big, bad Government doing this...they are the ONLY body that can do it while protecting the freedom of speech we all enjoy.

As long as this holds true the broadcasters are not free to do whatever they please. And that means they cannot adjust my television volume unless we as a group allow them to do so...freedom of speech does not cover volume level.

That is all...I'm done with this topic. Your stupidity seems incurable.
when my tv is suddenly louder then it was, then YES, THE VOLUME has changed, whether manually done on my tv or not, it's still a louder volume.


You want every single sound to be the same volume, from the explosions to the whispers to the wind picked up by the mic on set? :cuckoo::eusa_hand:
That we regulate the usage of the equipment doesn't mean we own the radiation they emit, you twit, nor is any such convoluted and illogical bullshit needed to justify such regulations.

They're not adjusting your tv, you idiot. I told you, the intro to The Outer Limits was just part of the show. The NWO isn't watching you through the TV or controlling your mind with food additives, regardless of what Terral tells you.

Next you'll be suing Metallica for changing your radio because the background vocs aren't as loud as the lead vocs and the guitars get louder and quieter for effect :cuckoo:
☭proletarian☭;1876169 said:
You don't produce the airwaves.

They produce the radio radiation you nitwit.

You are so simplistic.

The facts are: The FCC regulates the broadcast frequencies for Americans. They regulate who uses what frequency and they regulate what the frequencies are used for...and they grant the license for usage...and we have a vested interest in the big, bad Government doing this...they are the ONLY body that can do it while protecting the freedom of speech we all enjoy.

As long as this holds true the broadcasters are not free to do whatever they please. And that means they cannot adjust my television volume unless we as a group allow them to do so...freedom of speech does not cover volume level.

That is all...I'm done with this topic. Your stupidity seems incurable.

Yep. Sometimes things ARE what they seem to be.
this thread is a hoot.

Toiletarian is getting battered like a lippy broad in West Virginia, and he keeps asking for more. :lol:
☭proletarian☭;1876495 said:
when my tv is suddenly louder then it was, then YES, THE VOLUME has changed, whether manually done on my tv or not, it's still a louder volume.


You want every single sound to be the same volume, from the explosions to the whispers to the wind picked up by the mic on set? :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

After this post, I agree with both Liability and Ravi above concerning your stupidity.
☭proletarian☭;1876495 said:
when my tv is suddenly louder then it was, then YES, THE VOLUME has changed, whether manually done on my tv or not, it's still a louder volume.


You want every single sound to be the same volume, from the explosions to the whispers to the wind picked up by the mic on set? :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

After this post, I agree with both Liability and Ravi above concerning your stupidity.

Is he really stupid or really stupid? :eusa_eh:
☭proletarian☭;1876495 said:

You want every single sound to be the same volume, from the explosions to the whispers to the wind picked up by the mic on set? :cuckoo::eusa_hand:

After this post, I agree with both Liability and Ravi above concerning your stupidity.

Is he really stupid or really stupid? :eusa_eh:
He's the kind of stupid who, when incapable of admitting he's been proven wrong, doesn't have the common sense to :eusa_silenced: and just slink away from a thread.

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