Turning down the volume on TV commercials

I'm not understanding your point. It is possible for stations to comply by rules on commercial volume, and it is understandable that human error will sometimes cause the stations to fail.

Are you trying to say that anything less than a 100% success rate means we should just give up and allow the broadcasters/advertisers have their way with us?

Except we weren't talking about human error. We were talking about computer processing the audio automatically. Humans "jocking" the board would probably have a better success rate than a computer at this point.

And the stations are currently abiding by the rules on commercial volume. So yer not going to find a station that is going to put someone in place solely to jock the pot during commercial breaks.

Having their way with you? Did yer television suddenly go all ski-mask 3D and burst into yer house?
I'm not understanding your point. It is possible for stations to comply by rules on commercial volume, and it is understandable that human error will sometimes cause the stations to fail.

Are you trying to say that anything less than a 100% success rate means we should just give up and allow the broadcasters/advertisers have their way with us?

Except we weren't talking about human error. We were talking about computer processing the audio automatically. Humans "jocking" the board would probably have a better success rate than a computer at this point.

And the stations are currently abiding by the rules on commercial volume. So yer not going to find a station that is going to put someone in place solely to jock the pot during commercial breaks.

Having their way with you? Did yer television suddenly go all ski-mask 3D and burst into yer house?
:lol: Listen...it is doable. So your entire argument is moot.

If you want to argue that it is silly, that's fine. But it is doable.
I'm not understanding your point. It is possible for stations to comply by rules on commercial volume, and it is understandable that human error will sometimes cause the stations to fail.

Are you trying to say that anything less than a 100% success rate means we should just give up and allow the broadcasters/advertisers have their way with us?

Except we weren't talking about human error. We were talking about computer processing the audio automatically. Humans "jocking" the board would probably have a better success rate than a computer at this point.

And the stations are currently abiding by the rules on commercial volume. So yer not going to find a station that is going to put someone in place solely to jock the pot during commercial breaks.

Having their way with you? Did yer television suddenly go all ski-mask 3D and burst into yer house?
:lol: Listen...it is doable. So your entire argument is moot.

If you want to argue that it is silly, that's fine. But it is doable.

How is the entire argument moot? It's doable with a human, sure. It's only partially and craptastically doable with a computer, but OK. Economically feasible for the stations? Not at all.

Silly? Yup. All the way around.
Except that it's not wrong at all.

The volume clearly jumps when the broadcasters air commercials. In my experience, that means MOST fucking commercials. Since that seems quite evidently "do-able," it is just as certain that the broadcasters can make fucking damn well sure that it DOESN'T happen.

They can require the advertising geeks to "make it so," as a TERM of any contracts between the advertisers and the broadcaster. Alternatively, we all know full well that if they were of a mind to do it themselves, the broadcasters could take simple actions to keep the volume down on the commercials.

Is this the most pressing issue of our day? Clearly not.

Good. Even BETTER reason to have Congress spend its time on it. This has the useful effect of all keeping them away from doing all the dangerously stupid crap they've been doing all year.

Except the volume doesn't go up.

* * * *

Except it absolutely does.

It's not even a rational argument to deny it. We all HEAR the volume jump. So, who are we gonna believe: Your theory or our own lying ears?
Radio explained the science behind it all.

If you're too stupid to understand, you should just keep your mouth shut and stop making an idiot of yourself.
Honestly? They sound the same to me.

The EmergenC commercial is more softly spoken, though
☭proletarian☭;1886949 said:
Honestly? They sound the same to me.

Emer Gen C is louder by about 5%.

The Autozone spot is pretty damn "busy", so even though it is actually lower in volume and uncompressed just like the Emer Gen C spot, it sounds louder. I wish I had a better spot on hand than the Emer Gen C one to illustrate it....the OnStar spots woulda been perfect...but oh well. I think it makes the point.
☭proletarian☭;1886865 said:
Your argument is akin to saying that it's all just an optical (actually, it's an aural) illusion. Well, with all due respect: Nonsense.

Did you mean auditory, retard?

No, moron. I meant what I wrote.

