Twa 800 documentary on epix


VIP Member
Mar 24, 2010
TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, say former investigators

The producers of an upcoming documentary on TWA Flight 800—which exploded and crashed into the waters off Long Island, N.Y., on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 people on board—claim to have proof that an explosion outside the Paris-bound flight caused the crash. And six former investigators who took part in the film say there was a cover-up, and want the case reopened.

"There was a lack of coordination and willful denial of information," Hank Hughes, a senior accident investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said Wednesday during a conference call with reporters. "There were 755 witnesses. At no time was information provided by the witnesses shared by the FBI."

Jim Speer, an accident investigator for the Airline Pilots Association who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing, and requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

They would not speculate on the reasons for the alleged cover-up.

After a four-year investigation, the NTSB concluded the plane was destroyed by a center fuel tank explosion likely caused by a spark from faulty wiring.

But according to Tom Stalcup, a co-producer of the documentary, the investigators have new "radar and forensic evidence proving that one or more ordnance explosions outside the aircraft caused the crash." The film, will premiere on EPIX on July 17, the 17th anniversary of the crash.

"These investigators were not allowed to speak to the public or refute any comments made by their superiors and/or NTSB and FBI officials about their work at the time of the official investigation," a news release announcing the documentary said. "They waited until after retirement to reveal how the official conclusion by the (NTSB) was falsified and lay out their case."

The investigators filed a petition to the NTSB calling for a new probe. The NTSB had said it would review any petition related to the 1996 crash, which touched off one of the most complex air disaster investigations in U.S. history.

The CIA and FBI conducted a parallel investigation to determine if a bomb or missile had brought down the plane.

Dozens of eyewitnesses in the Long Island area "recalled seeing something resembling a flare or firework ascend and culminate in an explosion," the CIA said in a 2008 report. "Had the crash been the result of state-sponsored terrorism, it would have been considered an act of war." Also from the report:

The CIA responded to the FBI’s request within 24 hours of the crash. This support consisted primarily of help from the Counterterrorist Center in the Directorate of Operations and from a small group of analysts in the Office of Weapons, Technology and Proliferation in the Directorate of Intelligence.

But after an eight-month investigation, the CIA "concluded with confidence and full substantiation that the eyewitnesses had not seen a missile."

The CIA's deputy director of intelligence wrote in a 1997 memo,"Our analysis demonstrates that the eyewitness sightings of greatest concern to us—the ones originally interpreted to be of a possible missile attack—took place after the first of several explosions aboard the aircraft."

"We went back and interviewed these people and found them to be quite credible," Hughes said Wednesday.

He added: "We have no hidden agenda here; we just want the truth."
When the FBI failed to get Patriot Act to control the air travel after OKC bombing, they created TWA 800 crash to practice a violent way to restrict its target from leaving US. I think. Otherwise, why did they cover up the truth of that crash?

696. Two bombings to achieve the Patriot Act Bill (12/5/2011)

In 1990s twice I left US because I couldn’t endure the persecution from the Feds. At that time, the US was still a free country. I bought an air ticket. No one asked a word. There was no security search. It was like a domestic bus trip. That now becomes Alice in Wonderland. It was not the Feds wanted. They needed a power to search and detain without any reason. To achieve that goal, they activated two “terror attacks”.

The first attempt was OKC bombing. I allege so based on timing. I left US in July 1994 and returned in May 1995. The Feds must have felt the needs of a law to confine their dislikes to travel freely. To get me back to the US, they had dealt with the Chinese secret police. In April, my application to extend my stay in Shanghai was rejected. In same month, OKC bombing took place.

The evidence now proved the FBI conducted this bombing.


Amazing New Evidence Emerges in Oklahoma Bombing

By Pat Shannan
There are now serious allegations that the FBI, using an informer as a conduit, supplied McVeigh and Nichols with the blasting components the two used to construct explosive devices, one of which may have been employed in the tragic Oklahoma City bombing.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oklahoma City Bombing: FBI Informants Reported on ABC News, McVeigh Defense Team

FBI informants reporting on the Oklahoma City bombing provided the bureau with leads taken from ABC News and Timothy McVeigh's defense team, according to documents filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Oklahoma City Bombing: FBI Informants Reported on ABC News, McVeigh Defense Team via @intelwire

In early 2000s, I have learned from a news that said former FBI Chief Louis Freeh had proposed a bill similar to the Patriot Act after OKC bombing but failed to get it go through. I tried to have a google search for that article but failed. The Feds must have sheltered most information that related to their crime. They control information with their cyber team and NSA. Anyhow, I found another information little noticed by the public.

