Turning down the volume on TV commercials

Some people d not just sit and watch tv with the remote in hand....I realize this is hard for any man to understand....

But when I have the tv on in my home, I am usually listening to it and not watching it....I am doing house work, or crocheting scarves and hats for the poor, or even on my lap top doing other work or on this site being a mod....it is an extreme inconvenience to HAVE TO STOP what I am doing and reach for the remote, EVERY 7 MINUTES, when the comercials come on to turn the volume down....muting it is out of the question because I am not looking at the tv, and I would not know when the program I was LISTENING to, comes back on.

I have complained to DISH network and my parents have complained to DIRECT TV, many times.

They have the Law on their side because they have the federal government TELLING THEM it is okay to be as loud as the loudest part of what you are watching.

All I am asking is that the LAW is on OUR SIDE, as they got the LAW to be on their side.

We should not have to mute or turn down the volume, EVERY 7 MINUTES FOR ALL COMMERCIALS that run, in OUR OWN HOMES.

How many paying customers are begging the government to allow Commercials to BLAIR in their homes every time they come on?

I should be able to adjust the volume on my tv ONCE and not have to adjust it every 7 minutes for the commercials....THAT IS UNPRODUCTIVE and a nuisance if you are not just a couch potato or a man that holds on to the remote like it is their one eyed trouser worm.

If you enjoy the very loud commercials then please, by all means, send a note to your representatives and beg them to please keep the commercials much louder than the programs you are watching or just do without TV because the commercials are not loud enough for you....
Care have you considered talking to other cable providers to see if they have a solution to your plight? If they do you can switch to them and tell off your old company. Hell one company would eventually realize they could score a bunch of customers just by implementing the sound diluter thing.
Care have you considered talking to other cable providers to see if they have a solution to your plight? If they do you can switch to them and tell off your old company. Hell one company would eventually realize they could score a bunch of customers just by implementing the sound diluter thing.

yes, I have most certainly considered it, but I have no choices or competition in service other than DISH or Direct tv, here in RURAL maine....

We do not even have Broadband service where I live...no cable companies, no dsl services....I am stuck with paying verizon wireless $60 bucks a months for just a CRAWLING speed barely above dial up....

and please don't tell me that I should sell my house and move.... ;)
Amazing how some people are so fanatically anti government. They must be anarchists.

Even more amazing that some people want the government to solve a problem that they can solve themselves with a single button. They must be morons.

Oh and wanting government to not regulate TV does not make someone an anarchist. Not even close.
Why can't we regulate what we own?
Amazing how some people are so fanatically anti government. They must be anarchists.

Just because one opposes the government doing something it has no constitutional authority doing, not to mention something so ridiculous, does not make one an anarchist.
Some people d not just sit and watch tv with the remote in hand....I realize this is hard for any man to understand....

But when I have the tv on in my home, I am usually listening to it and not watching it....I am doing house work, or crocheting scarves and hats for the poor, or even on my lap top doing other work or on this site being a mod....it is an extreme inconvenience to HAVE TO STOP what I am doing and reach for the remote, EVERY 7 MINUTES, when the comercials come on to turn the volume down....muting it is out of the question because I am not looking at the tv, and I would not know when the program I was LISTENING to, comes back on.

I have complained to DISH network and my parents have complained to DIRECT TV, many times.

They have the Law on their side because they have the federal government TELLING THEM it is okay to be as loud as the loudest part of what you are watching.

All I am asking is that the LAW is on OUR SIDE, as they got the LAW to be on their side.

We should not have to mute or turn down the volume, EVERY 7 MINUTES FOR ALL COMMERCIALS that run, in OUR OWN HOMES.

How many paying customers are begging the government to allow Commercials to BLAIR in their homes every time they come on?

I should be able to adjust the volume on my tv ONCE and not have to adjust it every 7 minutes for the commercials....THAT IS UNPRODUCTIVE and a nuisance if you are not just a couch potato or a man that holds on to the remote like it is their one eyed trouser worm.

If you enjoy the very loud commercials then please, by all means, send a note to your representatives and beg them to please keep the commercials much louder than the programs you are watching or just do without TV because the commercials are not loud enough for you....

Now far be it from me to tell you what to do with your own television, but if you're not watching it don't you think maybe you should just turn it off?
I'm watching tv right now and a commercial just came it. It was a little louder than the show I as watching so I reached over to the remote that is sitting on the sofa cushion and pushed the volume down button two times and guess what? The sound got lower! Don't you just love the world of technology we live in?



When the show came back on I didn't raise the volume again either . . . maybe I had the tv too loud to begin with! :eek:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Zoom-boing again.

Amazing how some people are so fanatically anti government. They must be anarchists.

Even more amazing that some people want the government to solve a problem that they can solve themselves with a single button. They must be morons.