Your abundant ignorance is on parade, ya nitwit assmonkey.

Sorry your education was so deeply flawed and your arrogance is so boundless.
Why couldn't you just reduce the peak volume of anything that is highly compressed? Most movies aren't highly compressed, are they?

Because there's no way that I am aware of to have the equipment detect automatically 100% of the time that has been compressed and then keep it there within the same spot/segment/promo.

What would most likely happen would be even more annoying.... audio going all the way up and then when the computer realized what was happening bringing it down again all within the same single commercial, and then the computer holding over that setting into the next commercial and then compensating partially through it to bring it back to normal.

That sounds like a good way to never get anyone to advertise on your station again if you ask me.

When I was first learning audio processing, I'd do normalizing and limiting on my final mix-downs, just playing around with it to get a feel, and a lot of times the end result would sound EXACTLY like that.

You would hear the whole track rise and lower in volume as the peaks were being limited, and the lows were being brought up in the mix.

Forcing advertisers to have to comply with this type of mandate is almost certainly going to cause them to spend more money on their ads.

I HOPE this ends up happening and advertisers leave and revenue flows dry up. The shit storm that will eventually ensue all becuase people couldn't press their own damn remote control volume buttons will be more than worth it.
Why couldn't you just reduce the peak volume of anything that is highly compressed? Most movies aren't highly compressed, are they?

Because there's no way that I am aware of to have the equipment detect automatically 100% of the time that has been compressed and then keep it there within the same spot/segment/promo.

What would most likely happen would be even more annoying.... audio going all the way up and then when the computer realized what was happening bringing it down again all within the same single commercial, and then the computer holding over that setting into the next commercial and then compensating partially through it to bring it back to normal.

That sounds like a good way to never get anyone to advertise on your station again if you ask me.

When I was first learning audio processing, I'd do normalizing and limiting on my final mix-downs, just playing around with it to get a feel, and a lot of times the end result would sound EXACTLY like that.

Yeah, it's pretty tricky to do it with tunes. Luckily with what I work with I don't have to worry about that.
Um, the broadcasters can quit accepting highly compressed ads.

The Brits passed similar laws last year and I've heard nothing about the total collapse of the broadcasting and/or commercial industry.

Um, the broadcasters can quit accepting highly compressed ads.

The Brits passed similar laws last year and I've heard nothing about the total collapse of the broadcasting and/or commercial industry.


They can, but they won't.

Why shoot yourself in the foot when a competitor down the street is more than willing to accept the money for an ad?

And Britain's law is really no more than "pretty please?" It has no teeth, and is too subjective to enforce effectively. Just like what this would be. A "feel good" law.
Forcing advertisers to have to comply with this type of mandate is almost certainly going to cause them to spend more money on their ads.

I HOPE this ends up happening and advertisers leave and revenue flows dry up. The shit storm that will eventually ensue all becuase people couldn't press their own damn remote control volume buttons will be more than worth it.
If people stop watching TV because the ads are jolting them out of their seats and blasting their eardrums revenue might dry up anyway.

But if it happens your way, Paulie, I can just imagine you wagging your finger at us saying, "I told you this would happen!! I told you there would be no more TV! I told you the television industry would go bust because you whined too much!!""


If only we had listened to Saint Paulie.
Forcing advertisers to have to comply with this type of mandate is almost certainly going to cause them to spend more money on their ads.

I HOPE this ends up happening and advertisers leave and revenue flows dry up. The shit storm that will eventually ensue all becuase people couldn't press their own damn remote control volume buttons will be more than worth it.
If people stop watching TV because the ads are jolting them out of their seats and blasting their eardrums revenue might dry up anyway.

But if it happens your way, Paulie, I can just imagine you wagging your finger at us saying, "I told you this would happen!! I told you there would be no more TV! I told you the television industry would go bust because you whined too much!!""


If only we had listened to Saint Paulie.

People won't ever stop watching tv no matter how loud the ads or if they have to push a button to silence them. People will bitch till the cows come home but they are spuds to the core and nothing will keep them from their couches.

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