Turns Out That Sandra Bland Was Absolutely Right, And, The Damn Cop Was Lying, As Usual

The mentally unstable woman committed suicide 3 days after being put in jail for her criminal behavior during the traffic stop, and now the radical black activists want to blame the arresting officer. ...

yeah, because he arrested her without just cause. He arrested her for resisting arrest and assaulting an officer. It was very clear from the first two videos she didn't do that.. and this one just confirms the other two.
So far 40 Police Officers died in the line of duty this year.

And 299 citizens have been killed by police this year. So Far.

Sounds like the cops are "Winning".

Now, yes, police dying in the line of duty is bad, but it's not like they'll come out for sensible gun control.
Sandra Bland has been vindicated w/the latest release of her full video.

The cop lied about everything, he had no cause for fear, he was not afraid, he escalated the confrontation and arrested her for no reason.

Why Are So Many ‘Bad Apple’ Police Officers Bad in the Same Way?

Then she winds up dead, w/no explanation, in the jail he threw her in.

There's so many wrongs here, I don't know where to begin.

So what should happen to this lying cop now that more truth has come to light?

The video doesn't really vindicate her in the mind of the average Trumper.....

These are the same people who tried to justify the shooting of Walter Scott -- even tho we had video of the officer shooting him in the back and then trying to plant a weapon next to him.
There are anywhere from 750,000 to 850,000 sworn Police Officers in the United States who risk their lives every day so that left wing idiots can exercise their 1st Amendment rights. When a Police Officer violates the law he/she is subject to the same penalties as any other citizen. The system works so why is the angry bigoted left trying to create a stereotype that doesn't exist?
There’s a time to behave so you don’t get arrested versus going full dipshit with the presumption that the officer will back down.
Sandra Bland has been vindicated w/the latest release of her full video.

The cop lied about everything, he had no cause for fear, he was not afraid, he escalated the confrontation and arrested her for no reason.

Why Are So Many ‘Bad Apple’ Police Officers Bad in the Same Way?

Then she winds up dead, w/no explanation, in the jail he threw her in.

There's so many wrongs here, I don't know where to begin.

So what should happen to this lying cop now that more truth has come to light?

I just watched the video and she refused his orders MULTIPLE times. Youre full of shit and people like you are why shes dead. You convince your ignorant brethren that you can do whatever you want, but you cant. Obey the officer and youll be fine. Refuse his orders and you get what you deserve.

I was pulled over recently for not signaling for a lane change, in light traffic, by a cop with not enough to do.

Amazingly I wasn't tazed. I wasn't even ticketed. But then I was DWW.
You also didnt refuse to obey his orders. If you had, you would have gone to jail, deservedly so.

Actually it wouldn't matter. He's got the gun, the backup team, the handcuffs, and the word nobody will ever question because we live in a culture that worships authoritarianism. He's completely in control of everything.

What the fuck would I "deserve" about "going to jail" for not signaling for lane changes when there was no vehicle nearby to signal TO, o authoritarian sycophant licker of the nearest available boots?

People like you who respond to any authoritarian excess with "thank you sir may I have another and by the way how high should I jump" make me puke. :puke: GROW A PAIR already.
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There are anywhere from 750,000 to 850,000 sworn Police Officers in the United States who risk their lives every day so that left wing idiots can exercise their 1st Amendment rights. When a Police Officer violates the law he/she is subject to the same penalties as any other citizen. The system works so why is the angry bigoted left trying to create a stereotype that doesn't exist?

But the problem is, it really doesn't.

In this case, the guy clearly violated this girl's civil rights, lied about it, she died and the worst punishment he got was he can't work as a cop now.

Tamir Rice - Shot playing with a toy, the worst he got was getting fired and rehired by another police department.

LaQuan McDonald- Shot 16 times lying on the ground, the cop got a whopping 3 years.

Michael Brown - Shot 8 times while he had his hands up.

Philando Castile- Police shot him four times during a traffic stop. Acquitted.

You get the idea. We've given these guys a license to kill, pretty much.
The mentally unstable woman committed suicide 3 days after being put in jail for her criminal behavior during the traffic stop, and now the radical black activists want to blame the arresting officer. ...

yeah, because he arrested her without just cause. He arrested her for resisting arrest and assaulting an officer. It was very clear from the first two videos she didn't do that.. and this one just confirms the other two.

I don't hold the policeman responsible for her death; however, those in charge of the detention facility failed to follow basic procedures which would have prevented her death. Here is an article I submitted to USMB a long time ago:

“Another View Of The Sandra Bland Case.

“I believe that most people are approaching this case from the wrong direction. I would forget about trying to find the police guilty of murder. The murder of an inmate by police is such a rare occurrence that it should never warrant a presumption absent clear and convincing evidence. Besides, I am confident that the video tapes will ultimately show that no one entered Sandra's cell making such a murder impossible. The real issue is why she was not recognized as a suicide risk and put on a protective watch.