Oh and wanting government to not regulate TV does not make someone an anarchist. Not even close.
Why can't we regulate what we own?

You can, it's called a remote control.
Even more amazing that some people want the government to solve a problem that they can solve themselves with a single button. They must be morons.

Oh and wanting government to not regulate TV does not make someone an anarchist. Not even close.
Why can't we regulate what we own?

You can, it's called a remote control.
You are avoiding the question.

We own the airwaves collectively. Why can we not regulate something we own...in the manner discussed in the OP.
Why can't we regulate what we own?

You can, it's called a remote control.
You are avoiding the question.

We own the airwaves collectively. Why can we not regulate something we own...in the manner discussed in the OP.

Ah I mistook who you were referring to when you said we. I don't think you can't regulate it in some manner it's just that it would be completely unnecessary.
Some people d not just sit and watch tv with the remote in hand....I realize this is hard for any man to understand....

But when I have the tv on in my home, I am usually listening to it and not watching it....I am doing house work, or crocheting scarves and hats for the poor, or even on my lap top doing other work or on this site being a mod....it is an extreme inconvenience to HAVE TO STOP what I am doing and reach for the remote, EVERY 7 MINUTES, when the comercials come on to turn the volume down....muting it is out of the question because I am not looking at the tv, and I would not know when the program I was LISTENING to, comes back on.

I have complained to DISH network and my parents have complained to DIRECT TV, many times.

They have the Law on their side because they have the federal government TELLING THEM it is okay to be as loud as the loudest part of what you are watching.

All I am asking is that the LAW is on OUR SIDE, as they got the LAW to be on their side.

We should not have to mute or turn down the volume, EVERY 7 MINUTES FOR ALL COMMERCIALS that run, in OUR OWN HOMES.

How many paying customers are begging the government to allow Commercials to BLAIR in their homes every time they come on?

I should be able to adjust the volume on my tv ONCE and not have to adjust it every 7 minutes for the commercials....THAT IS UNPRODUCTIVE and a nuisance if you are not just a couch potato or a man that holds on to the remote like it is their one eyed trouser worm.

If you enjoy the very loud commercials then please, by all means, send a note to your representatives and beg them to please keep the commercials much louder than the programs you are watching or just do without TV because the commercials are not loud enough for you....

Now far be it from me to tell you what to do with your own television, but if you're not watching it don't you think maybe you should just turn it off?

ahhhhhhh, so now you too want to indirectly control my tv habits...your way or the highway? :lol: j/k u KK.

I listen to it. Most of the shows that interest me, are things like c-span, or the 24/7 news or the Discovery or History channel programs on the States, or our Presidents or the Universe or How the Earth was Made etc, that I find interesting and one does not need to view them to get the information the programs bring...Listening to them, while multi tasking is just fine. I have never been a one task woman....not when I worked and not now.

And you or the cable/satellite companies or the advertisers should not and do not have the right to control what I want to do, view or just listen to the tv, or what level I choose to put the volume on that is comfortable for me, or anything else in my own home, on my tv that I bought, or with the service that I paid for...

Right now, the advertisers and the cable services have gotten our government to give them the legal "okay" to blast us out of house and home, through legislation that permits them to release their commercials with volumes at the previous shows HIGHEST volume level. (I believe they are not following this measure, especially on the History Channel and the Discovery Channel...their programs are never loud and do not have any major impact scenes of crashes and bombings or gunfire, not the previous programs to the commercials of the subsequent programs are loud...yet the commercials can bust ones eardrums when they come on.)

Ideally, IF our government had not legislated the volumes in the first place, (giving them the legal permission to make the commercials as loud as the loudest point, even if it be for only a few seconds, of a program,) then these companies would probably listen to their CUSTOMERS complaining without giving them the generic answer, "That they are not breaking the law...." bullcrap imho. But it is too late now...the government HAS done something...regulated this already...and we need to somehow UNDO, what they have done... again, imho.

We own the airwaves collectively.
You do not own collectively what I produce privately. That's one of the very principles of liberalism upon which this nation was founded.
Produce what you want privately, it's all yours...

But, if you have to lease from the ''collective us'', to get what you produced to work, then you need to follow the lessor's rules...and the lessee can choose to follow such requests from the lessor or give up the lease....and make what you produced worthless....simple as that....
But, if you have to lease from the ''collective us'', to get what you produced to work, then you need to follow the lessor's rules...and the lessee can choose to follow such requests from the lessor or give up the lease....and make what you produced worthless....simple as that....
They lease the broadcasting equipment from the Fed?

And what the hell does 'what you produced to work' mean? :confused:
I'm with this care4all chic, she makes alot of good points.

I have a DVR, and it does not help me with my problem.