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996

The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-132, 110 Stat. 1214, (also known as AEDPA) is an act of Congress signed into law on April 24, 1996. ……following the Oklahoma City bombing, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[1]

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although the Feds failed to get The Patriot Act in 1996, that AEDPA revealed their intention. Be noticed that the title shows they used terrorism to expand their power five years earlier of 911.

Next time I left US in March 1999 and returned to the States in July 2000. One year later they bombed WTC. This time they got what they wanted – the Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act gives the Feds expanded (unreasonable) power of search and arrest. It seems they do not satisfy with this. Now they want to have the power to detain the citizens without trial for life.

Petition to IMPEACH ALL Senators who Voted for "U.S. is a Battlefield" and to detain U.S. Citizens without trial

The New National Defense Authorization Act Is Ridiculously Scary
David Seaman, Credit Card Outlaw | Nov. 30, 2011,

Fellow entrepreneurs, Americans, anyone who still cares about this country at all -- this is a must read: By the end of this week, the US government very likely will have the power to lock up US citizens for life at Guantanamo Bay or other military prisons -- without charge and without trial. This means that, in the near future, a controversial Twitter post, attending a peaceful protest, or publishing an anti-Congress critique or anti-TSA rant on Google+ could land you "indefinite detention" for life, in the wording of the bill. No access to a lawyer, no access to trial.

With this Act, what’s the good for the Constitution?
I'm looking forward to checking this one out. The Government's story never added up.
seven,Im impressed and shocked as well.This is the FIRST time I have ever seen you talk about an event other than 9/11 or the jfk assassination.:clap2:
someone farted in here.:9: I cant believe it.I thought Gomer here was the first troll to come on here and fart first.It was actually Rat In the ass who first did it.hee hee.
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Its all bullshit.
Wayne Madsen:

"I have always maintained this as the answer as to how TWA 800 was downed. Now, it appears my gut was correct. Not mentioned is story is the Aegis missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG-60) that was only 66 miles away. Normandy was undoubtedly tracking everything on its SPY-1 3D air search radar and may have had some culpability in the targeting of TWA 800.

"First, we don't know what kind of guidance system the missile had. My guess is it was semi-active radar guidance where the missile homes on the reflected radar energy of the illuminated target. That energy would have been provided by Normandy's SPG-62 illumination radar. Unfortunately, TWA 800 got between the target and the missile. The missile got more reflected radar energy back from the 747 than from the intended target drone. The missile went for the 747. The most intense radar return for the missile seeker would have been the belly of the 747 aircraft just forward of the main landing gear.

"Second, the missile acted like a Mach 2 cookie cutter and punched through the bottom fuselage, center fuel cell, passenger compartment, and exited the port side of the upper fuselage (accompanied by airframe breakup of the missile). I believe the missile was a telemetry bird and not a warshot because there was no indication of a warhead detonation on or near the fuselage -- just entry and exit holes. Several things would have occurred almost simultaneously: 1) there would have been a structural failure of the fuselage at the point of impact (POI) caused by the jet's slipstream air loading, and 2) the hole punched by the missile would have dumped raw fuel to mix with the slipstream air opposite where four huge turbofan engines were operating at full power (and provide an ignition source). The explosion occurred within seconds.

"I don't think the P-3C was towing a drone. I think the P-3C was flying the drone by remote control. That is insignificant. What is significant -- the missile liked the huge radar return of the 747 and not that of the drone. Result: Splash one 747."

New Delhi: DCNS, the innovative European player in naval defence, is working on submarine-launched anti-aircraft missiles as well as counter-measures against torpedos, unmanned underwater vehicles and attack missiles.

DCNS Managing Director for India Bernard Buissson told India Strategic defence magazine (.. India Strategic .. Home Page The authoritative monthly on Defence and Strategic Affairs. that “counter-measures against torpedoes, unmanned underwater vehicles and attack missiles will be a significant part of future submarines effectiveness and lethality” and that his company invests about 10 percent of its turnover in R&D.

Submarines have the capability to fire cruise missiles but this is the first time perhaps that a company has disclosed development effort of an anti-aircraft missile. DCNS has tied with France-based European missile maker MBDA to develop an anti-aircraft missile for submarines.

Significantly, both the DCNS and MBDA are doing good business with India, with DCNS currently building the Indian Navy’s six Project-75 Scorpene submarinres and MBDA working on various missiles for the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. DCNS is also set to compete in the next line of six P-75I submarines with air independent prolusion (AIP) for which an RfP is around the corner.


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