“One of the things they taught me in law school was to try to make the best use of evidence that cannot be contradicted; to take what you've got and make the most of it. When Sandra was being booked, she notified the police she had previously suffered from PTSD and had been suicidal. This alone should have put everyone on notice that she needed to be observed for her own protection. The fact she also indicated she was not suicidal at that particular moment is meaningless. No one is suicidal every minute of every day and jail is a harsh, depressing, mood-altering environment. There is a proven correlation between being confined in jail and suicide. Those in charge of jails should know this.

“My personal opinion: Sandra was in jail, isolated and helpless. Her frantic calls to family and friends were futile They were either unable or unwilling to bail her out and she had no idea when she would be freed. She owed thousands of dollars in unpaid fines for multiple motor vehicle violations and may have thought she would be incarcerated a long time because of this. This is a tremendous psychological burden for anyone, and much worse for those who have PTSD with suicidal ideations. She was in jail for only three days, but that is a long time to think and despair; long enough for someone like Sandra to give up hope. The fact she felt she was arrested without cause may have contributed to her feeling of hopelessness. Her death could have been prevented by putting her on suicide watch.

“I smell a lawsuit. A big one.

“For those of you who would like to know more about the psychological effects of incarceration here is a link: http://www.johnhoward.ab.ca/pub/pdf/C41.pdf

Later, when Bland's family filed a lawsuit I wrote:

“As predicted, the Family of Sandra Bland filed a Wrongful Death lawsuit. In my humble opinion, there is no defense against the utterly pathetic indifference shown towards this woman. Those in control of her completely abandoned their duty to provide a safe environment. Her death was the natural and predictable consequence of the failure to protect her from herself, knowing that she suffered from PTSD with suicidal ideations. This one should be settled out of court.”

Sandra Bland: Family Files Wrongful-Death Suit Naming Trooper and Other Officials

Sandra Bland's family did settle out of court for $1.9 million and that is the end of the story.

Sandra Bland's family did settle out of court for $1.9 million and that is the end of the story.
I don't hold the policeman responsible for her death; however, those in charge of the detention facility failed to follow basic procedures which would have prevented her death. Here is an article I submitted to USMB a long time ago:

“Another View Of The Sandra Bland Case.

Yeah, don't care.

If the policeman hadn't arrested her on false pretenses to start with, she never would have been in a position where the jail would have had to deal with her mental breakdown.
There are anywhere from 750,000 to 850,000 sworn Police Officers in the United States who risk their lives every day so that left wing idiots can exercise their 1st Amendment rights. When a Police Officer violates the law he/she is subject to the same penalties as any other citizen. The system works so why is the angry bigoted left trying to create a stereotype that doesn't exist?

But the problem is, it really doesn't.

In this case, the guy clearly violated this girl's civil rights, lied about it, she died and the worst punishment he got was he can't work as a cop now.

Tamir Rice - Shot playing with a toy, the worst he got was getting fired and rehired by another police department.

LaQuan McDonald- Shot 16 times lying on the ground, the cop got a whopping 3 years.

Michael Brown - Shot 8 times while he had his hands up.

Philando Castile- Police shot him four times during a traffic stop. Acquitted.

You get the idea. We've given these guys a license to kill, pretty much.
Tamir Rice was pointing a gun at multiple people. He deserved to die for being stupid.

LaQuan McDonald was acting crazy while brandishing a knife. He deserved to die for being stupid and crazy.

Michael Brown attacked an officer and tried to take his gun, shortly after committing string arm robery. He deserved to die for being stupid and violent.

Philandro was one of maybe 2 people i can think of who were wrongly killed by the police. Thats hardly an epidemic. You would expect a lot more innocent people would be killed than that just based on the number of officers carrying guns every day, but for some reason it almost never happens.
Tamir Rice was pointing a gun at multiple people. He deserved to die for being stupid.

He was playing with a toy on a playground.

LaQuan McDonald was acting crazy while brandishing a knife. He deserved to die for being stupid and crazy.

No, he really didn't deserve to be shot for petty vandalism.

Michael Brown attacked an officer and tried to take his gun, shortly after committing string arm robery. He deserved to die for being stupid and violent.

at the point he was fatally shot, he was 100 feet away, with his hands up.

Philandro was one of maybe 2 people i can think of who were wrongly killed by the police. Thats hardly an epidemic. You would expect a lot more innocent people would be killed than that just based on the number of officers carrying guns every day, but for some reason it almost never happens.

1116 people were killed by Police in 2018... Seems like way too many. .

Police Shootings Database - Killed By Police (Updated: 2019-04-24)
Thats a ridiculous statement. There are MANY more bad people out there who still need to die. The cops arent doing their job unless you add (at least) a zero to that number.

That happens to be your opinion.

Hey, funny thing, cops in the United Kingdom only shoot two or three people a year. they have lower crime rates, less people in prison.

Not sure why our cops need to be so trigger happy.

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