My problem is, i like to sleep with a light sound. I prefer to put on the history channel or something quiet like that. I then set my sleep timer on my t.v and prepare for my snooze. But yes, about every 7 minutes i have to emerge from my pile of blankets, poke my head up, turn the volume down......... wait to get comfortable again bc i know i have to turn the volume back up in order to finish listening to my night time story. Then it's get comfortable again, as i slowly start to doze back off, then............ BAM, BUY SHAM WOW!!!!!!!! BLAH BLAH BLAH, so just as i am falling asleep, i'm awaken. I don't care if i push the mute button, or lower the volume or wait as i fast forward the dvr, they are all actions i DO NOT WANT to do as i am trying to fall asleep. So i don't give a damn who fixes this, but i would surely like it fixed. It's my damn tv and i want it on the volume i set it on, not multiple changing volumes, that somebody else wants for me. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE to pick up and put down my remote. I just want to fall asleep listening to whatever program i put on to listen to, and fall asleep the way i like to, and let my tv turn itself off after i'm asleep like it always does. It's my damn house, and my tv.
☭proletarian☭;1875519 said:
But, if you have to lease from the ''collective us'', to get what you produced to work, then you need to follow the lessor's rules...and the lessee can choose to follow such requests from the lessor or give up the lease....and make what you produced worthless....simple as that....
They lease the broadcasting equipment from the Fed?

And what the hell does 'what you produced to work' mean? :confused:

no silly, you own the equipment and pay/produce the talent.

what you produced with your money...''The Nightly News'' program as example....would be worthless, without the airwaves you lease, from the collective us to broadcast it over.
Ok, I've been paying attention to the commercials and not ALL commercials blast. From my observation most don't. Some are a bit louder than a show - but the show itself may be quieter (ex. The Good Wife, mostly talking vs. 24, lots of shooting) by comparison. There are some commercials that I can hear outside but these are few and far between. Not saying that the volume isn't louder on some commercials but the blanket statement that ALL commercials blast ungodly loud is not true. <sigh> Not arguing here, just pointing something out.
Ok, I've been paying attention to the commercials and not ALL commercials blast. From my observation most don't. Some are a bit louder than a show - but the show itself may be quieter (ex. The Good Wife, mostly talking vs. 24, lots of shooting) by comparison. There are some commercials that I can hear outside but these are few and far between. Not saying that the volume isn't louder on some commercials but the blanket statement that ALL commercials blast ungodly loud is not true. <sigh> Not arguing here, just pointing something out.
yes, as i mentioned for me, it usually happens on the History or Discovery channel....oh, and HGTV too....plus the local news.

this should not happen if the rules in place now, were followed....unless we misunderstand the rule?
I'm with this care4all chic, she makes alot of good points.

I have a DVR, and it does not help me with my problem.

My problem is, i like to sleep with a light sound. I prefer to put on the history channel or something quiet like that. I then set my sleep timer on my t.v and prepare for my snooze. But yes, about every 7 minutes i have to emerge from my pile of blankets, poke my head up, turn the volume down......... wait to get comfortable again bc i know i have to turn the volume back up in order to finish listening to my night time story. Then it's get comfortable again, as i slowly start to doze back off, then............ BAM, BUY SHAM WOW!!!!!!!! BLAH BLAH BLAH, so just as i am falling asleep, i'm awaken. I don't care if i push the mute button, or lower the volume or wait as i fast forward the dvr, they are all actions i DO NOT WANT to do as i am trying to fall asleep. So i don't give a damn who fixes this, but i would surely like it fixed. It's my damn tv and i want it on the volume i set it on, not multiple changing volumes, that somebody else wants for me. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE to pick up and put down my remote. I just want to fall asleep listening to whatever program i put on to listen to, and fall asleep the way i like to, and let my tv turn itself off after i'm asleep like it always does. It's my damn house, and my tv.

Get a noisemaker or turn the radio on low. Hell, put on an easy listening or smooth jazz cd and turn the volume down. Congress doesn't need to intervene just because you're stupid.
&#9773;proletarian&#9773;;1875519 said:
But, if you have to lease from the ''collective us'', to get what you produced to work, then you need to follow the lessor's rules...and the lessee can choose to follow such requests from the lessor or give up the lease....and make what you produced worthless....simple as that....
They lease the broadcasting equipment from the Fed?

And what the hell does 'what you produced to work' mean? :confused:

no silly, you own the equipment and pay/produce the talent.

what you produced with your money...''The Nightly News'' program as example....would be worthless, without the airwaves you lease, from the collective us to broadcast it over.

You do release there's no natural network of magical 'airwaves' on which we broadcast, right? :cuckoo:

Privately owned equipment emits radiation you choose to detect so you can use your equipment to decode the information encoded in the radiation (radio and broadcast TV). With cable, you pay for a wire to come into your house with electrical signals (photons) emitted by the cable company's equipment so you can decode the information contained therein and view the content.

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