Turns out that even the skeptics agree, the earth is warming abnormally

The real point is...Even if it is real,does it matter? We'll survive...Or we wont. That's they way it has always been on Planet Earth.
Please send some of it my way. I'm freezin my ass off. Global Warming has been so over-hyped and fear mongered. Many are now just tuning out. Once it became cult-like and a policial movement,it lost most common sense thinking people. Now it's all about religious zealotry and World Socialist control of the People. And Global Warming really isn't much to worry about anyway. Now Global Cooling on the other hand? That's a whole different matter.

Sounds like someone else is over hyped.

40% of the North Polar ice cap has melted in the last 50 years.

If the Greenland ice cap and Antartica melt the consequences for future generations are dramatic.

Luckily, the hole in the ozone that we created is keeping Antarctic cooler than it would normally be.

And rantings like "World Socialist control of the People" make you sound silly.

We will move away from oil and coal to energy production at home, the exact opposite of government control. Everyone will produce their own energy in the future.

Yeah, I like the idea of the guy with the hampsters in the row boat... that's gonna be my own energy source!
Please send some of it my way. I'm freezin my ass off. Global Warming has been so over-hyped and fear mongered. Many are now just tuning out.
Ah, yes......where would "conservatives" be, without their Absolutes???

Please send some of it my way. I'm freezin my ass off. Global Warming has been so over-hyped and fear mongered. Many are now just tuning out. Once it became cult-like and a policial movement,it lost most common sense thinking people. Now it's all about religious zealotry and World Socialist control of the People. And Global Warming really isn't much to worry about anyway. Now Global Cooling on the other hand? That's a whole different matter.

Sounds like someone else is over hyped.

40% of the North Polar ice cap has melted in the last 50 years.

If the Greenland ice cap and Antartica melt the consequences for future generations are dramatic.

Luckily, the hole in the ozone that we created is keeping Antarctic cooler than it would normally be.

And rantings like "World Socialist control of the People" make you sound silly.

We will move away from oil and coal to energy production at home, the exact opposite of government control. Everyone will produce their own energy in the future.

Cool. Then there's no reason to continue fear-mongering it up anymore. We'll survive just fine, which is what i've always said.


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Does this stuff even matter? You're most definitely likely to die of anything but Global Warming. So even if it is real,does it really matter? It's hardly anything to freak out about. The Planet Warming will not be the end of us. If you want to freak out about stuff like this,you should maybe freak out if Global Cooling comes. Now that would definitley be a calamity for this Planet. So worry about that if you're inclined to worry about this stuff.
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Sounds like someone else is over hyped.

40% of the North Polar ice cap has melted in the last 50 years.

If the Greenland ice cap and Antartica melt the consequences for future generations are dramatic.

Luckily, the hole in the ozone that we created is keeping Antarctic cooler than it would normally be.

And rantings like "World Socialist control of the People" make you sound silly.

We will move away from oil and coal to energy production at home, the exact opposite of government control. Everyone will produce their own energy in the future.

Cool. Then there's no reason to continue fear-mongering it up anymore. We'll survive just fine, which is what i've always said.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD0IWb2w-jM]Melting Himalayan glaciers - YouTube[/ame]​

That's awful!
I wish the Chicago glacier hadn't melted.
My neighborhood was cool under a mile of ice.

Big Government will never allow you to go off the grid. That's just a pipe-dream. You will always be forced to pay Big Government for your energy. It's always about control. Don't kid yourself on that.
Uhhhhhhhh......it's 2011, Skippy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEdQRVQtffw]Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki - YouTube[/ame]
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Big Government will never allow you to go off the grid. That's just a pipe-dream. You will always be forced to pay Big Government for your energy. It's always about control. Don't kid yourself on that.
Uhhhhhhhh......it's 2011, Skippy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEdQRVQtffw]Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGCjjOsEwyM]The Holy Grail Of Energy Storage Achieved - YouTube[/ame]​

How much more expensive is your solar secret than power from the grid?

How many years till it breaks even, if ever?

Big Government will never allow you to go off the grid. That's just a pipe-dream. You will always be forced to pay Big Government for your energy. It's always about control. Don't kid yourself on that.
Uhhhhhhhh......it's 2011, Skippy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEdQRVQtffw]Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGCjjOsEwyM]The Holy Grail Of Energy Storage Achieved - YouTube[/ame]​

Like i said,just a pipe-dream. Big Government will never allow Citizens to produce their own energy. It's all about control. And Big Government doesn't rest until it has complete control. I am glad to see a few brave Americans attempting it though. I really am. But it wont last. You just can't go around acting like you're free in this country. The Government will not stand for that.
This is hysterical.

The Koch brothers hire a skeptic to disprove global warming, and he ends up proving it and changing his mind.

Science triumphs over stupidity.
He only "proved" it by lying. So he fits right in with the other AGW cultists.

I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you talking about?

Now, the skeptics are liars because they changed their minds after discovering proof that they were incorrect?

Wow, that is some SERIOUS brainwashing you have going on there.
Do keep up, if you can.

He was never a skeptic. He lied.
so we have 7-8 million years of data to compare this abnormal warming to?



I hate to break it to ya.... the earth warms and cools all on its own at both slow and fast rates.

HOLY SHIT!!! This is something that scientists must SURELY have missed! You are a GENIUS! You should rush out and publish your findings IMMEDIATELY, the scientific world will find your insight to be a BREAKTHROUGH. You must have an IQ of like 250!
It's true that we have warmed .8c since 1880, but the question is it a cycle? We all know that we had the roman warm period, mid evil warm period, little ice age, ect. Is this abnormal to what is expected to the cycle?

Who knows.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
It's geological cycles. It's been happening for millions of years. But this current crop of arrogant neanderthals comes along and decides that this just started happening?

No. Climate scientists are well aware of the history of the climate. You really do think you've out smarted folks who have studied the issue full time for decades, don't you? Who's the arrogant one?
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Global Warming has many impacts:

* more violent storms

* more snow in areas that rarely see snow

* less snow in areas that receive tons

* more floods due to unusually heavy rains

* hotter and drier summers is some area that are hot

* more clouds in summer that impact the net growth of hot weather full sun food plants
Global Warming has many impacts:

* more violent storms

* more snow in areas that rarely see snow

* less snow in areas that receive tons

* more floods due to unusually heavy rains

* hotter and drier summers is some area that are hot

* more clouds in summer that impact the net growth of hot weather full sun food plants

Not..NOT Climate Change.:eek:

911 What is your emergency.....................................

I have to report the sky is falling.
Global Warming

The Earth is warming and human activity is the primary cause. Climate disruptions put our food and water supply at risk, endanger our health, jeopardize our national security, and threaten other basic human needs. Some impacts—such as record high temperatures, melting glaciers, and severe flooding and droughts—are already becoming increasingly common across the country and around the world. So far, our national leaders are failing to act quickly to reduce heat-trapping emissions.

However, there is much we can do to protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations from the consequences of the heat-trapping emissions caused when we burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, drive our cars, and fuel our businesses.

Our country is at a crossroads: the United States can act responsibly and seize the opportunity to lead by developing new, innovative solutions, as well as immediately putting to use the many practical solutions we have at our disposal today; or we can choose to do nothing and deal with severe consequences later. At UCS we believe the choice is clear. It is time to push forward toward a brighter, cleaner future.

What is Global Warming?
Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists
What does "abnormal" mean? In the last sixty years or a thousand or ten thousand years or a million? Thank God we live in a geological time when we aren't heading into another ice age.

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